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Couple of things re Nicky Bailey at Sarfend.

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Nicky had been 'warned' (tipped off) before hand that he was going to be targetted from the off on Friday....and indeed he fans, we didn't see (let alone hear) a lot of what was going on out there on the pitch.
Secondly when Nicky was on the touchline waiting to come back on you may have noticed him arguing with the lino about coming back on immediately.................this wasn't because he thought he was necessarily entitled to preferential treatment but because he was being pelted with coins.....which was why he was covering his head with his hands!
You've gotta laugh really because Friday night spent collectively having a pop at Nicky was most likely the best night out that Shrimpers have had all season....or are likely to as a matter of fact.
Nicky loved it all I have to say, simply because it wound him up alright but 'not' in the way they thought it had the opposite effect and made him all the more determined to have a good game....which I think we can all agree he did. It was obvious that in the end he won out and certainly wound them up far more than they did him....which is what it's all about sometimes.


  • Interesting stuff.

    Any more info on the punch?
  • Broke his nose in 3 places I heard
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Interesting stuff.

    Any more info on the punch?

    Didn't ask.
  • 2-1 the only thing that matters in the final analysis!
  • I always think you need to be careful as crowd which players you pick to give 'the treatment'. It clearly got to carlton Cole for example on his first game back at the Valley playing for West Ham. Danny Mills, Defoe and Parker seemed to reserve some of their best post Charlton performances for trips to the Valley (didn't Mills score against us twice for Leeds and Man City?)
  • [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]I always think you need to be careful as crowd which players you pick to give 'the treatment'. It clearly got to carlton Cole for example on his first game back at the Valley playing for West Ham. Danny Mills, Defoe and Parker seemed to reserve some of their best post Charlton performances for trips to the Valley (didn't Mills score against us twice for Leeds and Man City?)

    I can't ever remember a situation where a player has had a 'mare due to the crowd can any one else? Maybe a young kid not used to playing in front of large crowds but most of them these days seem pretty used to that now as well. It always seems to gee them up.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]I always think you need to be careful as crowd which players you pick to give 'the treatment'. It clearly got to carlton Cole for example on his first game back at the Valley playing for West Ham. Danny Mills, Defoe and Parker seemed to reserve some of their best post Charlton performances for trips to the Valley (didn't Mills score against us twice for Leeds and Man City?)

    I can'teverremember a situation where a player has had a 'mare due to the crowd can any one else? Maybe a young kid not used to playing in front of large crowds but most of them these days seem pretty used to that now as well. Italwaysseems to gee them up.

    Boxing day away at Southend donkeys years ago, a sub came on fluffed his first touch we gave him the Tony Adams treatment and he got worse. Eventually the abuse was ringing out as the ball sailed towards him and he totally fell apart
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]I always think you need to be careful as crowd which players you pick to give 'the treatment'. It clearly got to carlton Cole for example on his first game back at the Valley playing for West Ham. Danny Mills, Defoe and Parker seemed to reserve some of their best post Charlton performances for trips to the Valley (didn't Mills score against us twice for Leeds and Man City?)

    I can'teverremember a situation where a player has had a 'mare due to the crowd can any one else? Maybe a young kid not used to playing in front of large crowds but most of them these days seem pretty used to that now as well. Italwaysseems to gee them up.

    When Carlton Cole payed for Villa the season after he left us, he got slaughtered from the 1st minute. He was visibly shaken and even the Charlton players were consoling him at the end of the game.
  • Ah yes................... Carlton (I'm too good for this place) Cole............ as he's known by some.
  • I have a new found dislike for Southend after friday was a poor away day bar the result obviously.
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  • i prefer Carlton "he only sweats when he's roasting" cole. one of afka's finest.
  • Yeah, Carlton Cole is the only one I ever remember seeing struggle on returning to the Valley. Most players do seem to revel in it - I certainly wouldn't have Bailey down as the type to crumble because of it so I'd have just ignored him if I was a Sarfend fan. If anything, denting their ego by ignoring them is probably a better tactic most of the time.
  • So can we agree now, if ever Nicky leaves us in less than desirable circumstances, it would be better to ignore him than taunt him. Of course it would be better if, when he goes, it's handled properly and he can come home to a heros welcome.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]I always think you need to be careful as crowd which players you pick to give 'the treatment'. It clearly got to carlton Cole for example on his first game back at the Valley playing for West Ham. Danny Mills, Defoe and Parker seemed to reserve some of their best post Charlton performances for trips to the Valley (didn't Mills score against us twice for Leeds and Man City?)

    I can'teverremember a situation where a player has had a 'mare due to the crowd can any one else? Maybe a young kid not used to playing in front of large crowds but most of them these days seem pretty used to that now as well. Italwaysseems to gee them up.

    Oh yes. That no-mark talent-less thug Kevin Muscat, he who ended Matty Holmes career. We had to wait a while for his return to the Valley, fortunately I was there for it. We gave it to him for 90 minutes relentlessly. He hardly put a tackle in all game, and at one delicious point John Robinson nutmegged him. At the end he ran straight off the pitch without waiting for anyone. I was really proud of us that day. Comfortable 2-0 win too.
  • Ah Prague - was going to enter that one (re Muscat). Horrible c**t. Apparently he got the same treatment up in this neck of the woods (Norwich), for pretty much the same thing he did to Matty.

    Do I remember reading that even his own manager strangled him over in Oz!

    As for Muscat running off the pitch shaken, that just made it a double victory that day :)
  • So our players respond very well to getting abuse from the crowd now?
  • Only once they've left and it's a one off, rather than every bloody week.
  • edited March 2010
    It's continual personal abuse from your own crowd that's hard to take, that's when some players just go to pieces - whose team are these so called supporters actually supporting?
  • Sol Campbell always has a little cry about it.
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