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Don't Know If This Means I Was Right But...

The moment we crumbled today was as soon as Racon came off the pitch, I didn't think he had a great game today but let's be honest who did? But he was making a lot of passes and as I said Bailey got nullified and he was left spare quite often and it was a stupid decision from Parky to take him off. Also don't mean to sound smug but I also said that Sam Sodje should of played instead of Llera as I could see him having a really bad game and that is what happened, I also said that Akpo Sodje should be dropped for Burton because people need to realise, especially Parky that this team is "Deon Burton Dependant". When you come into a game like this against a tough team like Millwall you just have to play your best team regardless of form and that is what should of happened. I know I can't really see this post lifting the spirits right now and I am really down but, chin up there is still a lot of football to be played!


  • I think Racon was alright personally, and I didn't think he should have started unless Semedo played LB.

    Two big mistakes today before the 0 was on the clock.

    Solly at leftback and Burton on the bench.

    5'7" wafer thin teenage right back playing on his wrong foot and our only forward capable of holding the ball up on the bench (even if he isn't 100%, an hour's shift would have done and he could have done it or he shouldn't have been on the bench. No no no.
  • Yes you were right, I'll give you that.

    But I still stand by my view that I had at the time. If we had made these changes that you wanted and still lost 4-0 then we'd all be asking why Parkinson insisted on making unneccessary changes after 3 wins in 4.
  • I actually thought Solly played well today before everything fell to shit, got some good challenges in and stood up their players well. As for Deon on the bench well as I said we are dependant on him and I agree even an hour's shift would of been better than 3 hours of Akpo Sodje.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Callumcafc[/cite]Yes you were right, I'll give you that.

    But I still stand by my view that I had at the time. If we had made these changes that you wanted and still lost 4-0 then we'd all be asking why Parkinson insisted on making unneccessary changes after 3 wins in 4.[/quote]

    Catch 22 really, whatever team he put out if the scoreline repeated we would be saying why did so and so play, even those we wanted to see like Burton.
  • edited March 2010
    Exactly. I personally think Burton wasn't ready for a start after his injury which forced him off a couple of weeks back, and that's why he didn't start the game. Reckon we'll see him starting next weekend in a 451, that's what I'd hope anyway.

    All I can take from this weekend is that we're still the same amount of points behind second and the same amount of points away from seventh.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: forzajuve_27[/cite]I actually thought Solly played well today before everything fell to shit, got some good challenges in and stood up their players well.

    he tried his best but that flank was such a target because of him it was untrue
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]I think Racon was alright personally, and I didn't think he should have started unless Semedo played LB.

    Two big mistakes today before the 0 was on the clock.

    Solly at leftback and Burton on the bench.

    5'7" wafer thin teenage right back playing on his wrong foot and our only forward capable of holding the ball up on the bench (even if he isn't 100%, an hour's shift would have done and he could have done it or he shouldn't have been on the bench. No no no.

    your a prick picking holes in a 19 year old when there was so much shit on that pitch who earn double his wages.I would rather watch a team full of him and kish's than that today
  • Not sure how you can even think of getting on Solly's back.
  • edited March 2010
    come on be sensible now and don't get abusive we're all upset.

    I'm not picking holes in him personally, he worked his socks off, but in my opinion he shouldn't have played today and that's Parky's fault nothing to do with Solly's effort or ability - what's wrong with saying that?
  • 5'7 wafer thin is not saying he shouldn't have played when he worked his nuts off.At least those of us who have watched him for the youth team over the last couple of years know our hunches were correct he will become a very very good player for charlton.
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Callumcafc[/cite] Reckon we'll see him starting next weekend in a 451, that's what I'd hope anyway..[/quote]

    Same here mate, I've said before and I'm sure you and other people realise that although its an unattractive formation and I'll admit as soon as it went wrong I wanted it scrapped for 4-4-2, but we played our best football using it and it means that any of our midfielders weaknesses aren't exposed.
  • edited March 2010
    I don't doubt at all that he will become a good player for us. But he is 5'7 and wafer thin. That is him. That is a fact. He is also predominantly right-footed and his first position is right back. That is a fact. For me that's why I wouldn't have played him today, Millwall got right into him on the back of those facts and because he is just making his way into senior football. I personally would have dropped Semedo back there just for today. I don't particularly appreciate being called a prick for typing an opinion when I am every single bit as upset, embarrassed, humiliated and distraught as you are and for exactly the same reasons.
  • [cite]Posted By: forzajuve_27[/cite]The moment we crumbled today was as soon as Racon came off the pitch, I didn't think he had a great game today but let's be honest who did? But he was making a lot of passes and as I said Bailey got nullified and he was left spare quite often and it was a stupid decision from Parky to take him off. Also don't mean to sound smug but I also said that Sam Sodje should of played instead of Llera as I could see him having a really bad game and that is what happened, I also said that Akpo Sodje should be dropped for Burton because people need to realise, especially Parky that this team is "Deon Burton Dependant". When you come into a game like this against a tough team like Millwall you just have to play your best team regardless of form and that is what should of happened. I know I can't really see this post lifting the spirits right now and I am really down but, chin up there is still a lot of football to be played!

    Everything here is absolutely spot on.
  • Racon is cackon. Solly had heart and was certainly by a long shot not the worst player in our back 4.
  • Still don't see Racon ever doing much in a 442. Yes he's skillful and his passing is tidy but the rest or his game is lacking. Think we need 451 to get the best out of our midfield but i'd have Semedo, Bailey and Shelvey in the middle over Racon. He just doesn't seem to have a clear role in the team. He doesn't score often, he doesn't directly create much, he's not great defensivly and he hardly impresses when it comes to work rate.
  • Thought Racon was alright, nearly got on the end of a few passes in the box and tried to get it down on the floor.

    Parky really should've started Reid on the left with Bailey or Racon on the right. Otherwise just start Sam. I never understand the need for playing wingers on the wing of their weaker foot, this league you beat your man 9/10 you create a good chance to score, Reid having to cut inside on the right meant that didn't happen
  • Playing a young lad like solly in the wrong position is not good for his devolpment. I would have gone 4-5-1 away from home for a game like that. Llera needs to be dropped asap. Why we keep playing long balls at every chance is beyond me.
  • He'll always try and get the ball down and play good football, but apart from that and the odd bit of skill
    I don't see much there. Shame because I thought he'd be good this season, but his weaknesses last season were just covered by 451 and more energetic players around him.
  • Shelvey must wonder why he is here... he signs a new contract and never gets a game, when there is/was a lot of interest in him....
  • If Parky's not gonna play him he should have sold him in January and used the money to sign a decent forward.
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