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Pink Oboe list

edited August 2006 in General Charlton
I was never that bothered by all the goings on on the Netaddicks board because I never read all the threads. But still being on Glyn Jones PinkOboe list has proper wound me up. This week they had a dicussion about pen pictures not being up to date. Is anyone that bothered???


  • edited August 2006
    i have 2000 emails in my hotmail in box from that list, i rarely read any of them and every now and then just clear them all out...

    however this week, i caught one of them, it wound me right up. if those people have so much time on their hands criticising the club for not doing the most minor of things, then why dont they volunteer to give them a hand!!!

    some people on there really need to get a life.
  • The list can get tedious very fast, though I am sure there are good discussions, I think the email format makes it difficult. I have the same as you suzi; I collect the emails, but can barely bring myself to sift through them.
  • For some reason I am still a member of the Pink Oboe list. All this week they have had a predictions thread with shead loads of emails relating to where each person thinks we will finish. This followed by emails bemoaning the fact that a squad list hasn't been announced and then the usual castigation on Amdy Faye.

    It's a habit ....
  • I used to get the daily digest to avoid having 100s of emails every day. I unsubscribed once when I went on holiday and never bothered to sign up again.

    My life has not suffered as a result.
  • Do i need to know about this "pinkoboe" thang, or am i better off being naive ?
  • Suzzzzzzzzzzzi , Henry understand 100%. Its not just CAFC types tho try being a Facilities Manager where 60% of the people are yanks ! Not worth even counting how many emails i used to get. Thing was it was company policy thay had to be given an answer etc.

    * The guy who complained that his banana cost 6p (yes 6p) and he thought it should be cheaper.
    * The woman who said that the trafic lights didnt allow people to safely cross the road and i should get them changed (i had to time them and check others, and contact TFL)
    * The woman who walked into a glass partition while on a training course outside our building who asked why i hadnt checked that building from the H+S point of view.

    just to think in a few weeks time ill be doing the same thing with the same peeps in Doha !
  • better off not knowing I reckon!

    I'm still spending time deleting mountains of pointless emails. the same 8 people talking all the time and having disagreements.

    I keep forgetting to unsubscribe, but it goes to my hotmail account, sometimes there may be a heading that would catch my attention, but very rarely.
  • It's had its ups and downs, but its been very, very dull for a while now. Ms Sausage hits the nail on the head, theres a few on there who feel compelled to respond to every single mail and squabble on and on. I end up deleting loads, theres probably a few good one there but lifes too short to wade through them all.
  • Latest ramblings from the Pink Oboe list ...

    i for one would hate Allardyce and wouldnt continue going. What did he bring to Bolton ? The most boring football totally imaginable. Please no . Wasn't the chant we want our Charlton back! Gone forever if hes appointed ( cos the chant didnt mean just winning!)

    Blimey ...
  • Never understood the "we want our Charlton back" the rate we are sliding, we are getting our Charlton back .........
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]Never understood the "we want our Charlton back" the rate we are sliding, we are getting our Charlton back .........


    They were proper shite when I started going, some 27 years ago ...
  • [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]Never understood the "we want our Charlton back" the rate we are sliding, we are getting our Charlton back .........


    They were proper shite when I started going, some 27 years ago ...

    You went when you were a day old...Jesus you really were born Charlton!
  • [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]Never understood the "we want our Charlton back" the rate we are sliding, we are getting our Charlton back .........

    I'd settle for a version of Charlton that could finish 21st at the moment

    One of my favourite seasons was 1980-1 in the third division... BUT I'm in no hurry to repeat the experience. Riscardo picked a good season to start going, even if he was a babe in arms.....
  • edited December 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]Latest ramblings from the Pink Oboe list ...

    i for one would hate Allardyce and wouldnt continue going. What did he bring to Bolton ? The most boring football totally imaginable. Please no . Wasn't the chant we want our Charlton back! Gone forever if hes appointed ( cos the chant didnt mean just winning!)

    Blimey ...

    This post was in response to one by me saying

    "I'd be astonished but delightedly so if Allardyce got the job. If he can bring to our club what he brought to Bolton and what his protege Phil Brown has brough to Hull, I'd be well happy."

    and my follow up was

    "How often did they beat Arsenal Julie? How often did they beat us? They reached a euro slot, something of which we could only dream. There is much more to Allardyce than a miserable Northern long-ball merchant. He recognised that teams who do not have the level of finances or the star players need an edge, in fitness, in positive mental approach, in diet, in player selection and in tactical strength. In Pards we had a manager who believed in the first three but failed almost completely on the last two.

    I think the negative judgement on Allardyce by some is completely unjustified by the facts (and I was one of those who hitherto didn't like him much). What makes me laugh is that the Geordies via Keegan have swapped Sam for Kinnear. Hitherto both known for building physical sides who hit the ball long, yet the Geordies have taken to Joe - why? Results coupled with slightly more realistic expectations."

    So there!!!........:o)
  • It's all going off on the Pink Oboe list after the use of a 4 letter word rhyming with Andy Hunt :)
  • hmmm. I wouldn't have thought calling someone a runt would cause such furore. Have I missed something?
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]hmmm. I wouldn't have thought calling someone a runt would cause such furore. Have I missed something?

    I think your first punt at the four letter word maybe wrong
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]hmmm. I wouldn't have thought calling someone a runt would cause such furore. Have I missed something?

    I think your first punt at the four letter word maybe wrong
    LOL, well it was just a Punt
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • Sponsored links:

  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • It was the fact that the word was used by one of the most senior and well-respected of posters. I am pleased to report that love and harmony has broken out again.
  • calm down :-)
  • We heard you the first time ;0 )
  • mobile mania, Bing? :)
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