Unknown to many, Tooting-based New Musik was well-regarded. Singer / guitarist and band leader, Tony Mansfield, found further success as a music producer. Bass guitarist Tony Hibbert is a Coach / Instructor to track cyclists, and Derny rider (motor pacer), at Herne Hill Velodrome.
Unknown to many, Tooting-based New Musik was well-regarded. Singer / guitarist and band leader, Tony Mansfield, found further success as a music producer. Bass guitarist Tony Hibbert is a Coach / Instructor to track cyclists, and Derny rider (motor pacer), at Herne Hill Velodrome.
Unknown to many, Tooting-based New Musik was well-regarded. Singer / guitarist and band leader, Tony Mansfield, found further success as a music producer. Bass guitarist Tony Hibbert is a Coach / Instructor to track cyclists, and Derny rider (motor pacer), at Herne Hill Velodrome.
Ta for this, didn’t think I knew this lot but recognise Straight Lines and This World of Water. Listening to the debut album now on Spotify - very good stuff.
Put on The Stone Roses' Second Coming for the first time in years and taken back to my last year at school. Some incredible songs and grooves on this album - forgot how much I love it.
Put on The Stone Roses' Second Coming for the first time in years and taken back to my last year at school. Some incredible songs and grooves on this album - forgot how much I love it.
It’s under-rated.
Mani always played tracks from it on his disco gigs.
From the band's debut LP of 1980 From A to B
Unknown to many, Tooting-based New Musik was well-regarded.
Singer / guitarist and band leader, Tony Mansfield, found further success as a music producer. Bass guitarist Tony Hibbert is a Coach / Instructor to track cyclists, and Derny rider (motor pacer), at Herne Hill Velodrome.
Here's Tony pacing on a Derny at HHV. I'll be seeing him this afternoon.
Try this one - Division - from their second LP Anywhere (1981)
(Some splendid chord progression and interesting change of time signature)
And this, The Planet Doesn't Mind, from their third LP, Warp (1982)
Yes it's not opening/embedding, whatever it's called.
Still not bloody working. Anyway, it's Kelly Gilligan, an excellent heart-on-his-sleeve soul singer.
Mani always played tracks from it on his disco gigs.