hello, ollie, glass MOG, fod, dave mehmet buckshee, les says, we are all watching the stupid wet windy freezing mug game from the comfort of the clit!! wet, fuming moist smellly humid pungent and hairy, typical clit!! warm tho
2nd half was better! You can only get so wet before you stop noticing! Glad I found Stewart, wss and brunello as I was billy no mates for a while as they vanished back to the coach. Well done the lads! You battled the weather and did yer best. Sending off was due to weather and unlucky but the boys done well.
I would like to say that me and PALCAFC feel let down by you CLIT coach lot. Heather had to unlock the pub for us at 10:30 cause we're proper away fans, and we had to hold the fort 'til you lightweights turned up.
get back out there
never known rain like it at a match
Given my recent record - It's a good job I didn't go! ;-)
Name and shame.
Glass half full left his old man to get soaked through.
Utter disgrace.