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Help from Charlton in aid of cancer research

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
I am a new poster on CL so hello to everyone. I am a season ticket holder and for better or worse have recently purchased a 5 year ST. Without wisihing to make a mercenary start to my life on CL I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with a quick question.
Back in 2008 I was diagnosed with testicular cancer which fortunately further to surgery and chemotherapy I have now been all clear for just over a year. On the back of this experience I am in the process of arranging a charity cricket match at the club I play for in aid of cancer research and once of ther main fundraising parts of the day is a post match raffle. I am in the process of writing to various clubs/people to see if they might be kind enough to donate a prize to this rafle and wondered if anyone would know if there is someone specific at CAFC to direct a letter of this nature to?
I know times are hard for the club but I hope that a small gift dontation might be possible. Any ideas graefully received.


  • A couple of regular posters work at the Club and will hopefully be able to advise you when they next log on.

    Welcome to the site.
  • Welcome AddickTom

    As Len says keep an eye open as there are a few posters who work closely with the club.

    Airman Brown for one maybe a useful contact or Henry Irving may know someone you can speak with.
  • Tom, drop me an email with your address and the date, time etc of the Cricket Match and I could possibly get your some autographed stuff from a former World Boxing Champion and possibly some signed cricket stuff (depending on timings).
  • Robbie Elliott is a very keen cricketer, and I believe he plays for Frinsbury Cricket Club in Kent. You might be able to persuade him to play
  • It might be worthwhile going down to/phoning KCCC at Beckenham and asking them about their pitches and if Kent would like to get involved. CAFC & KCCC have an "unoffical" patnership.
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]It might be worthwhile going down to/phoning KCCC at Beckenham and asking them about their pitches and if Kent would like to get involved. CAFC & KCCC have an "unoffical" patnership.

    Probably need to phone KCCC at Canterbury re their involvement. As regards Beckenham pitches contact Beckenham CC I would have thought.

    Good idea though MOG.
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