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West Stand Upper......rant

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
I just thought i'd say got tickets in the west upper today which was the first time i have sat there for a year or 2

I was absolutely disgraced to put it lightly, see usually im north upper when i go which granted hasnt been very much this season as been going away and not always able to go. the thing which annoyed me was just constant moaning! seriously the ppl behind me didnt stop and neither did anyone in the stand, i reckon even east is probably better for atmosphere now.

Firstly we were one nil up with ten men and ppl were moaning that we was not chasing every ball, however when ysou have 10 players it is a more disciplined game you have to play when down by a player and when down to 9 players ppl were still moaning. i have to argue though as i thought we were very disciplined and played as well as we could given the circumstances

Secondly i got told to sit down by person behind, i wouldnt mind but it ws is out of play so they are not missing any of the game. my response was that i am usually in north upper where they are used to a bit of atmosphere and that i am passionate and sorry so it stopped me standing up and enjoying the game, however he did not stop moaning the whole game but thought i would bite my tongue.

seriously West upper has gone downhill, as used to have ST there before went over the the North which is not as good view but more a football fans world. West upper think i was the only one who was trying to start a chant and even when i did you get everyone looking at you as if your a prick seriously ffs if i want to be passionate let me be

On that note i will not be sitting west upper again, as i go to football to enjoy myself join in on singing having a laugh with fellow fans not to be told to sit down and do so whole game with no chanting


  • I sit in the West Upper for most games, found it fine most of the time apart from the odd game. A few games ago there were a group of people that didn't stop criticizing Burton for the whole game (forgetting we had little options at the time). "Probably the worst player we've ever had" the most ridiculous thing I heard them say. Also compared him to McLeod, suggesting McLeod can hold up the ball but Burton can't.

    Just luck on the day of where the moaners sit I'd say. Another day you probably wouldn't have heard much moaning at all.

    Never will be a great atmosphere there, can't disagree about the lack of it. Pretty much always been like that though, don't think it's changed that much.
  • edited December 2009
    its always been that way.
    Should someone choose to pay top dollar to watch a game without someone standing up screaming cafc, so be it.
    Theres a lot of people within that end who trumped up a lot of money for this club.
    Some of the constant bollocks sung within the north end, if i could afford a ticket for the west then i would join them.
    rant over.
  • South Africa 175-5.
  • Its' horses for courses isn't it. Throughout most of the Premiership years I didn't have a season ticket and I was reliant on my Dad picking up a ticket while I was away/out of the country. Consequently I spent nearly every game in the West Upper and hated it.

    I like making a noise, getting behind the team no matter what, singing and supporting. Basically, if you have any interest in saying anything positive, having a bit of banter, cheering Charlton on, singing or even just clapping, don't sit in the West Upper. That said I was in the East Stand for the first time in about 15 years today and had a great time, mind you, I
    was the only one who seemed to know the words to VFR.
  • The East has always been louder than the West.
  • edited December 2009
    Last time I sat up there, some woman (the most annoying I've ever met) spent the whole game slagging Chris Powell off. She spent at least twenty minutes screaming "You're not getting any sex off your wife tonight, Chrissy!"

    Never went back.
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]I sit in the West Upper for most games, found it fine most of the time apart from the odd game. A few games ago there were a group of people that didn't stop criticizing Burton for the whole game (forgetting we had little options at the time). "Probably the worst player we've ever had" the most ridiculous thing I heard them say. Also compared him to McLeod, suggesting McLeod can hold up the ball but Burton can't.

    Just luck on the day of where the moaners sit I'd say. Another day you probably wouldn't have heard much moaning at all.

    Never will be a great atmosphere there, can't disagree about the lack of it. Pretty much always been like that though, don't think it's changed that much.

    I'd agree to some extent, just think today was when we needed the crowd to get behind us not moan everytime we didnt play like they wanted them too

    But that said yes west stand is not for me, used to get all the moaning there aswell wen we were in the premiership in there. does annoy me think in the covered end the chanting probably just drowns them out.

    and it does depend on the day as u sed and the luck on whether the moaners are behind you or near, but im guessing they were season ticket holders aswell sod sitting there again this season lol frightened me too life!

    As for east stand sat once against palars in the carling cup and never again but i just think even them probably would outsing the west

    Other then that was very pleased with the boys today and felt the ref was atrocious, well deserved point
  • Well at least you know where you want to sit, I sit in the West upper,there are some mmoaners and there are some who support and shout encouragement. I have recently been joined by an Upper North Stander, who decided to move stands because of an obnoxious bloke who sat behind her who was racially abusing OUR players throughout games. She however did not tar the rest of the stand because of that.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]Last time I sat up there, some woman (the most annoying I've[b]ever[/b]met) spent the whole game slagging Chris Powell off. She spent at least twenty minutes screaming "You're not getting any sex off your wife tonight, Chrissy!"

    Never went back.[/quote]
    Do you think she was Chris' wife?!
  • done the North Upper (where I am now) South, East and upper West

    the North is the best atmosphere and on days like today, football ecstacy when Big Mig scored, you have to suck it up when people get on your tits, but upper North it is for me and my 70 year old dad

    I dont like you sister is you mother, but it's not the end of the world, if you want the most intense atmosphere you need to accept that sometimes that will turn into something that you don't like.
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  • Speaking of the North Upper, were the stewards just in an over zealous mood today? Or just an unusually high amount of knob heads? They must have slung out about 10 people...........................
  • [cite]Posted By: johnnybev1987[/cite]On that note i will not be sitting west upper again, as i go to football to enjoy myself join in on singing having a laugh with fellow fans not to be told to sit down and do so whole game with no chanting

    You should sit where I am in the West Upper. I stand up the whole game, call the ref a c*** at every opportunity, tell those who politely ask me to sit down to "f*** off", sing the "incest song" at the top of my voice in front of my six-year-old, give the w*nker sign to the away end at least 37 times a game, smoke and can often be seen holding a flare. It's called PASSION, apparently.

    Seriously though. if you don't like it there then how about you just don't sit there? - rather than coming on here and bitching on after having just witnessed the greatest come back since Lazarus.
  • at the same time mate it would be nice to be like a proper club who sing in all parts of the ground,didnt go today my girlfreind did,she remarked how quiet it is,she sat in the east.said could hear swindon no problem
  • Nolly, your girlfriend and your dad were there today but you weren't? The family excuse has gone, the 'gone shopping with the missus' excuse has gone so what's yours? Couldn't be bothered? Got a hangover? Come on man, where's the commitment!?
  • [cite]Posted By: HandG[/cite]Nolly, your girlfriend and your dad were there today but you weren't? The family excuse has gone, the 'gone shopping with the missus' excuse has gone so what's yours? Couldn't be bothered? Got a hangover? Come on man, where's the commitment!?

    Steven Segal treble bill on Films4Men today.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]it would be nice to be like a proper club

    Eh? Like Millwall you mean?
  • You pays yer money..... WU is a bit quiet, but I always take CatJunior there and we join in with the NU singing and I do tend to stand up whenever the ball goes in the box (normally get seats in row B of K block so MUST annoy some people - never had any complaints) TBH I enjoy listening to the critisising and having a good laugh.
  • Sat in Northwest quadrant today. Missed seeing the usual faces upstairs at half time. I thought north upper very loud but perhaps cos i was so near.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]at the same time mate it would be nice to be like a proper club who sing in all parts of the ground,didnt go today my girlfreind did,she remarked how quiet it is,she sat in the east.said could hear swindon no problem

    This has been done to death here. I sit in the East, I always join in the songs (when I can hear them from the North Upper!). The problem is the South just has better acoustics plus where you sit relatively to where the singing comes from will influence what you think about who was making the most noise.
  • Jeez........
    Wait til SoundAs reads this thread !
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  • In the North stand you are much more tightly packed than parts of the West. I sit in the Upper West and have a lot of empty seats near me - you do feel a bit of an idiot when you start to chant and clap and no-one else joins in.

    Regarding the standing - do remember that not everyone is able to stand up. If you do stand up, even though the ball is out of play, you may be preventing someone who is old or not so good on their feet from seeing what is going on on the pitch. I do stand briefly, to cheer if we score a goal, but sit down immediately so that I don't spoil anyone else's view. If you want to stand then stay in the parts of the North Stand where it is more acceptable.

    I think most of the crowd can be applauded for their support yesterday - whether they be in the North, East or West stands.
  • I have always sat in the West Upper until this season when I have sat in the North West quadrant on two occasions including yesterday. Apart from the poor view of what is going on in the other half of the pitch I have to say the North West quadrant has its fair share of knob heads. Yesterday I heard two groups who seemed intent on slagging Shelvy off from almost the first minute. You are going to get people venting their irrational prejudices against certain players whereever you sit.
  • bring back safe standing areas so those that want to stand can and those that dont can sit, at least then if you're standing and someones getting on your tits you can move
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]I have always sat in the West Upper until this season when I have sat in the North West quadrant on two occasions including yesterday. Apart from the poor view of what is going on in the other half of the pitch I have to say the North West quadrant has its fair share of knob heads. Yesterday I heard two groups who seemed intent on slagging Shelvy off from almost the first minute. You are going to get people venting their irrational prejudices against certain players whereever you sit.[/quote]

    Shelvey took his fair share of stick from the guys near me, one guy shouted that he was just like a school kid, only for it to be pointed out that's because he is!!! I do not really understand why Shelvey gets so much stick, some one a few weeks back called his a caravan boy. Maybe its a case of you don't know what you've got till its gone!
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]I have always sat in the West Upper until this season when I have sat in the North West quadrant on two occasions including yesterday. Apart from the poor view of what is going on in the other half of the pitch I have to say the North West quadrant has its fair share of knob heads. Yesterday I heard two groups who seemed intent on slagging Shelvy off from almost the first minute. You are going to get people venting their irrational prejudices against certain players whereever you sit.

    Shelvey took his fair share of stick from the guys near me, one guy shouted that he was just like a school kid, only for it to be pointed out that's because he is!!! I do not really understand why Shelvey gets so much stick, some one a few weeks back called his a caravan boy. Maybe its a case of you don't know what you've got till its gone!

    There are morons in any representative bunch of humanity.
  • saw them all off-it
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: johnnybev1987[/cite]On that note i will not be sitting west upper again, as i go to football to enjoy myself join in on singing having a laugh with fellow fans not to be told to sit down and do so whole game with no chanting

    You should sit where I am in the West Upper. I stand up the whole game, call the ref a c*** at every opportunity, tell those who politely ask me to sit down to "f*** off", sing the "incest song" at the top of my voice in front of my six-year-old, give the w*nker sign to the away end at least 37 times a game, smoke and can often be seen holding a flare. It's called PASSION, apparently.

    Seriously though. if you don't like it there then how about you just don't sit there? - rather than coming on here and bitching on after having just witnessed the greatest come back since Lazarus.

    I wont sit there anymore, used to but everyones right u do get the moaners anywhere just seems like there are more of them there!

    I also would like to point out i would only stand up and not for longer then 10 seconds when the ball is out of play so dont see the big deal, i dont need a place to stand as im not fussed about standing all the time just now and again to get behind them
  • lol sitting there today, bit of a hypocrite but someone we know is not going and saves paying for a ticket.....although may have to pay for an upgrade

    lets hope the moaners aren't out in full force today

  • [cite]Posted By: johnnybev1987[/cite]lets hope the moaners aren't out in full force today
    Oh the ironing...
  • It's the booing in the North Stand you wanna watch out for!
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