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Post Match Views Charlton Athletic 2-0 Yeovil Town



  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]So much aggro today

    indeed... the scuffles at Derby and Wycombe contained about 10 red cards between them, for instance why didn't that Spanner get sent off for raising his arms and shoving the geezer to the ground? what happened to consistency... i suppose when it's in a manic scramble you can get away with it!

    Great run from Reid for the goal, he was direct and his desire took him into a goalscoring position. Great result and just what we needed from Leeds and Norwich. Don't think today will do too much to Norwich's form but as for Leeds, they are having a bit of a Charlton choke, apparently a horrendous atmosphere up there and they need to get three points on Tuesday or they'll be under real real pressure. A long way to go if clubs at the top are going to carry on throwing away points to rubbish like Tranmere, Walsall and Brighton.
  • Yeovil were a poor team & we ended up with a routine win. However Elliott had to pull off 3 very good stops in the first half after defensive errors which would have been punished by a better team.

    Jackson looked a good acquisition, Reid had his best game for us (that I have seen anyway) and Racon was back to his best at with a clean sheet and 2 goals scored confidence should be back for the game against Brighton. If we can beat them & Southend we give ourselves a chance again.

    Happy with the win, still room for improvement.
  • Points bring confidence and confidence brings play, I hope it does anywho. Will keep an eye out for Jackson and Reidy on tues after missing this match.
  • YES!!

    We got a win, aparently 2 wonder goals, Racon starting to do the things that made him look like a sh*t viera, Reid looking good, Jackson good debut(got to be a Michael Jackson song in there), Elliot 4 cracking saves...... Crowd sounded good, th results were pretty goof for us......

    Ovrall Im a bit chuffed after the last 5 games, gonne enjoy this an have a breakfast beer with my bacon and eggs.....

    Charlton Athletic, alright......
  • Good morning chaps!
    I'm a doom and gloom monger for sure but feel there was no need for critisism for yesterday's game.
    Saw a spell of hunger for the ball (which was nice).
    That's all I ask?
    I thank you......
  • The left hand side looked as dangerous as it has done for a few seasons to good left footers who are capable of delivering a good ball into the box, Reid was class very direct,Bailey was as industrous as ever in which freed up Racon,Elliot is turning into a top draw keeper and certainly has a presence about him when faced,I would like to see McKenzie given a run,IMO he hasn't had a fair crack of the whip,and if Sam is going for a new contract or trying to attract a new club he needs to start performining a bit better
  • Elliott did his job in the first half - kept out shots.

    Reids goal was nice but keeper should have saved it
    mooneys goal was tecnically superb

    racon needs to work on fitness
    Jackson looked assured though would have conceded a penno for a push with a different ref

    good stuff all round and I'm happy with that though.

    Was hugely impressed with their young right back and captain Alcock - would be a good and cheap acquisition of we had the chance
  • [cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Good morning chaps!
    I'm a doom and gloom monger for sure but feel there was no need for critisism for yesterday's game.
    Saw a spell of hunger for the ball (which was nice).
    That's all I ask?
    I thank you......

    I've been gloom mongering fo about 5 years now and looking at the position we find ourselves in these days i think it's been fully justified.(puffs out chest) ;-)
  • Vary good performance. Reid clearly scares the opposition. Jackson shows a good touch. Racon, despite a few shaky moments is approaching his best. Llera kept his concentration. Burton had the measure of the opposition strikers. Elliot has the ability to keep us in it whenever we slip up.

    Couple of concerns: Jackson got caught defensively a few times, which is expected as it's not his first choice position. Lloyd kept drifting inside (grin free - I wonder if he reads this site). A few times we didn't have an out ball because he was out of position. Noticeable when Waggy came on, that we did.
  • Funny game football, had they scored first when they had a couple of chances it might all have gone wrong.
    But they didn't, and a blast from Reid gave us a bit of belief.
    We did ok I thought and we won.
    We're still in it even if we're still not as convincing as maybe we would like. But you could say that for all the top 6, bar maybe Swindon at the moment.
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  • [cite]Posted By: incorruptible addick[/cite]Just realised both goals came from loanees.

    That messes with a few popular prejudices (including mine!)

    Mind you, it's a good quiz question. Despite what seems like endless numbers of loanees over recent seasons (particularly under Pardew and Parky 2008-9 version, when we regulary played up to five of them), have two ever scored in the same match before?

    Easy. Mooney and Akpo both scored against Bristol Rovers. Nothing wrong with loanees who are good at football.
  • A very enjoyable game. Thought Reids goal was a cracker and Elliott had a fantastic game withs ome very crucial saves, particularly the 3 in the first half.

    did sam and reid swap sides in the first half? or did i imagine that?
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]A very enjoyable game. Thought Reids goal was a cracker and Elliott had a fantastic game withs ome very crucial saves, particularly the 3 in the first half.

    did sam and reid swap sides in the first half? or did i imagine that?

    They did and it didn't really work. So they stopped doing it and we were better. So much for Parky never changing it up when things aren't working.
  • Was a good day, was great to catch up with a few lifers pre and post match, henners mog,ollie danny etc in the liberal pre and bren and tav after the match in the oak. I have to admit to a shameful confesion, after a few pre match beers was busting for the loo after 10mins, was gona hold off till half time but was in agnony... after 25 years of attending football, I had the dreaded experience of missing a goal... banged my head (bonce not the other kind) against the wall as I herd the crowd cheer.... on my return greeted with geers and laughter... gits.... still had a wicked day with the old man and 3 points in the bag.
  • No, you were right. Sam and Reid started off on the "wrong" sides and then switched after about 15 minutes.

    Seemed to confuse Yeovil.

    Did Reid's shot move in the air. hard to see from the East and my angle is the same as the TVs. Thought it moved to the keepers right at the last moment.
  • We needed that win. Haven't given up on auto promotion yet as it only takes a good run from us and a bad run from those above us to get us back up there.

    Need to string some wins together so Tues is important. Brighton might be down the bottom but they have a good away record so we'll need to be at our best. An unchanged, newly confident side should be capable of that hopefully.
  • A good win, confidence seemed to be coming back in the 2nd half. Gained on Leeds and Norwich roll on Tuesday.
  • Reid's goal looked good on TV although from NW upper you could see it went right through the keeper's hands.

    Noticeably less long balls from Llera and others, hopefully that will continue.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]No, you were right. Sam and Reid started off on the "wrong" sides and then switched after about 15 minutes.

    Seemed to confuse Yeovil.

    Did Reid's shot move in the air. hard to see from the East and my angle is the same as the TVs. Thought it moved to the keepers right at the last moment.

    I was right behind Reid's shot & it do move slightly away to the keeper's right quite late and therefore brushed through his fingers.
    It looked bad on the keeper's part, but I think the late movement would have caught out quite a few stoppers.
  • cheers Mid-Life
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  • who is the woman?
  • Elliot got MOM in the circle suite so it showed that the result all though a goodun and much needed was not all one way, thought after the first 20 mins we really settled down well and tried to play football, PP seemed to be telling Lloyd to give us more width and to keep swapping sides, breaker said they had been trying to get him to mix up the coming inside with getting more balls in from out wide if he can do this we will be more effective. not just me that thinks it then

    i thought it was a great game with Kyle Reid getting my MOM

    thankls to Robbie and Kyle for talking to the 2 younguns that were with us

    Kyle seems like a really grounded young man in the short period of time i spent in his company and seems geniunely intrested in return back to london so i dont see why we wouldnt stand a good chane of getting him.

    good day out all in all
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]Kyle seems like a really grounded young man in the short period of time i spent in his company and seems geniunely intrested in return back to london so i dont see why we wouldnt stand a good chane of getting him.
    That's the good thing about the players we have on loan, it's not unrealistic to think we might be able to sign any of them in the summer. Not like some of the other loanees we've had over the last few years, who were here to get fit (Cook for example), or young players getting experience (Song and Scott Sinclair) who we would have never been able to sign.
  • Am i the only one who saw Burtons Premiership class dummy to set Bailey one-on-one with the keeper? I'm sorry but without burton today i don't think we would of won as easily.
  • [cite]Posted By: StubleyAddick[/cite]Am i the only one who saw Burtons Premiership class dummy to set Bailey one-on-one with the keeper? I'm sorry but without burton today i don't think we would of won as easily.
    We tried that about 3 times didn't we? Racon I think did one of them.
  • much better also a clean sheet which is great ,Llera i thought was superb and jackson and reid worked well down the left ,still find Lloyd sam frustrating because i feel he could tear most of the teams in this league to bits if he just believed in himself a bit more but all in all a solid performance .
  • Really enjoyable for a change, despite a muted atmosphere in the ground.

    We so so needed that first goal (thanks Robbie), and when it happened confidence came back, people were once again taking that extra touch and making stuyff happen rather than hiding from the play.

    Was impressed with Bailey's tackling, he seemed to be far more up for that side of the game yesterday and it helped. Burton, Reid and Racon also had decent games. The benefit of playing Llera at the back is that we tend to play it out a bit more - well done to him.

    Coupled with the other results, it is entirely feasible that come Friday night we could be back in the top 2. Well we can only hope.

    The second half was much like the start of the season and if we can win 6 on the trot and there really is no reason why we can't I think we could be right back in it!
  • best game i've seen robbie have, he won us that game ...
    llera's best game i've seen him have as well ....
    reid and sam are top drawer for this pony league
    i know we'll have to up our game to get maximum points from the brighton game cos we'll play a lot better than yesterday and lose b4 the season is out..
    i think the quietness of our crowd helped the players keep their concentration ...
    big big win and i now see us as 5% automatics 90% playoffs and 5% out of playoffs come the end of the season , i'll up date it after each game so you all will know where we'll end up ;-)
  • First impression was Yeovil came to play their own game - and not intent on clogging us.
    A few times side they cut us open on the break with intelligent play, so big thanks to Robbie for staying big.

    Some people say Yeovil were poor but I though they were quite a neat and tidy passing side - but they made the mistake of allowing us the room to play; and once in the lead our confidence began to flow back, we had that bit extra quality in the tank.

    Crowd were very quiet .....we only sing when we winning.
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