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The Big Match 1977. Charlton 3 Sunderland 2

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
I was trawling through Youtube looking for some footage of Bob Curtis when i came across this.

Sadly no Bob that day. He only played 4 games that season. I'm assuming they were his last for the club.

Anyway, enjoy the 10 minutes footage. Some old songs can be heard loud and clear. Sadly the footage ends at 2-2, missing Flanagans winner. Oh and a goal from the great Les Berry!


  • edited February 2010
    Remember that game, 15 years old. My mate ran on the pitch when we scored the 3rd and got thrown out.

    "We all agree Charlton Athletic are magic"
  • Great find...
  • Was that the game where there was a pitch invasion at the end. If so i was there.
  • I think it was the one where the sunderland fans started attacking the kids who ran on at the end to congratulate the players, the covered end emptied on to the pitch and a mass ruck broke out all over the ground, seem to remember it being particularly bad up by the training area between the west and àway end. Don't remember the game.
  • I was there. Best kit ever
  • wow that brought back some memories...Sunderland and Pompey always took big numbers to the Valley....we usually ended up with around 20K for those matches, Im pretty sure this was the game with the massive pitch invasion at the end...but there again, it wasnt exactly unusual in those days.
  • this wasnt the pitch invasion game. That was the game where Hales was sent off . The game before we drew 5v 5 at Bristol rovers.
  • Great stuff!

    Good run by Tydeman to play Flash in for the chance he missed and Captain Peacock directing operations at free kicks.

    That finish by dear old Les was better than most of our strikers of today could manage!
  • Oh mate, that was great. Surprising how loud the old Covered End sounds. I used to love going then.
    GH, talking about the pitch invasion game...that was also on the TV, Brian Moore said of the Charlton hooligans, "look at those animals!". My mate PG (one eye) was watching The Big Match the next day with his old man and the cameras zoomed right in on us fighting and his old man picked him out and gave him a slap and grounded him for a week!
  • If I'm not mistaken number 8 is Gritty with hair!

    Quite a lot of it! Can anyone confirm? my eyesight is not great and I don't have sound at the moment for the commentary.
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  • DFT i carry something with me to his day from that game mate ! and as i remember it a very large black gent was one of the first on the pitch (ex Sladge Green chap).

    Where is PG ? havnt seen him in 16---ish years ?
  • Last I heard he was living in Brighton, he had been on a "round the world working holiday". I lost touch years ago, shame as we were so close but these things happen. I wonder if his Dad still lives at Shooters Hill
  • I think there was another invasion v Sunderland maybe a year later. Away end was shut for Jimmy Seed stand construction, so away fans were in corner of east terrace by landsdowne mews. An earlier tannoy announcement had warned against pitch invasions. Claiming they woulld lead to increased prices. Sunderland scored a late winner and jumped onto the pitch at final whistle, taunting the covered end, which seemed to empty over those old net barriers in a matter of seconds. I was 10 at the time and remember my grandad not being to impressed. Probably upset that he could join in. Sunderland ran from pitch towards exit at south side of old stand where I'm sure pleasantries were exchanged in the car park.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]If I'm not mistaken number 8 is Gritty with hair!

    Quite a lot of it! Can anyone confirm? my eyesight is not great and I don't have sound at the moment for the commentary.

    It was indeed Mr Gritt with a fine head of hair Len.

    Full team that day was: Wood Berry Warman Tydeman Giles Dugdale Powell Gritt Flanagan Peacock McAuley. Unused sub O'Sullivan. The crowd 12,766
  • Remember it well but cannot believe it's over 30 years ago
  • Thought it might be a bit early for the pitch invasion game, plus the fact away end was shut adds to memory of building materials being available between west and south and it going off real bad around that area.
  • I remember the black guy being first over the fence and having to slow down as he was way in front of the rest. Don't get that sort of entertainment anymore. My memory of that era was that it kicked off almost every game.
  • That's an absolutely cracking own goal!
  • edited February 2010
    Brilliant. The season before i started going, remember all the players except Giles, Dugdale and McAuley. Martin Robinson and Phil Walker must have come in the season after.
    Thought the Charlton fans on the audio sounded a lot more cockney than these days. Great raw sounding crowd, great kit and fantastic to see the terraces alive again. Nice one, cheers!!
  • Great find, Stone!

    Doesn't it take you back? Old favourites like Phil Warman, Les and a young Gritty, Paddy Powell and Flash, Keithie Peacock running central midfield in his veteran phase with "Winkle" Tydeman, and Hugh "Plastic Mac" McAuley grafting on the left flank.

    The old grandstand with it's character multi-gabled roof, the Woolwich advertising boards and the Covered End in full voice, singing. Takes you right back, *sigh*

    A couple of things I noticed ...... the keepers being able to handle the backpass; and that terrific Sunderland "goal" being disallowed for offside because they had a static player in an offside position.

    That late tackle on Gritty, "You dirty Northern bastards" and on Paddy, "Animal! Animal!"

    The booing and abuse was aimed at the referee and opposition - as it should be.

    The atmosphere was brilliant, especially when you consider we were winning and then conceded 2 soft goals.
    Can't imagine the crowd being that supportive today.
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  • I thought that about the terrific sunderland goal being disallowed but if you watch it on the replay the player ran straight across Wood's field of vision which they would still deem now as interfering with play. Thought the same about the supportive crowd also
  • [cite]Posted By: CHOICE Tv[/cite]but if you watch it on the replay the player ran straight across Wood's field of vision

    He was running at speed well away from the play - but I thought he made that run before the ball was played, ie before the player struck his shot.

    There was another Sunderland player in an offside position centrally but he never moved.
    I assumed he was the player given offside.

    I'll have to watch it again when I get a moment.
  • Just looked at it again, its a harsh decision! Brian Moore named the stationary player in the middle as the culprit, however these days the player who ran across would probably be deemed as the offender. Watching that again when the 2nd half kicks off its noticeable how much darker the ground used to be with the old floodlights
  • edited February 2010
    Finally managed to listen to this as well as watch it. The tones of the late lamented Brian Moore evoke a smell of roast dinner and some of the chants took me back too.

    Had to smile when Brian Moore said that the Charlton fans are not happy with some of the Sunderland tackling and the players weren't either with "dirty Northern bast****" clearly audible in the background.
  • The final winning goal appears on the 70's Video/DVD, and possibly the Centenary one.

    I remember the game well. Sunderland were a strong team but we were a match for anybody at home. The place was rocking when Flash scored the winner.

    Happy days!
  • Great find Stone, enjoyed that late last night.
  • Lol - Les Berry with opener... assisted by Les Berry's tache!
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Finally managed to listen to this as well as watch it. The tones of the late lamented Brian Moore evoke a smell of roast dinner and some of the chants took me back too.

    Had to smile when Brian Moore said that the Charlton fans are not happy with some of the Sunderland tackling and the players weren't either with "dirty Northern bast****" clearly audible in the background.

    Always remember thinking that the temporary erection (Ooh er Missus) that they put on the East terrace for the TV games looked like it might fall to bits if you leant on it.

    Dear old Brian Moore - what a gentleman. Met him once at a charity cricket match at Blackheath CC, asked for his autograph (I'd only have been about 8) & when he saw my red & white scarf he asked if I was a Charlton fan & we had a quick chat - you just knew he had a soft spot for us by the way he talked. His commentaries brought across the excitement & drama, but he didn't get caught up in the hype that now blights the modern game.

    Thanks Stone - great memories.
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