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Parky's a disgrace

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
At the final whistle, shook Kenny Jacket@s hand , turned tail & shot off down the tunnel........didn't acknowledge the fans at all


When we win away he comes over to the fans and aplauds - mark of a good manager is that you do the same if you get tonked as well.



  • Had a cab waiting.
  • Yeh what a prick, at least a sign would of been nice. Maybe he heard the we want parky out and felt hurt;)

    Kinsella clap?
  • a few bottles were thrown on the pitch at the end, if he had come over it would have been even more and chairs
  • Out of interest, did any of our "team" acknowledge the fans at the end?

    I left early for the first time EVER today (been supporting since last season at Selhurst).

    For a time the antics being kept in afterwards were far more entertaining.
  • Just read the CAFC website. I am incredulous at Parkys comments where the only player he mentions is Solly. He may not have singled him out in terms of his comments but by only mentioning him it is like he has done. Solly IMO was one of our best performers today. Did not let us down at all and well worth his place in the next game. Llera was a ficking joke, Dailly not a lot better and Mooney & Sodje were worse then useless, but no comment on them at all! Go away and grow some balls Parky instead of picking on one of our kids.
  • a couple but only got to halfway line before being met by horses and a desire to get off. Have to agree with Golfie. Parky likes to milk it when we win, as at Swindon, but lose and lose badly and he's nowhere to be seen. Should be prepared to take the rough with the smooth. But then again he's a useless .........
  • Utterly pathetic.

    Can't bring myself to read the spin on the official site, but if he's picking on Solly then that is outrageous. Granted it's not saying much, but he was one of our best players (at least until the third goal went in, when I left).
  • and to say 'I imagine they [the fans] will be hurting as they are driving home, but I can assure them that no-one is hurting more than I am. We can only apologise as we know there is a lot of local pride at stake.”

    bollocks mate. You're not even a Charlton fan, you're not having to go to work Monday and have the pissed ripped out of you. Think before you speak you useless twat. And yes we did miss Jackson and yes Solly was at fault for a goal BUT he is a kid, was playing out of position but was still one of our best players. You need to look first at senior players playing in their right positions before digging out Solly. Oh, by the way, please tell me what Racon does.
  • He mooches off slowly when we are 1-0 down in our first away game with Millwall in 15 years, without even acknowledging the fans.
  • To be fair, I thought Racon was our best player in the first half and I think he was just pissed off at being subbed.
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  • When we no doubt go crashing out of the playoffs, I want the man and co (sorry Kins) out of my football club, need a fresh start next season, although we will sell anything that has a price.

    No passion, tactically woeful, on yesterdays performance alone he needs to go. I been quiet about Parky but I don't care now.
  • How silly does that 3 year extension to his contract look now, especially as there was no need for it!
  • [cite]Posted By: D_F_T[/cite]How silly does that 3 year extension to his contract look now, especially as there was no need for it!
    Lucky it was only a years extension then isn't it.
  • I will judge him around this time next year.I do not believe he will be sacked until it is close to his contract end , we must have paid off a fortune to get rid of Pardew.

    This is the hardest League One ever .Leeds having their third season at this level distorts things as there are four massive clubs at this level ( including us ).We are lucky Souhampton had the ten point deduction.Norwich now look unstoppable.

    I have mixed feelings re Parky . It was Pardew that got us relegated last year and Parky improved things but it was far too late. In the summer he rebulit a team which has got us into the play off slots with no money at all.It reminded me of what Mike Bailey did in the early 80's.

    When things looked shaky last month he brought in Jackson and Reid who in my opinion helped us to the recent run of winning 3 out of 4 .I believe had Jackson or a fully fit Youga played yesterday we would not have collapsed so badly and may have got something out of the game.

    On the minus side sometimes tactically he confuses me .Reid does not look as effective without another left footer supporting him and bizarely played most of yesterday on the right.What is it with Leon Mackenzie ? he still injured not match fit ? He didn't even make the bench yesterday .
    In this Division a fully fit Leon could make the differnce.

    I'm hurting today , for thirteen years Millwall was off my radar . I even found myself supporting them in the Cup Final and attending one or two games with mates a few years ago , I now remember why I hated them so much in my teenage years.
  • Good post, Richard J. You weigh up the pros & cons of Parky's tenure sensibly & without undue emotion.

    We're all hurting today but need to remember it's not a black & white issue IYKWIM. Someone posted earlier about us having some Championship level players who now have to ply their trade in League One & how difficult the transition can be...less time on the ball, for sure ...yet they're under contract so Parky tries to get the best out of them (eg Racon) So much must happen behind the scenes /on the training ground that we are not party to yet we feel we know best...and maybe yesterday was a case in point that we did regarding the eleven that started the game ! It's all about opinions of course and like a lot of managers under pressure these days he's in a no win situation . I'd bet most on here would love his wages but not the multitude of problems that go with it..
  • [cite]Posted By: HandG[/cite]To be fair, I thought Racon was our best player in the first half and I think he was just pissed off at being subbed.

    I agree, although he shouldn't have waltzed off like you do when you're defending a one goal lead.
  • I wonder when the next Q and A session is with Parky, he excelled at the last one but get the impression there will be a lot more awkward questions for him to face this time.
  • doubt it
  • "you're not having to go to work Monday and have the pissed ripped out of you."

    Actually theres a whole bunch of threads on here doing just that, and more besides. Not saying he didnt have it coming, but just thought 'd point that out....
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