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Parkies Apology To Fans

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Don't want an apology old son, just your resignation!


  • edited March 2010
    Agreed, apology not accepted. How dare he put out such a gutless, spineless team for a game like that. He has the same passion and motivational skills of a dead cat.
  • Look, I know this is going to be badly recieved but I was expecting at the beginning of the season mid table to a relegation fight, so to be in the mix Im pleased with .... I was expecting everyone to be sold to be year is when we become proper div 1, the real question is can we afford to keep the valley running when there is 10k a week there...
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]Look, I know this is going to be badly recieved but I was expecting at the beginning of the season mid table to a relegation fight, so to be in the mix Im pleased with .... I was expecting everyone to be sold to be year is when we become proper div 1, the real question is can we afford to keep the valley running when there is 10k a week there...

    Yes, by closing parts of the ground. West upper and the corners should be first.
  • 10k???

    You'll be lucky!
  • How many Parky's are there?

  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]How many Parky's are there?


    1 and that's too many.
  • The apology, Parky's states -We needed stronger characters to stand up and be counted at Millwall but we didn't get it.” All season he has been telling us we have strong characters in the team.

    "I 'imagine' they [the fans] will be hurting as they are driving home, but I can 'assure' them that no-one is hurting more than I am. 'IMAGINE' -- is he having a laugh. You can 'assure' me all you like mate but I can gautantee you your NOT.

    This result if not against Millwall, it was coming against someone, anyone with a bit of football nous new sooner or later our performances for some time having been showing the teams weakness's. They just all come together on the same day.

    "The loss of Johnnie Jackson was a blow for us as he was the type of player in a high pressure game like today that would always have the ball. Excuses Excuses Excuses.

    "To be fair to young Chris Solly he battled manfully in that position. But I've said all along it's a big ask of someone so young to be playing out of position. Then why the hell did you put him through it. Semedo could have played full back, Sodje could have played RB and Richardson swithed to the left, and I dare say other options.

    Apologise ok but think before you say it. More importantly sort out the bloody problems on the field they have been there for months. Even in games we have won they have been glaringly obvious in the performances.
  • "Driving home"?

    Try "locked in a cage for an hour" Phil, then you might come close.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]"Driving home"?

    Try "locked in a cage for an hour" Phil, then you might come close.[/quote]

    Yeah, I had to laugh/wince at that comment.

    How many drove exactly? Just goes to show how out of touch they all are.
  • What most of you don't understand is that yesterdays result is all part of a cunning plan. PP knows we are not going to make auto promotion but will proberbly in the play offs. It's almost certain we will come up against The spanners either in the semis or final. we want them to be overconfident and then we can stun them with our flowing football. It will be just like watching Brazil

    I'm Right arn't I?
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  • edited March 2010
    Would Pardew have apologised?

    I think not. It would have been the fault of the fans or Red, Red, Robin anything but him or the spineless players.

    Parky deserves some credit for being man enough to accept responsibility.
  • Sounds just like Pardew in my opinion. It's alright chaps, it's because Jackson got crocked
  • Did Kinsella acknowledge the fans?
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: nichorob[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite]Look, I know this is going to be badly recieved but I was expecting at the beginning of the season mid table to a relegation fight, so to be in the mix Im pleased with .... I was expecting everyone to be sold to be year is when we become proper div 1, the real question is can we afford to keep the valley running when there is 10k a week there...

    Yes, by closing parts of the ground. West upper and the corners should be first.

    Closing parts of the ground would not improve the financial position, because the marginal costs of opening sections like the upper west are not as great as you might imagine and the small potential savings would likely be more than offset by the loss of season-ticket holders.

    It wouldn't, for example, affect the police bill, the cost of ticket sales, the street cleaning, the traffic management, etc. It's unlikely to affect the rates.
  • Airman - do you know if the club are likely to make any official representations at the shocking was the away end was "organised" yesterday?

    People were being directed to the end block - which is where you were sitting - and it was already full, resulting in people having to stand in the aisles and general confusion. Cue some little steward prick coming up and threatening to arrest people if they didn't do what he said - and the silly **** wasn't exactly making himself clear what it was people were supposed to be doing. The OB that were there just shook their heads and did nothing.

    I know they aren't used to crowds down there, but that was a joke.
  • They hadn't a scooby, we had more police in my one aisle than I could see around the whole home areas, despite them just to the right of us taking up 2 whole staircases... 2 sets of rules...

    A joke of an organisation, I had one steward top of the stand standing taking up about 3 seats/spaces... while we all stood below him layering the stairs. Lucky for him we didn't score as he woulda been pulled down the stairs with us..
  • edited March 2010
    [quote][cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Would Pardew have apologised?

    I think not. It would have been the fault of the fans or Red, Red, Robin anything but him or the spineless players.

    Parky deserves some credit for being man enough to accept responsibility.[/quote]

    Agree to an extent. But whilst it's all very well apologising, you've gotta do something about it, & i can't see that he has. The "apology" was lacking the vital ingredient. Where was the "the players were an embarrassment & a shower of sh*t & don't deserve to wear the shirt. I kept them in the changing room for 4hours after the game and gave them the biggest b***ocking of their lives. I've got them in for training tomorrow & i'm gonna have them running round Charlton all day."

    Problem is he can't give them that sort of roasting because he's failed to get the players up for it in the first place.

    Fraid his comments:
    "I asked every player to look at themselves; not to look at other players and say 'he's cost us this and that'. We needed stronger characters to stand up and be counted at Millwall but we didn't get it.”
    don't really cut it for me this time.
  • At least he apologised. It was never going to be enough for everyone, even if he'd offered to sarifice himself to the Charlton gods it still would not take away the fact that I have to work with tons of millwall vermin.

    The players should not of needed any motivation from the manager, they should have lit their own fires under their arses. End of, blame the gutless bunch that put in that 'performance' yesterday against out most local and hated of local rivals.

    Once the players cross the white line it's down to them
  • But the manager's there for a reason and paid to do a job, and part of that is getting players "up for it" and giving them a roasting when necessary. & if this wasn't the time to give them one, then there never is. Plus players like Semedo/Racon/Llera aren't gonna really know how much the game means, & the managers job is to let them know.

    Agree though, the players have no excuses and have to take responsibility.
  • To be honest I reckon new ones will be duely torn, but he can hardly say that to the official site, it's never going to print anything overly critical of anyone at the club. That's not a criticism of the O/S by the way, its just the nature of the beast. On the other hand can you imagine the reactions of Mann, Skillend and the other pr'cks who fill that board with their bile? I bet they are actually pleased we lost as it gives them more to feed on.
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