Just an idea, where mambo and tuna etc go to a non league club for a short spell, why not send the first team out for a day working with us in our jobs to make them see just how bloody lucky they are and just what we would give to wear the red and play at the valley and get paid!! Let Racon spend they day with me sweeping the playground fixing broken windows, nicky bailey in the choclate factory with AFKA pulling fat german kids out of suction pipes, mog in his magic carpet van Brenda at her headlock academy, henners in the slippers factory. Let them see and smell and taste a day in the life of an addick, working there nuts off on a daily basis to pay there wages through match tickets season tickets and replica shirts, to keep there mercs full of petrol, the morgage on there 500k kent homes up to date, and to bloody understand what it means to play for this club.
This was a party political broadcast on behalf of the I really need a beer party...
I'd vote for you !