Just thinking and realised 2009 has been pretty pants for a lot of people on here but also allover this country and I've decided to generate a warm and fuzzy feeling as that's what I am feeling right about now.
There have been a fair number of us made redundant - Suzi, Adam the Addick, MCS and myself to name but a few. Suzis doing fine, Adam started his new job today, Olly has been quiet which hopefully means he's busy and my business kicks off in the new year.
Anyway - back to my warm and fuzzy feeling and I was just checking on my 16 month old as I went to bed and could see her beautiful face flickering in the Christmas lights. It puts all work pressures and money worries into perspective and I am so so thankful for the way things currently are. I have reasons to be happy, my baby, my beautiful wife, we moved into our dream home this year and I have my health. Even CAFC are having a good season!
All in all I just wanted to spread a little festive love and to take this opportunity to wish everyone on here a fabulous Christmas and a prosperous 2010
*raises glass*
Here's wishing you and all the other lifers a great 2010..........................and promotion!
*clinks glasses*
also not had the greatest 2009 but roll on 2010, things can only get better! the only way is up and so on
hopefully this applies to Charlton aswell
haha get out while u can matey, i did and so much happier for it. as for retards think thats a bit harsh but the managers yes :-) on that note has there been much recruitment? i have been told no but saw few new faces on pics of xmas part some bird looked well tasty called sarah louise poppy? whats the goss dude
Onwards and upwards - cheers everyone :-)
Today a friend, younger than me, suddenly died.
He had a major stroke.
Take nothing for granted. Count your blessings. Make your life count while you have it.
It's all you have.
Let's hope 2010 is a great year for all of us!
The only good things to come from it have been since the summer with the football and getting to know you lot!
Cheers everyone, merry christmas and a very happy and prosperous new year!
I've had a crap 2009 for various reasons, but i also had a crap 2008 and 2007 so its all becoming the norm. However, despite my problems i know full well there are millions far worse off than me, so you just get on with it and be grateful for the good things in your life.
Here's hoping 2010 bucks the trend.
First signs that 2010 may be better for me though are already starting to show through, have been asked to apply for a job permanently where I have been temping after the Christmas break so fingers crossed. Also Charlton are not doing too badly at the moment so things are hopefully starting to turn.
To all Charlton Lifers be lucky & have a healthy & safe 2010.
Inbetween work has been slow, my mum had to go into a care home (long and continuing battle with social services for which thanks to certain lifers for their support) and my teeth are falling apart.
So no, 2009 will not be a classic year but there have been good times (great summer holiday in France, Henry Jnr's goals and being made house captain) and the phone has been ringing with new pieces of work this week so I may delay going back to PAYE for a while longer.
Live, love, laugh and be happy everyone. Here's to a better 2010.
Sorry to hear that mate... about 6 yrs ago I lost 11 people that I knew. For everyone you lose the saying "Life is too short" hits home. Sorry ot hear about ur friend
Cheers, Rudders ...... it's been a difficult couple of months, so many thanks for your words of support.
To lose 11 people in 1 year, must have been truly dreadful for you and those around you.
Lost my job, split up with my fiancee, having to sell the house we shared.
Started a new job last week though, getting on top of being by myself and am hopeful the house is going to be sold in 2010.
To eat bread without hope is still slowly to starve to death....
But in the end it sparked one of those really existential moments where you realise this is it, this is life right now passing you by, and you better bloody make the most of it.
This year hasn't been too poor for me I still have a job and gf and life well has just carried on though funds have been tight!
I really hope 2010 is a brilliant year for all lifers and their families
The noughties have been woeful for my family. The only highlight for all of us was the birth of my daughter in early 2006 but the rest has been total and utter rubbish. Personally, the last two years have been awful - losing my wife (now ex-wife), losing my home and having been well and truly raped financially in the divorce courts but I cant complain. I count myself as one of the lucky ones. Just sharing a pint with my brother like I did last night was priceless for me. Bipolar disorder nearly destroyed him three times over. It's been a long battle for him over the last decade and he still has a massively long battle ahead of him but not once has he complained. Not once. He's an inspiration to me and because of him and my daughter, I feel proud to be a battler and will NEVER give in. I learnt a long time ago that life IS sh*t whatever way you look at it...its just how you deal with the consequences that makes life bearable.
Hopefully, the next decade will bring some smiles, some happiness and good health to all of us. Thats all I ask for. (Well, it would be nice to see Charlton win back-to-back promotions to the PL and I can resume proper banter with AFKA...it would be nice to see Spurs win a meaningful trophy sometime soon, perhaps even qualify for the CL and take a game at home against Wolves as seriously as a game against Ars*nal...but cant expect miracles ;-)
Despite our football differences, the advice on this message board has been invaluable for me at times, especially during the last 2 years. Hopefully, I've also gone some way to address the myth that all Spurs fans are completely bonkers, deluded and fickle ;-) Cheers all.
Nice thread Swisdom. We all have some uncomfortable crosses to bear, but at least for ninety minutes a couple of times a week we have a special place to go where other troubles are put on the back burner (or in the case of Saturday, refused entry for not having a ticket!). Here's to three points then, plenty more in 2010, and a memorable day in May.
Good luck everyone
Cheers everyone!