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I won't be going to anymore games this season...



  • [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]All the best - hope Rachel Riley is on hand with lots of TLC ;-)

    All the best!
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]50 is still very young for that op R! You paying for all those fences you jumped in your yoff? Good luck mate x

    I was never that agile...I've run through a few brick walls and thrown myself off the side of mountain in my time, though.

    Does this signal the end of your skiing career Valley?

    Unfortunately it does. The consultant has told me no skiing or running. When I left the consulting room I was in tears Absolutely gutted coz I've been skiing for 35 years and I love it. Charlton and skiing are my passions.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]50 is still very young for that op R! You paying for all those fences you jumped in your yoff? Good luck mate x

    I was never that agile...I've run through a few brick walls and thrown myself off the side of mountain in my time, though.

    Does this signal the end of your skiing career Valley?

    Unfortunately it does. The consultant has told me no skiing or running. When I left the consulting room I was in tears Absolutely gutted coz I've been skiing for 35 years and I love it. Charlton and skiing are my passions.

    I know a guy who has had a hip replacement that still does it out here - he just avoids steep slopes, moguls and sharp turns!! Don't know the specifics of your case though, I would be gutted too if/when i have to give it up (seeing as i have arthritis in my ankle - when is more likely than if).

    Watching the Russian paralympic team training at my local Nordic ski track this week, with all sorts of diabilities, just shows the passion & commitment skiing engenders in people.

    Good luck with the op.......
  • Good luck ValleyMc.
  • Just focus on the play-offs. Parky is. Routine op nowadays but good luck for a speedy recovery.
  • All the best
  • For those of you who wished me all the best, a BIG thank you. It was very much appreciated. I had the op at 0930 this morning and was back on the ward by 1215. it's great to have no pain for first time in yonks. I have a side ward with TV and inet so things aint so bad in NHS hospitals these days. Shame about the nurses. The boys winning last night was a massive boost for me.
  • Sorry to hear about the sking problem(to say nothing of your hip of course)....after my heart attack and achillies problem it was all up with me on the slopes about 4 years learn to live with it.....though it sad for sure.
    Have you thought about ski biking.....nothing like the real thing of course but at least it get's you up there on the slopes and gives you an activity at the same time.
    Not done it myself I must admit but I did make some enquiries last year to The British Ski Biking Club....looked interesting I have to say.
  • great to hear dickie! No pain? Hard core! You will be a new man. X
  • well done vm got your priorities right , charlton and charlton life.
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  • Should be off crutches by Wembley!
  • Hello Valley Mcoist.. Just saw this tonight and so didn't get a chance to wish you luck. Hope the op went well. As Johhnybev will vouch I had my left one done Aug 07. I was worried before it but never looked back I was off for work for 3 months (not sure if that was good or bad) but got bored being on me back and exercising all day. (You can only watch Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women for so long). Good luck with your recovery... are you going to have both done?? They are trying to get me to do my right one but want to hold back as long as possible !!
  • VM goodto hear ur well.
  • Hey 'R', just got on hear so missed the opportunity to send my best wishes but really glad to hear everything went well.

    Regarding getting to the Valley, if it's purely not being able to drive to a game, then just give me a shout cos that'll be sorted and as for watching, maybe you can ask if you can get up on the wheelchair bank at the top of the Covered End? Unless of course it's an excrutiating pain thing, but then surely you must be used to that at the Valley :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: KillersBeard[/cite]Hey 'R', just got on hear so missed the opportunity to send my best wishes but really glad to hear everything went well.

    Regarding getting to the Valley, if it's purely not being able to drive to a game, then just give me a shout cos that'll be sorted and as for watching, maybe you can ask if you can get up on the wheelchair bank at the top of the Covered End? Unless of course it's an excrutiating pain thing, but then surely you must be used to that at the Valley :-)

    Hi Mr T, thanks for the offer and there's a good chance I'll take it up once I'm up and about. I never gave the wheelchair bank at the back of the north upper a thought so at some point I'll give CAFC a call and get something sorted.
  • Glad to hear your op went well VM, wishing you a speedy recovery and at least you got the net so you can pop on here for the day! :-)
  • Well, I didn't think I'd be able to go again this season but Valley Express is booked and I'll be there today. C'MON YOU REDS
  • Good on you.
  • VM, be good to see you back !

    Not sure if people are aware you can do it, but its possible to get a pass so that you can drive down Floyd Road and get dropped off at the turnstiles. You then have to wait 20 mins after the game to drive back down again. Had to use it for the last couple of home games and its proved a godsend and allowed my wife to still come to games.

    Just have to phone up before a home game and they send the pass to you.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]Well, I didn't think I'd be able to go again this season but Valley Express is booked and I'll be there today. C'MON YOU REDS
    great stuff, well done VM.
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