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Today will forever be known as

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Black Saturday.


  • nearly as black as your roll neck,but not as colourful as your tweed coat and trousers,tally ho cheltenham for u soundas ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]nearly as black as your roll neck,but not as colourful as your tweed coat and trousers,tally ho cheltenham for u soundas ;-)

    Well I like to make the the way it was a turtle neck, not a roll neck.
  • LOL soundas the only highlight of the day
  • i didnt see you stu. i saw everyone else... even made new friends today!

    lets make jokes about today and not talk about the game!
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]i didnt see you stu. i saw everyone else... even made new friends today!

    lets make jokes about today and not talk about the game!

    Curb_It....if only I could find something to make a joke about believe you me I would....I'm in mental anguish here............maybe some will see that as funny!
    If so........ be my guest and laugh!
  • no no fun in today. horrible.

    Being kept in for an hour when we left after 3rd goal was crap. i remember leavin whl at 4 nil down a few years back when the police were caught unaware. but when we all left we were allowed to leave at our own free will!!!

    im never going there again.
  • I agree. Any club which needs to keep away support locked in for an hour should be closed down.
  • Exactly the same happened to me Bren....left my seat as the third went in....only to be locked in/held/detained at Her Majesties Pleasure (or whatever you want to call it), against my will for an entire hour.
    edited March 2010
    We are just as gutless as the players in all honesty, because we keep taking It on the chin and keep coming back for more.
  • [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]We are just as gutless as the players in all honesty, because we keep taking It on the chin and keep coming back for more.

    Something tells me you're right, however after seeing that today I'm glad I'm normal and not a knuckle dragging muppet, the fact that me and AFKA turned up at our local fully to take the stick on the chin and still got unnecessary grief makes me proud to be Charlton and not associated with those idiots.

    Today hurt me. Don't get me wrong.

    But I'm better than them. End of.
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  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Exactly the same happened to me Bren....left my seat as the third went in....only to be locked in/held/detained at Her Majesties Pleasure (or whatever you want to call it), against my will for an entire hour.

    too right and to 1905. what on earth was all that about. there were about 500 of us ready to go on the 3rd goal. logic would say let them go by the final whistle we would have been at london bridge. stupid policing a few friends went left as we came out and were already in greenwich by the final whistle.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]nearly as black as your roll neck,but not as colourful as your tweed coat and trousers,tally ho cheltenham for u soundas ;-)

    Well I like to make the the way it was a turtle neck, not a roll neck.

    You looked like you were on a Milan catwalk.

    I've never seen such shiny shoes at a football match.
  • RedArmySE7 - "I'm better than them"

    What criteria have you based this on? Do you have a scoring matrix I can fill out and we can compare scores at how much better than me you apparently are?

    We could have categories like fashion sense, personality, size of cock, job, salary, taste in music, compare the standards of women we have been with, how much we can drink before throwing up, dancing skills etc etc.
    edited March 2010
    I think it's based purely on the football club we support.

    You get 1 point for supporting Charlton and none for supporting Millwall.

    Even you can understand that method?
  • He can't count.....
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