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A Cunning Idea.....

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Oi…everyone….I think I have a cunning idea……come closer and listen up…

….It’s a bit of a rallying cry…..a kind of tally ho kind of thing. But this idea might just work out to be the biggest sensation ever seen down at the Valley since the spontanous clapping for Curbs at his last home match in charge, the non stop rendition of Valley Floyd Road when the Judas Defoe slammed the final nail into our relegation coffin and of course the infamous throwing of the merchandise pamplets due to the sending off of our legend Steve Brown (I hope I got that bit right)!

This rather cunning idea is based on the flash mobbing craze that visited our shores from across the pond ….when a mob turns up at a designated place such as a railway station and start dancing at a specific time whilst listening to the music through the ipods. Please don’t think for one minute this idea will have us dancing at Charlton Station whilst waving our train timetable in the air to Valley Floyd Road…..O No… lot more subtle than that…

….My idea is that we Charlton Lifers stand up from our seats at a certain time in the match to celebrate a special Charlton moment. For example, at percisely 3:07 we stand up and start clapping for one minute and then sit down without a word said to the person next to you in celebration of Colin Walsh’s first goal scored on our return to the Valley.

There are obviously more special occasions which could be agreed on CL before each home match. And of course should this take off it could also be introduced at some of our away matches.

Whatdayathink Lifers…….should I run for cover and never set foot in CharltonLife again or hold my head high for having the most radical idea that this site has ever produced or just put it down to the Friday boredom blues….So, in the famous style of Nolly….DISCUSS…….!


  • It would just end up with random groups of people scattered around clapping!

    oh how I dream of support like this at a home match again, I was there and funnily enough proud to say I was proud to be... I can't even remember noticing the yids scoring tbh, and as it was coming - I couldn't care less..

    Not sure if this idea will lift off but.. who knows.
  • Something like this?
  • Nice one Baldrick, this has made me laugh.

    Can you imagine if the opposition scored at 3.06 !!
  • .......There is always plan B....!
  • Would be funny to see. Might realise someone that has sat a row or two in front of you also posts on here.
  • 3.08 all you will hear is "Sit Down!!!"
  • There's a sign shop near got a deal on I was tempted for some kinf of charltonlife banner would be handy for away games with terraces all just meet up by it.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]There's a sign shop near got a deal on I was tempted for some kinf of charltonlife banner would be handy for away games with terraces all just meet up by it.

    My son in law is in the sign/banner/van writing game and is self employed so if you want something done send me a whisper and I will pass his details on so you can deal direct.

    One of his contracts is all the champions leagues signs at the Emirates when Arsenal are at home so he knows what he is doing.

    Cheaper than a shop, cash no what I mean guvner
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  • Good idea. How about if everyone tomorrow sings oooooh Jimmy Jimmy - jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy Meeeelrose!

    By the way it's a 'cunning plan' not 'cunning idea'

    Blackadder: Am I jumping the gun, Baldrick, or are the words "I have a cunning plan" marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation'
  • [cite]Posted By: eaststandmike[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]There's a sign shop near got a deal on I was tempted for some kinf of charltonlife banner would be handy for away games with terraces all just meet up by it.

    My son in law is in the sign/banner/van writing game and is self employed so if you want something done send me a whisper and I will pass his details on so you can deal direct.

    One of his contracts is all the champions leagues signs at the Emirates when Arsenal are at home so he knows what he is doing.

    Cheaper than a shop, cash no what I mean guvner
    Can't see a van with a CL banner painted on it being passed around the Covered End somehow...
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]There's a sign shop near got a deal on I was tempted for some kinf of charltonlife banner would be handy for away games with terraces all just meet up by it.

    Oit i print banners and flags, so no need to go elsewhere!!
  • [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]There's a sign shop near got a deal on I was tempted for some kinf of charltonlife banner would be handy for away games with terraces all just meet up by it.

    Oit i print banners and flags, so no need to go elsewhere!!

    You do........?
    Could of told me.......
  • I dunno how this idea has gone from flash mobbing to a CL banner or painting CL on a white van so obviously this great idea (which, I agree needs further work and a tad more imagination) is heading for the plug hole......O well at least I tried and now it's back to the drawing board:

    Live laugh love und be appy!

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