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Is ... umm ... err ... everyone ... umm ...

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
... looking ... err ... forward to renewing ... their ... relationship ... with ... err ... Emma from ... umm ... Radio Kent ... err ... tomorrow?

Doubtless we will be told that this is a massive game for both sides and that Charlton really do have to get back to winning ways if they are to have any hope of closing the gap on Norwich and ... umm ... the other team above them in the table.

I also predict that, if we go a goal down, we will be informed that this is not what Charlton would have wanted.

Any others?


  • Hysterical shouting and general lack of knowledge about Charlton and Football in general, delivered in a nails on chalkboard drone. Dire does not even begin to explain this "Commentator".
  • I just hope she has got her co-commentator with her again....Happy McHappyson.
  • Did she ever get that cuppa coffee???
  • prefer to just catch snippets on soccer saturday, can't listen to her drone on for an hour and a half
  • She sounds like a Dalek.

    Listening to her Walsall commentary the other night, left me with no option but to actually buy a ticket for the Swindon match.
  • edited February 2010
    Must admit I was tempted to phone BBC London and try and speak to the sports editor about this, but as I am leaving the bbc in March thought it would be seen as a bit 'vindictive'.....and someone thinking it was because she is a woman etc...some 'old git' thinking they could do better......

    I noticed that Maty Holland does the football show for the East region on bbc, as I am doing a feature on it, have to give him a call and suggest he does it!. Gavin Peacock would have been good too, but I think he is in Canada. I thought Steve Brown was good as well,Pity really, I used to really enjoy the radio coverage, but this is painful......
  • I don't mind them asking me to do it if they really want.
  • U18s at Sparrows Lane 11am v Ipswich, for those not going Swindle and need a CAFC fix
  • More to the point can it be listened to on the iPhone?
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]More to the point can it be listened to on the iPhone?

    I think her commentary is best listened to with the sound completely turned off, Dazzle
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  • I didn't have any luck via iPhone
  • Oi, you're talking about the woman I'm gonna marry...
  • [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]Oi, you're talking about the woman I'm gonna marry...

    Hope the wedding is at 3pm on a Saturday and we're playing
  • [cite]Posted By: Imnot Athletic[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]Oi, you're talking about the woman I'm gonna marry...

    Hope the wedding is at 3pm on a Saturday and we're playing

  • is she gonna be doing every game this season, cant someone else have her for a couple of weeks
  • Brilliant half time, where she forgot to switch her mic off and you could hear all the background noise, like when you get a call off someone who's mobile has gone off in their pocket.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]Brilliant half time, where she forgot to switch her mic off and you could hear all the background noise, like when you get a call off someone who's mobile has gone off in their pocket.

    Quite normal. That's always happened. Ask Ron Atkinson!
  • I am sorry emma, but we pay a lot of money to subscribe so someone tells us what is happening!!! You're NOT broadcasting live on a free wireless platform where you have to entertain and cater for the broader listener who needs to be kept tuned in. WE WANT YOU TO TELL US WHAT IS HAPPENING, so we can build a mental picture and make a personal judgement about the play.
    Emma you are failing. I have listened to the Walsall home commentary and the swindon home commentary after starting with you, and even tho' their perspective was a home one, at least i could follow the action with them. Emma you have one more chance to fulfil your duties about telling us WTF is going on, or you should go...this has nothing to do with you being a woman, or having a female timbre to your voice, but all to do with you NOT doing your job.
    OK Emma now find me somebody on CAFCTV who thinks you're doing a good job!!!
  • ....oh before you ask, yes I could do a better job than you!!
  • Have to say, not listened to her before and wondered wht all of the fuss was about, but that was just shockingly bad. The stop-start way she. gets. through. her. sentence. es. is. just. embarrass. ing.

    But it's not just that, she doesn't keep the listener informed of whaat is going on. Both goals today she never actually said "it's a goal" or "x has scored", she just blathered out some old pony and we had to wait - agonisingly - to know what the f*ck it was that had happened. Then she witters on about nothing and has an annoying habit of talking over her co-commentator and repeating what he has just said. Repeating. what. he. has. just. said.

    Terrible. I switched and listened to the Swindon commentators, which were much better - even allowing for the bias and the fact that the commentary kept cutting out!
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  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Listening to her Walsall commentary the other night, left me with no option but to actually buy a ticket for the Swindon match.

    Secret Agent Emma ... put in place to force supporters to purchase tickets.
  • Oggy, Stop moaning.
    Swindons just up the road for you !
  • What I found frustrating was the way you know we've missed a chance before she says what happened. As said you want to build a mental picture but you can't. Why are we getting her so often now?
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Oggy, Stop moaning.
    Swindons just up the road for you !

    It's actually nearer for you coming from Sydenham, MoG.

    Anyway, I looked out for you but couldn't find you .....

  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Why are we getting her so often now?

    Because nobody else wants her ?
  • I sometimes wonder if she's actually at the game...
  • I have emailed radio London, doubt they will reply.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Oggy, Stop moaning.
    Swindons just up the road for you !

    It's actually nearer for you coming from Sydenham, MoG.

    Anyway, I looked out for you but couldn't find you .....


    Sorry, Still Drying out from Yeovil !
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Oggy, Stop moaning.
    Swindons just up the road for you !

    It's actually nearer for you coming from Sydenham, MoG.

    Anyway, I looked out for you but couldn't find you .....


    Sorry, Still Drying out from Yeovil !

    lol, Moggy.

    Know that feeling, ha ha!
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