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Would Ya - Millwall Special

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
dentist anyone?


  • Nice (its a no)
  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]Nice (its a no)

    paper bag?
  • Ouch thats pig ugly
  • edited March 2010
    Looks like a zombie has taken a munch out of her gums (top left) or put a fist through her face
  • jimmy RIMMER
  • [cite]Posted By: Penfolds Perm[/cite]jimmy RIMMER

    Ha ha yes
  • I'd have to pass, really.
  • millwall honey, would wine dine and 6.....

    I think the photo AFKA posted on this one trumps the lot.
  • lol lol
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  • Advert for cristal meth?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    I think the photo AFKA posted on this one trumps the lot.

    that was one of the miss millwall comp, this was another one. they dont get much better
  • Sometimes a decent pair of tits isn't enough. These two are these times.
  • i would do both. you lot let standards get in the way of probably the best bunk up you've had ;-0
  • Naomi Fitt is the winner's name .... she has a web page n' everything ....
  • that 1st one is Stuwalls missus after he gets home, looks in the mirror and accuses her of seeing another bloke
  • they are both double baggers!
  • These are standard holiday rumps.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]These are standard holiday rumps.[/quote]

    if you spend your holidays in leysdown
  • [cite]Posted By: ads[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]These are standard holiday rumps.

    if you spend your holidays in leysdown

    You go there too?
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: ads[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]These are standard holiday rumps.[/quote]

    if you spend your holidays in leysdown[/quote]

    You go there too?[/quote]

    yea, not been island hoping between there and canvey for a few years though
  • The people arent right on that island mate.

    I have had worse birds than that in Benidorm tho. 14 nights of scottish and Welsh molishers, washed down with Estrella. Those were the days.
  • In what f**ked up, paralell universe does someone with no teeth enter a beauty comp?????
    Definitely yes to number 2 though!
  • That first one has definitely been touched up to look bad (or should I say even worse)
  • [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]That first one has definitely been touched up to look bad (or should I say even worse)

    It would take a brave or desperate man to touch her up
  • im brave.
  • I'm desperate. And it's still a no.
  • No for both, feck me they're pig ugly as uncle says!
  • you dont have to kiss her

    the 2nd one is a nailed on cert for a filthy night
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]the 2nd one is a nailed on cert for a filthy night

    and a trip to the clap clinic!!
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