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Owain Tudor-Jones : fair play for getting back up!

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
I had a perfect view of that and I felt sorry for him. Coming soon to womens football I think


  • What happened? Was in fkn cardiff...
  • Took a tonking to the nadgers.
  • [cite]Posted By: Atletico Addick[/cite]What happened? Was in fkn cardiff...

    So is one of his bollocks.
  • Ouch... thats a killer. RIP possible future mini Tudor-Jones'
  • Kyel Reid caught a volley absolutely flush - right into owains love spuds
  • With a name like that, do you reckon he's Welsh?
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Kyel Reid caught a volley absolutely flush - right into owains love spuds

    From about 2 yards away.
  • Funniest moment of the game.

    The 'Ooooohs' could be audibly heard from the men on all four sides of the ground.
  • Was classic, poor sod got it right in the Jacobs!! Full on, full pelt, nuts between his ears the full monty!! Still laughing/groaning now!! poor sod!!

    Where's ya bollox gone, where's ya bollox gone!!
  • He will be pressing wild flowers in future me thinks...
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  • He was tenpole tudor, now he's fivepole.
  • One ball, he's only got one
  • As I winced, the wife laughed uproariously.
    Women just have no idea...
  • I am sure the ref was chacking with him that he stillhad two!
  • Has to rank alongside Phil Babb sliding into the post. It couldn't have been a more direct hit.
  • It was Mooney standing 5 yards behind the Yeovil defensive line while he was down, the cheeky bastard!

    Still, kudos for getting back up!
  • [cite]Posted By: HarryAMuse[/cite]As I winced, the wife laughed uproariously.
    Women just have no idea...
    They do, that's why she was laughing.
  • SQUARE IN THE NUTS310_urked_cartman.gif
  • Everyone was cringing near me. had to severely hurt... i liked the way he finally half sat then laid down in slow motion. the poor lad!!!
  • Serious question. If a guy falls over and hurts himself we all sympathise, when a guy gets a shot to the nadgers we guys know how much it hurts, why do we all universally laugh?
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  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Serious question. If a guy falls over and hurts himself we all sympathise, when a guy gets a shot to the nadgers we guys know how much it hurts, why do we all universally laugh?

    That's because it's not us, thankfully.
  • Happens in cricket aswell..........
    Everyone laughs at the poor sod.........
  • he played along with it aswell once the pain had subsided doing the quick check of his meat and 2 veg

    funniest thing i have seen during a game beats the streaker hands down
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Serious question. If a guy falls over and hurts himself we all sympathise, when a guy gets a shot to the nadgers we guys know how much it hurts, why do we all universally laugh?

    I laugh when they fall over, too.
  • It never fails to make me laugh (when it's not me...)

  • Aside of two proper tackles by Bailey that is probably the stand out of the game.

    I don't think I would have got up from that.
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Serious question. If a guy falls over and hurts himself we all sympathise, when a guy gets a shot to the nadgers we guys know how much it hurts, why do we all universally laugh?

  • just been out for dinner with me old dad... told him this story. He had plenty of tears of laughter and pain when we told him. In fact he didnt stop laughing!
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