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Simple question on Parky's future

Here is a simple question on Parky's future ...

If Charlton do not earn promotion this season, would you bring back Parky
as manager for 2010-11?

Yes or No?

I have not been a big supporter of Parky since his failed caretaker spell,
when he was hired after going winless in 8 matches. I did think he should
have gotten the chance as caretaker.

I have been resigned to the fact that Parky was being brought back for this
season. I also think that if Charlton are promoted, then Parky should
return next season on merit. Even though I don't believe he earned that chance
this season, more power to him if he makes the most of an opportunity that
he probably didn't deserve in the first place.

There are several ways that Charlton could fail to be promoted:
- Not earning automatic promotion, and ...
- Losing in the opening round of the playoffs.
- Losing in the playoff final at Wembley.
- Falling out of a playoff place.

It is possible that we could do a Sunderland and lose the playoff final on
penalties, which would surely earn Parky some sympathy.

But my question is black or white ... is it promotion or bust? Yes or No?

I wanted to bring up this question after a victory, since I think 'some' of
the responses will be more sensible than following a defeat.

So what is it for you?

If Charlton are not promoted, do you bring Parky back?

Is his future directly tied to promotion -- the top priority for this season?


  • Parky should go either way.

    Nowhere near good enough for the Champ
  • There's a long way to go yet,

    but i'd prob keep him, changing managment hasnt exactely done wonders to us, even if we dont go up i'd still prob stick with him as the vast majority of the first team will be off in summer causing alot of instability and changing the management/coaching team isnt gonna help this in the slightest
  • I fear finances dictate he has to stay whatever happens. For my money I would try to persuade Gary Neville to come as player manager.
  • Bring him back?

    We'd be keeping him wouldn't we?

    Yes I'd keep him as manager. We need stability and we can't keep chopping and changing managers, look where it's got us. Pick one and unless something absolutely disastrous happens then give him 3 years minimum, that's my opinion on managers.

    He got Colchester out of this division with pretty much zero budget so he can have a go at us again. If we stay in League 1, things will be very very tight next season and we need someone who's done the job on a shoestring before.
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I fear finances dictate he has to stay whatever happens. For my money I would try to persuade Gary Neville to come as player manager.

    Past it player (gets skined by any sort of pace these days), untested manager - no thank you.

    To answer the original quesions, if it didn't depend on finances, then yes, I think it's promotion or I'd let Parky go.
  • YES

    We are broke, if we don't get promoted we will be in a worse financial situation, players will be sold and we shall have to rely on our youth and loan players. We shall need continuity which Parky gives us as well as a reasonable manager at this level.

    OK we've faltered recently but then so do most of the teams in this Division, Parky and the team need our backing now and into the future.
  • No. For me he'd have to go.

    Were we to get promoted, then it would have to depend on the style of the promotion - if we suddenly started winning every game in style then perhaps that'd signal that Parky has in fact improved as a tactician.

    If we do go up I'd be astonished if the board got a new man in for the Championship, so next season will be interesting one way or another.
  • Yes keep him. There has been way too much parky negativity since he took over. If he was bought in as a total seperate entity after the departure of pardew then he would have a hell of a lot more support than most of you give him at the moment. The fact he just slid into the job as the club seemed to not be able to afford to pay off the current staff and bring in a whole new team left alot of people feeling like we it second best. I personally think you should all get behind the fella. Actually sing the blokes name. Some support would be nice. Dowie got it. Les got it. Pardew got it. Why not parky. Ggggrrrrr . Keep parky. Keep the faith
  • A good point, although I suspect that in terms of supporting Parky, I think for most of the Parky critics on CL, there's a difference in how they express their opinion on here, compared to how they are on a matchday.

    I'd certanly be happy to join in a chant of his name, even though I have my doubts, because I'm more than happy to be proved wrong.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU5[/cite]Parky should go either way.

    Nowhere near good enough for the Champ
    Based on what? Half a season with Hull and half a season with us? Parky is a manager that builds his teams over time. Wrong man to keep us up, we needed a big motivating type manager to get some quick results. Hull were perhaps just the wrong club for him.

    If he can take us up (and no I'm not sure he will) he can keep us there. I know he has his faults, but so does every other manager and player. Managers like players develop and improve remember. He learnt from last season and is still learning now. Youga wasn't good enough for the Championship for example, but he'd most likely do a much better job there than he did last season. No doubt Curbishley learnt a lot in the seasons before winning the play-off final, and then from our first year in the Prem.

    In the end if we go up he will be here next season (unless we were taken over and a new board wanted their own manager), the current board gave him a years extension and have faith in him. He will most likely be here next season.

    If we don't go up, we'll be in trouble financially. I can't imagine who would want to manage us in the position we'll be in, potentially without half our current team, no transfer budget and an even smaller wage budget. So anyone we could get would be a big gamble. Parky knows the club, is handling the young players development well (who if we stay down, will play a bigger part next season) and knows plenty about players we'd be looking at. I'd trust him over a lot of managers to find good out of contract/available for loan that have the right mixture of ability and character. He's far from perfect, and hasn't proven to be anything more than a decent League One manager just yet, but with time he would hopefully do a good job for us.
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  • laughable agenda.
  • Yes. (I take it you're using the word 'simple' to mean the same as 'stupid').
  • I'd have sacked him last summer for sure.

    Still not convinced he's anything of a motivator or tactical genius.

    Nigel Adkins would be my replacement.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stone[/cite]I'd have sacked him last summer for sure.

    Still not convinced he's anything of a motivator or tactical genius.

    Nigel Adkins would be my replacement.
    Like I said, would someone like Adkins come here if we didn't get promoted? I wouldn't be sure he would, and I don't see where the money would come from either.
  • I think, given our financial constraints, we would find it difficult to attract much better. For me he has something of Curbs about him in the way he goes about his business and that will do.
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stone[/cite]I'd have sacked him last summer for sure.

    Still not convinced he's anything of a motivator or tactical genius.

    Nigel Adkins would be my replacement.
    Like I said, would someone like Adkins come here if we didn't get promoted? I wouldn't be sure he would, and I don't see where the money would come from either.

    I really only named a name because the next question would be "and who would you replace him with?"
  • Oh ok, fair enough. I'd agree with you, he's the sort of manager I'd like us to go for if Parky went and we could afford him.
  • Agree with Len.
  • Yes, it's the wrong agenda at the moment.But we may have to come back to it at the end of the season.

    If we go up, obviously Parky gets another chance in the championship. If we stay in div three, I don't know. You can't get away from the Pardew precendent. He should have been dismissed in summer '08 when he didn't get us promoted with the most expensive squad in the championship. But he kidded the board he had a plan and was allowed to p*ss around until November, by when the squad was so demoralised and lop-sided that we were already as good as relegated.

    The parallels are obvious. Despite the crunching economies that have been made, Parky still has one of the most expensive squads in div three. Not to get promoted will be a massive failure - even if we finish third, and only fail due to the play-off lottery.

    But it's not going to happen. By hook or by crook, I'd like to believe we're going up.

    Which is when Parky's problems will really start. Because, make no mistake, this current squad will get hammered in the championship, just as so many of them - from Semedo and Racon to Bailey and Burton - were last season. And it's hard to see the current owners finding the money to strengthen the squad in the way that will be necessary.

    In summary - if we get promoted we need new owners and new squad. But under the same manager!
  • i'd give him one more season, we need stability back in dressing room. no manager would feel stable here if we change again and the players unsettled.
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  • I'd give him another season, i'm not totally convinced, but in my opinion he deserves it and has done a pretty good job on skant resources.
  • Yes. Stability its whats required now, and he's doing a good job with no money.
  • I would need to see how we perform from now until the end of the season before making a decision.He's done ok up to now buts it's time to push on.If we give it a go and show a bit of heart and are unfortunate not to go up then i'd keep him.Not sure who we would get to replace him and i think ,wherever possible, we need to keep a bit of consistency in the managerial department.
    However,If the majority of performances between now and May are like the one i saw at Bristol ,then there can be no defending him.
  • Yes. He should stay.

    Considering he has had no money to spend he has done a good job this season. How many at the start of the season said that we would be lucky to finish in the top half.
  • No question he should stay. As others have said, what we desparately need as a club is stability. One of the reasons we are in such a mess (financially and league-wise) is that in the past few years we've chopped and changed so readily. I don't believe there's anyone out there who could have done better given the constraints Parky has faced. It's easy to look around with a "grass is always greener" mentality and wish we were in the position of some other club, rarely is that achieved overnight. Stick with it.
  • I worry that we are now back in to a period of lots of loans again. The managers are chopping and changing and bringing in loans what for the last 3 years; the div 3 loans are slightly better than the Div 2 loans; the biggest difference today was the flat 442 and Racon and Bailey
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: pickwick[/cite]I worry that we are now back in to a period of lots of loans again. The managers are chopping and changing and bringing in loans what for the last 3 years; the div 3 loans are slightly better than the Div 2 loans; the biggest difference today was the flat 442 and Racon and Bailey[/quote]

    The difference is that this year the loanees are contributing, before being injure Mooney was scoring and offering movement, yesterday he was back to that form, Reid destroyed Yeovil, after a shakey start Omo did a good fill in, Akpoe did well as a loanee but needs to prove himself.

    With little money we have needed to use the loan system and we have done it constructively.

    Yesterday was one of Baileys poorer performances in the 1st half
  • Yes - I don't understand why people don't rate him. He has stopped the slide and we are rebuilding.

    His signings have been good with hardly a fee paid and I think his personality is what we look for in a Charlton Manager too - handles himself well
  • Yes.

    Did Curbs get promotion in his first season?
  • Curbs had many years to build the club up slowly. Some people on here would have had him fired after 12 months of not winning promotion!! I like Parky very much and I think that he has done wonders in very difficult circumstances. Everyone should just get behind him and let him get on with it.
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