Heard today of a book devoted to the subject of football ground 'Dugouts', i.e those little structures that the 'magic sponge' man bangs his head on as he leaps out to tend to one of his players who's dying on the pitch. Don't know any details but I imagine it's similar to the Simon Inglis type of books on football grounds etc. Anyone heard of it or even read it? Wondered if it's worth putting on the Christmas list along with Sir Lennie's. Oh, I was also told Curbs has written the introduction bit.
Curbs did do the forward.
Some good photos from mainly non league.
Nice stocking fillee but not that big or in the league of the inglis books.
If you like inglis try Engineering Archie. Great book o
I am halfway through a book i started reading five months ago. I don't think it is physically possible unless you are retired or out of work to read a book unless on holiday.
Book on way home.
I usually have three on the go at any one time. It takes me months to finish though - everytime I pick one up I have to go back of the old ground to remind me where I was.
Make time you old philistine.
I am halfway through a book i started reading five months ago. I don't think it is physically possible unless you are retired or out of work to read a book unless on holiday.[/quote]
I've returned from holiday on more than one occasion with a matter of pages to go in a book and never picked it back up again. I did manage to finish two on my hols last week though. Second one as the seatbelt sign came on coming into Gatwick.
I am halfway through a book i started reading five months ago. I don't think it is physically possible unless you are retired or out of work to read a book unless on holiday.''
Yes, AFKA, but how many posts do you read on CL in an average week? Probably adds up to several books. OK, there's no coherence or plot. But hey - its quantity not quality that counts, isn't it ???
One lifes great quotes: Brian Glover in Porridge.........................I believe
Very good Mr Hislop.
Don't you ever go for a sh*t AFKA?
Not one i could read a book in !
Are you saying that you read whilst driving?
I know what you mean but it is logically quite easy. Think of the hours you spend in the pub or watching TV for example.
The best way to analyse it is to compare how you do things on holiday compared to a week-end at home.
One difference I'm sure is that you watch less football on holiday.
You need to cut out one activity to find the time to read a book.
A book is generally much more rewarding than TV.
It's easy. As long as you can steer with your knees and, evey few pages glance up at the road.
Mind you, newspapers are a bit tiresome if the window's open. And doing the crossword or sudoko is a no-no, unless you're on a very straight road.
I got it bought for me last year along with Roundabouts of Great Britain (Does what it says on the tin). It's not war and peace and wont win the Booker prize but a stocking filler.