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Tribute singers

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
I recently celebrated a 'significant' birthday. For ages I planned to hire an executive box but it just didn't work out. My non Charlton mates were just not interested in seeing Orient on a Monday night and my missus played up big time. In the end i hired a Michael Jackson tribute singer and he was awesome! After a few beers it really did seem that the great man was up there. I wondered if anyone else had hired good, or bad tribute singers. I hear Rollin' Stoned are great but expensive. Whisper me if you want info about MJ.


  • The Rod tribute bloke coming to The Valley in March needs a bit more practice.
  • Friend of mine use to play in Squeeze and Madness tribute bands who were both excellent. Now involved in the management of a number of a number of tribute acts including probably the best Take That tribute band in the business.
  • take that tribute band..? Take Twat
  • [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]The Rod Hull tribute bloke coming to The Valley in March needs a bit more practice.

    ; )
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