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Who was the geezer who used to go with you when you sat behind me in the East Stand (Block b), he used to go out with one of the 2 birds that used to go to a lot of the matches how and away from about 92 onwards ? Does he still go aint seen him for about 10 years ? The bird was the one with curly hair.


  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Who was the geezer who used to go with you when you sat behind me in the East Stand (Block b), he used to go out with one of the 2 birds that used to go to a lot of the matches how and away from about 92 onwards ? Does he still go aint seen him for about 10 years ? The bird was the one with curly hair.

    Do you miss him ? ;-)
  • deeply mate deeply you cheeky basket
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]deeply mate deeply you cheeky basket

    Ha ha you charmer
  • PC Rob ?
  • who's pc rob didn't think he was a copper hanging round with them lot
  • PC? Could be Plaid Cymru.
  • edited March 2010
    young rob
  • PC Rob has just text me 3 times in the last 2 minutes.

    Put it this way he's looking forward to Saturday.

    Definately Charlton No-lifer's Top Boy.
  • That'll be him at the front
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  • not him he was a darked haired chap
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]That'll be him at the front[div id=Attachments_653375 aria-level=0 class=Attachments aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0 noWrap=false][ul aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0 compact=false][div aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0 noWrap=false]rave.jpg[/div][/ul][/div]

    ee'sssss are good eeeeeeee's are good e's ebenezer good
  • Dark haired chap is PC Rob, Steve.

    After a few pints the guy up front will be him.....

    You'll recognise Threadkiller too.

  • yeah you go hide in the away end while me and threadkiller are going thru the tunnel of death in the millwall end..... maybe not .... i wonder what happened to the blonde sort bald rob was seeing from charlton , lucy i think her name was ... any ideas falcon??
  • edited March 2010
    what happened to robjohn's slightly better looking brother johnrob?

    i'm in a different one to oohaah
  • did johnrob travel from reading
  • OohAaah on Saturday:
  • was robjohn with us in the swan, at the 1st game back?
  • Yep, so was Threadkiller's brother?!
  • Saw robjohn in Sainsburys Crayford about a month ago. See him a few times about Charton on a matchday, he normally goes with his old man now-a-days.
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  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]yeah you go hide in the away end while me and threadkiller are going thru the tunnel of death in the millwall end..... maybe not .... i wonder what happened to the blonde sort bald rob was seeing from charlton , lucy i think her name was ... any ideas falcon??

    yer that was her name i remember him being suicidal when they split up.
  • *cue 'Our Tune' music*
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]That'll be him at the front[div class=Attachments id=Attachments_653375 noWrap=false][ul compact=false][div noWrap=false]rave.jpg[/div][/ul][/div]

    Are these MDMA casualties really CLifers or have I missed the joke?
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Who was the geezer who used to go with you when you sat behind me in the East Stand (Block b), he used to go out with one of the 2 birds that used to go to a lot of the matches how and away from about 92 onwards ? Does he still go aint seen him for about 10 years ? The bird was the one with curly hair.

    And what was 'northstandsteve' doing sitting in the East stand?
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Who was the geezer who used to go with you when you sat behind me in the East Stand (Block b), he used to go out with one of the 2 birds that used to go to a lot of the matches how and away from about 92 onwards ? Does he still go aint seen him for about 10 years ? The bird was the one with curly hair.

    And what was 'northstandsteve' doing sitting in the East block?

    surely that was Eaststandsteve
  • Just plain fickle some people, eh unc?
  • Always thought there was something shifty about that nss..... He's been hiding his true identity. How long was you in the East Steve? Know wonder you so miserable ;-)
  • I'm sure I've played football with the one in the front of that picture. Maybe for the lifers ...Any ideas anyone?
  • the northstand was one tier and a shite view
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]the northstand was one tier and a shite view

    how fooking dare you,

    you aint proper charlton till the northstand with one tier and a shit view was the love of your life

    NSS aint real Charlton fact :-)
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