After simpering through the classic It's My Party and Maybe I Know, Lesley flexes her feminist muscles on this. A great performance and she was still a teenager and it was still the 60's.
Driving to and from the Valley today I was able to really enjoy the new Kings of Leon album - top drawer and also Junior put on the new Bastille album which is decent but very long.
In 1996, Tony Blair put his name to a document titled New Labour, New Life for Animals which stated "We will support a Royal Commission to review the effectiveness and justification of animal experiments and to examine alternatives." New Labour was elected in 1997, yet the proposed Royal Commission did not happen. Many advocates for animals were dismayed about this. An activist called Barry Horne, at the time serving a prison sentence, began a hunger strike to highlight New Labour's decision not to realise its pre-election pledge.
On November 5th 2001 - fifteen years ago today - Barry Horne died, in prison, of liver failure, a result of starvation and political deception. He was buried in his home town of Northampton, under an oak tree in a woodland cemetery, wearing the shirt of Northampton Town F.C.
This song, Barry Horne is by South London band Inner Terrestrials.
A great performance and she was still a teenager and it was still the 60's.
Hooded Menace
The Pilgrim
Just found it in a heap of old CDs. Enjoying much more now than when I bought it.
In 1996, Tony Blair put his name to a document titled New Labour, New Life for Animals which stated "We will support a Royal Commission to review the effectiveness and justification of animal experiments and to examine alternatives." New Labour was elected in 1997, yet the proposed Royal Commission did not happen. Many advocates for animals were dismayed about this. An activist called Barry Horne, at the time serving a prison sentence, began a hunger strike to highlight New Labour's decision not to realise its pre-election pledge.
On November 5th 2001 - fifteen years ago today - Barry Horne died, in prison, of liver failure, a result of starvation and political deception. He was buried in his home town of Northampton, under an oak tree in a woodland cemetery, wearing the shirt of Northampton Town F.C.
This song, Barry Horne is by South London band Inner Terrestrials.
Just seen they've reformed and touring again.