Following quite a response to the News Shoppers book review on another thread, I feel as though there are one or two things I would like to clear up, especially as I did ask for any feedback when I began to publicise the book.
The main thing that has come from the book surrounds the errors, as the book was self published I did in fact hire a proof reader/editor and unfortunately they did not do their job to a satisfactory standard. I know it is a big if, but if the book sells out in the club shop, I am planning on a re print where the errors will be cut out. Also as the publishing company did not completely do their job, we are hoping that for any potential re print we will be able to use the current cover free of charge as a form of compensation. I apologize for the errors though, of course I wrote it so the responsibility lies with me.
I also apologize for the factual errors such as the opera singers and Mark Robson, Les Reed appointments. If people think that this undermines the project in any way, fair enough.
The Diawara debate is something that will divide many Charlton fans, my opinion is that yes he was awful at the start but as many foreign players do he took time to settle and I thought that by February 2007, he started to look the part and if we had stayed up, he would have been a real asset. This like many things I wrote, is only an opinion and one that some will share, some will not. The book would be almost pointless IMHO if everyone agreed with every word.
Finally in the review, it says I liked Pardew and I prepare to be shot at when I say I did. Certainly until the last few months when I think everyone despised him. Looking back I realise i was wrong as he was generally terrible in many aspects. Nevertheless he nearly kept us up and did some good things, game of opinions etc.
Ok that it is it. Thanks
For someone to say a couple of factual errors undermine your effort is just pathetic.
That's why we read books - to find out an author's opinion or perspective on the subject.
We don't have to agree with him, just a little thought provoking.
Gutted for you re the proofreader's efforts - it would really pi$$ me off if they'd failed to do the job properly for me.
I agree in the main with your Diawara argument too, Dan. And see where you're coming from with Pardew - he turned around our season in the Prem, but not quite in time. As far as I know, Pardew was keen on the opera singer return, so can see where you were coming from there.
Having failed to get one in my stocking, I intend to buy it for myself and look forward to reading
Well they did mate, and you quoted them too.
Books are expected to have a higher level of accuracy, grammatical and factual, than journalism because of the time frame in which they are produced. Seeking that level of quality isn't pedantry, because if the things you know about are not correct then what confidence can you have in anything you discover from reading it.
It's a bit of a hobby horse of mine in fact - anyone who, these days, expects people to do a proper job is accused of being a perfectionist or a pedant. Your proof reader would seem to be a perfect example of the shi**y standards of work people seem to be able to get away with all too easily.
Credit to you though Dan for getting off your 'arris and trying to do something constructive with yourself and your time. I know plenty of people of your age and a lot older who'd never have the self discipline to get past the first hundred words or so - some of them probably don't even know a hundred different words - let alone write a whole book.
EDIT: I exempt the good Airman from that as he has been there and done it.
All credit to Dan for his gumption at such a young age.
Re: Diawara - Certainly didn't help that our chairman decided to slag him off publically. Should NEVER have happened.
As Len said, well done for your efforts, especially at your age.
Nice work!
Maybe there are some imperfections and grammatical errors; many people love to pounce on these and make their point - constructive criticsm is fine, but don't let it detract from the story you're telling.
You've written a book about Charlton ........ the Charlton story of those few years seen from your own personal perspective.
And that in itself will make your book a good read.
And lets all hope it "was" just for a few seasons.
On the last chapter now. Aside from the previously mentioned grammatcial errors etc it's been a very good read. Definitely brings back some memories, including some things I couldn't even remember, and Dan's opinion is very fair throughout.
A very recommended read.