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No warm down?

Bloody good job they didnt mightve been a pitch invasion!


  • Them horses dancing after the game moved more than Mooney and Akpo combined ffs
  • Pitch invasion was anyone left after the final whistle
  • Err yeah the mugs like me who didnt scarper home.

    At least 1500 stuck inside the shithole
  • I'm hoping no warm down due to major bollocking behind closed doors, not often I feel ashamed of my team but I am today
  • no major bollocking whatsover,there were back in charlton in their cars before most,nice and calm parky once again
  • Word has it the discussion was heated but not the rant and the few fu(k's that i would like to be thrown into them.
    But its not parkys way he just express extreme disappointment!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]I'm hoping no warm down due to major bollocking behind closed doors, not often I feel ashamed of my team but I am today

    Lol, Parky does not look the sort to be able to hand out a "major bollocking", he more likely asked the players to text him over the weekend with their thoughts on the game.

    Parky, Paul Hart, Tony Mowbray, etc etc maybe nice guys and possibly good coaches but managers....No
  • Surely you have to work up a swet to have a warm down, therefore a warm down was not required
  • they should av all came out parky included and get the stick off the fans they deserved f--king bottle jobs.
  • ala Phil Brown with Hull over xmas.............I think it would have done them good to hear what the fans really thought, although there would have still been the rose-tinted and hangers-on brigade who would have been lining up to recieve autographs, shirts etc !!
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]ala Phil Brown with Hull over xmas.............I think it would have done them good to hear what the fans really thought, although there would have still been the rose-tinted and hangers-on brigade who would have been lining up to recieve autographs, shirts etc !![/quote]

    I am probably amongst the rose tinted, my autograph book was firmly held in my back pocket (well if I had an autograph book). And there is the nub, there are always moaners at one end and rose tinted at the other, rarely are they close in their feelings but after saturday, there cannot be many of the rose tinted who are not questioning everything about the club and findingh few answers. When the moaners are moaning its natural, when the rose tinted are moaning its a disaster.
  • [cite]Posted By: boogica[/cite]they should av all came out parky included and get the stick off the fans they deserved f--king bottle jobs.

    exactly, I'd have made them all come out and warm down in front of our end....then they'd have realised what it meant to the fans.
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