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Women just wired up different

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
So yesterday i get an email from the good got any football on March 13th ....i dread these emails.........mmm Millwall away looking at tone of email i can see this is going be a i bite the bullet .....and reply yes but if its important i guess ill have to miss it.............ten mins later she says thats okay ill get my sister to go and stay up there you can go football and play golf sunday so she and her sis can make long weekend of it

now ive been there many times.........if i had suggested that or even hint of football first i would have been givern the old super strength FO tablet .......and had whole evening of picture no sound..............they are not of thie planet !!.

so 13th going be one long session :o)


  • about sums it up....
  • You've just got to know which buttons to push!!
  • yes they are,and thank f**k for that. The world would be a more boring place if us men actually had any idea what was going on in womens minds.
  • I am a Jedi master at "woman management"

    comes from marrying an occasional mentalist! First rule - know when it's angry week. That's half the battle
  • Lol something she picked up on tv and now use
    as one of my golden rules

    do you want to be happy or right

    I've said it in my head a few times and got
    me a few brownie points

    bless her
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