confession time .. always like the line in this song .. 'her west coast strut was as sweet as molasses' .. for most of today I was sitting in one of those glass fronted A&E booths being treated for a serious chest viral infection (I persuaded the consultant to let me go home after promising him to do nothing more strenuous than turning on the TV or the page of a book until the new year .. steroids and anti -biotics r us) The poise and posture of one quite lovely nurse walking around the busy area has brought this wistful old man to this
Wire - I Am The Fly
for most of today I was sitting in one of those glass fronted A&E booths being treated for a serious chest viral infection
(I persuaded the consultant to let me go home after promising him to do nothing more strenuous than turning on the TV or the page of a book until the new year .. steroids and anti -biotics r us)
The poise and posture of one quite lovely nurse walking around the busy area has brought this wistful old man to this
ZZ TOP in their heyday, in their pomp
Iron Maiden - Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Epic live performance of an epic song...👍David Gilmour - One Of These Days (Live at Pompeii 2016)
Route 66 - Dr Feelgood
Eddie and the Hot Rods - Do anything you wanna do
Skids - The saints are coming
Jeff Beck...One of the best..RIP.
Minstrel's Song
Kirsty MacColl - There’s A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears He’s Elvis
All Moving Parts (Stand Still)...
What a Combination...Peace and Radiation...David Bowie - Be My Wife
Air - Playground love
Air - sexy boy
The first Tull album I bought was, Benefit and just been revisiting it after many years.
Also wondering if Joe Cocker got his epileptic movements from Anderson or was it the other way round?
Iron Maiden - No More Lies -
Nazareth - This Flight Tonight -