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Money in football ballsing up the game?

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
The biggest thing we are seeing is this "hanging on" factor....... ie Pardew not walking when he should have done due to the MASSIVE amounts of money that was due to him... Rafa at Liverpool, same situation... and even our owners who although haemoraging(sic) money wont step aside til they get their pound of flesh....

The money involved unfortunately now results in a the moral choice being an impossible route to take.....

Is it now impossible to be involved with football and keep your morals?


  • In what way have our board behaved immorally?
  • hello mate,

    No I havnt suggested they behaved immorally, my poor communication that is...

    What I am saying is that becasue the money involved is soo vast it leaves the individuals who may want to do "the right thing" an impossible job of doing the right thing and losing millions of pounds or hanging on and watching the results of NOT doing the right thing and waiting for the pay off.....

    ala Pardew and Rafa, Pardew was NEVER going to leave even though the dressing room was lost, the club in decline and EVERYONE thought he was a c*(& but becasue the money was too big 800k or so he would stay til he got paid and the same will happen at liverpool....

    as for the board, whilst this takeover is going on they are bleeding money every single day and when it looked likely that we were going to get taken over there were people who were holding out for pay offs that maybe they didnt really have coming to them..

    ie the analogy of the board being down the bookies gambling and winning and winning and then suddenly losing dramatically until theya re in debt and cant pay and THEN wanting to get paid to leave the shop is apt......

    so thats what I mean, if anyone can disect and understand what im talking about ... good luck...
  • Is it now impossible to be involved with football and keep your morals?

    Probably not, sadly
  • I'm not sure that it is impossible to keep your morals, but I do think there are a lot of immoral people including players/managers/agents who wouldn't think twice about shafting anyone or any club just to get their hands on some more filthy lucre. Their presence and the general climate with, as you say, clubs including ours leaking money all over the show must mean that its a lot more difficult to do the right thing.

    I personally think that things will get worse before they get better. I think it may take a few high profile catastrophic failures before things get sorted out. In a way, I fear for the likes of Portsmouth, Watford and even Palace given their current plights, but in another way I look at it and think that it might not be such a bad thing for football if one of them went under (guess which one?). If that were enough to shock the powers that be into clamping down on some of the worst financial excesses within the game. Ultimately, if it were to make a difference, I'd rather it be them than us.

    Ithink I've gone a bit off track, but that's what I think. Nice analogy btw.
  • edited December 2009
    Simple question, Would you walk away from your Job without being paid what you are owed??. Nobody forced the clubs to sign these managers to such contracts. At the end of the day there is no guarantee they would get another job anway, look at George Graham - how long has he been out of the game, yet he is a better manager than most.

    Liverpool have got themselves into a very bad situation - benitez's contract has a clause (apparently) which if he leaves for Real Madrid for a lesser salary, Liverpool will fund the difference for a year or two!!!

    Now that is wrong, but as I said nobody forced them to do it!
  • I think you just summed up my whole point thaid....
  • I think this is a lot of knee jerking garbage to be honest. I totally agree with Thaid. People expect football people to have a completely different set of morals than any that they would have themselves.

    Imagine you were in a position doing a job that you felt you could do pretty well, but that maybe others held a different opinion. Imagine that you had a family and times are tough and you might not be able to get a job at the same level. You might feel that your current employers haven't backed you in a way that they promised to. You might feel you're doing an OK job in the circumstances. Worst case you know that you're due a severance pay to tide you over if your employer decides to shitcan you. And you'd just walk, because you feel it's the right thing.

    Sorry, I don't think that the vast majority of people would. It's too easy to just say that others should do the right thing, without really considering what we'd do in their shoes and indeed without knowing all of the context. All this chat about football is being "ruined" by money doesn't seem to be stopping more people watching it on TV (which was barely possible during the golden age), attending games (again more than the golden age), chatting about it on the net etc...

    Clubs, when they're putting contracts together need to put in some performance requirements that will allow them to remove managers who aren't performing - and also make it clear to those managers exactly what the expectations are.
  • Liverpool gave Benitez a 5 year contract in March. Is it Benitez's fault? Would you resign from a job knowing you were kissing goodbye to £20m. Unlikely.

    The bigger question is why they gave him a 5 year deal when 2/3 would've sufficed.
  • Mclovin, while I agree with your comments I can see why there are people who would expect football people to have a completely different set of rules to the rest of us, those people do not see it as a job they see those who are lucky enough to play/manage at a professional level therefore they themselves should show a bit of dignity since after all "it is only a game".

    As earlier I do agree with you, if it is now a professional level with everything that goes with it then so should contracts and if clubs are stupid enough to offer these then they have to take the consequences that come with it
  • [cite]Posted By: All_Thaid_Up[/cite]...look at George Graham - how long has he been out of the game, yet he is a better manager than most.

    Who on earth would employ a manager with the Ars*nal badge built into his patio?

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  • [cite]Posted By: JohnBoyUK[/cite]
    Who on earth would employ a manager with the Ars*nal badge built into his patio?


    That's what I'd call ....... taking work home with you.
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