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Takeover frustration for Valley boss

edited August 2009 in General Charlton


  • newshopper, what is the proposed move re Chris Dickson or is that just the Gilingham one ??
  • I fail to understand why Andy Gray's move is on hold pending a takeover. Parky wouls rather have somebody else, his wages are a burden to existing and potential owners and the man needs a new start up North on behalf of his family.
  • [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]I fail to understand why Andy Gray's move is on hold pending a takeover. Parky wouls rather have somebody else, his wages are a burden to existing and potential owners and the man needs a new start up North on behalf of his family.

    The new owners might want the transfer fee.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]newshopper, what is the proposed move re Chris Dickson or is that just the Gilingham one ??[/quote]

    Just the Gills one
  • edited August 2009
    maybe if we let Gray go we cannot get a replacement unless a takeover is in place?
  • Well i read that as Parky trying to egg us,the fans, on to get some answers from the board.I suggest everyone of us contact the club and demand answers.It's make or break time people.
  • edited August 2009
    if a takeover does happen but not by the end of the month then Parky will be left with no choice but to bring in some loan players (you can start bringing loans a couple of weeks after transfer window closes I think) - something that in general has left a bad taste for us the last two seasons.

    Let's hope it is imminent and there are still some handy players available.

    PS You can probably bring someone on loan and then make it permanent - so I guess there are ways round it.
  • Or maybe Andy Gray is just a money grabbing b'stard holding the club to ransom...who knows?

    I can see Dixon going, but I just have a feeling that Fleets might just be hungry enough for a chance.....couldnt do much harm could it?

    We should see the back of Moo2,Gray and McLeod by the end of the can only hope anyway.
  • ''maybe Andy Gray is just a money grabbing b'stard holding the club to ransom...''

    perhaps it's just me , but I find that rather heartless given what we know about his family circs...
  • Think whatever you like Nigel, but I dont think Im that far from the truth...always two sides to a story, you as an ex journo should know that.
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  • I'm an old softie, Tel. I've always believed that people are basically decent, honest and principled (well Pardew apart, obviously) - and when they're not it's because they have been put under inhuman pressure.

    But if what you say turns out to be true and Gray has cynically used his wife's tumour to further his own financial interests, my faith in humanity will be shaken to the core. And that takes some doing after nearly 60 years!

    If you are correct, he will become an even bigger villain that Pardew in my book.

    I have to agree that the way Parkinson says Gray's situation is not a priority at the moment suggests the club doesn't think much of his plea for a move on compassionate grounds.

    But I shouldn't even be talking like this because I refuse to entertain the possibility that anybody could behave in such a way.
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Well i read that as Parky trying to egg us,the fans, on to get some answers from the board.I suggest everyone of us contact the club and demand answers.It's make or break time people.
    Oh no, I feel another letter coming on...
  • [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]I'm an old softie, Tel. I've always believed that people are basically decent, honest and principled (well Pardew apart, obviously) - and when they're not it's because they have been put under inhuman pressure.

    But if what you say turns out to be true and Gray has cynically used his wife's tumour to further his own financial interests, my faith in humanity will be shaken to the core. And that takes some doing after nearly 60 years!

    If you are correct, he will become an even bigger villain that Pardew in my book.

    I have to agree that the way Parkinson says Gray's situation is not a priority at the moment suggests the club doesn't think much of his plea for a move on compassionate grounds.

    But I shouldn't even be talking like this because I refuse to entertain the possibility that anybody could behave in such a way.

    Evening nigel..............I don't think Tel ever suggested he was using his family situation to muddy the waters.Just that he was being somewhat mercenery..........I don't know the truth of it but I suggest that wasn't what Tel was trying to convey.
    Maybe Tel would like to clarify that?
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Well i read that as Parky trying to egg us,the fans, on to get some answers from the board.I suggest everyone of us contact the club and demand answers.It's make or break time people.

    One will do. You contact them and demand the answers and let us lot know the outcome :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]I'm an old softie, Tel. I've always believed that people are basically decent, honest and principled (well Pardew apart, obviously) - and when they're not it's because they have been put under inhuman pressure.

    But if what you say turns out to be true and Gray has cynically used his wife's tumour to further his own financial interests, my faith in humanity will be shaken to the core. And that takes some doing after nearly 60 years!

    If you are correct, he will become an even bigger villain that Pardew in my book.

    I have to agree that the way Parkinson says Gray's situation is not a priority at the moment suggests the club doesn't think much of his plea for a move on compassionate grounds.

    But I shouldn't even be talking like this because I refuse to entertain the possibility that anybody could behave in such a way.

    Evening nigel..............I don't think Tel ever suggested he was using his family situation to muddy the waters.Just that he was being somewhat mercenery..........I don't know the truth of it but I suggest that wasn't what Tel was trying to convey.
    Maybe Tel would like to clarify that?

    Funny how people read into things in different ways isnt it?.....not saying that either way is right or wrong but Soundas version is what I was suggesting, nothing more
  • You could take the view (the mercenary one) that he is only trying to support his family by holding out for as much money as he can (assuming thats what he's doing).
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]if a takeover does happen but not by the end of the month then Parky will be left with no choice but to bring in some loan players (you can start bringing loans a couple of weeks after transfer window closes I think) - something that in general has left a bad taste for us the last two seasons.

    Let's hope it is imminent and there are still some handy players available.

    PS You can probably bring someone on loan and then make it permanent - so I guess there are ways round it.
    There are a load of free agents out there that can be signed outside the transfer window. Those that are hanging-on for a possible Championship contract might just drop their expectations a little once 1st September comes around.....
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]You could take the view (the mercenary one) that he is only trying to support his family by holding out for as much money as he can (assuming thats what he's doing).

    Guess you could also take the view that if it's vital for his family to move back up north that he would be flexible about maintaining his current compensation, assuming Barnsley are offering him less money that is. I would think money becomes secondary when dealing with family health problems, it's not like he won't be making a good living.

    As has been said it's all specultaion and as Nigel said I don't believe anyone would behave that way.
  • Nug said : ''I would think money becomes secondary when dealing with family health problems, it's not like he won't be making a good living.''

    Thamks, Nug. That's exactly what I meant. If the move north is so desperately and urgently necessary due to family illness, that would seem at odds with delaying the process by ''holding the club to ransom'' until he gets what he wants financially.
  • So you would think..........

    But there again we arent greedy footballers are we....
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  • pity Andy Gray hasn't got a relative who can come on here to defend him. IF it is being held up by his wage demands, which I don't think it is, then he is entitled to do the best by his family. This is likely to be the last 'big' contract he'll sign and he needs to ensure financial stability for the future. I don't think it is fair to say that he is using his family or putting his wage demands above them because imo that is just bollox. OK he wants to move up North but at the same time he wants to maximise his earning potential. In the end something will give but in the meantime give the guy a break. As I said I don't think it is this holding the deal up in the first place.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]pity Andy Gray hasn't got a relative who can come on here to defend him. IF it is being held up by his wage demands, which I don't think it is, then he is entitled to do the best by his family. This is likely to be the last 'big' contract he'll sign and he needs to ensure financial stability for the future. I don't think it is fair to say that he is using his family or putting his wage demands above them because imo that is just bollox. OK he wants to move up North but at the same time he wants to maximise his earning potential. In the end something will give but in the meantime give the guy a break. As I said I don't think it is this holding the deal up in the first place.

    Good post
  • Have to say I think this is down to the club. Which of course means the board. Seems a bit rich to accuse a player of trying to make money out of a situation when the board members themselves are haggling over every detail. I do not blame the current board to a large degree about this, but they have had a decent time to consider there position. Andy's situation does have a compassionate side, life does go on, the board still have a day to day duty to run the club in the interests of the business that is Charlton, not just there own investment. As i have stated before as they often chant ' we are fans as well'...... but businessmen first it seems.
  • edited August 2009
    I've never seen so many assumptions in one thread. we're guessing what's going on and then criticising people based on our own guesswork. It's unfair on everyone involved because we simply don't know what's happening. Just let them get on with it and it'll get sorted.
  • [cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]Have to say I think this is down to the club. Which of course means the board. Seems a bit rich to accuse a player of trying to make money out of a situation when the board members themselves are haggling over every detail. I do not blame the current board to a large degree about this, but they have had a decent time to consider there position. Andy's situation does have a compassionate side, life does go on, the board still have a day to day duty to run the club in the interests of the business that is Charlton, not just there own investment. As i have stated before as they often chant ' we are fans as well'...... but businessmen first it seems.

    Make you right there Ken.Haggling over every penny they can get their hands back on is the difference between getting their moats cleaned twice or three times a month.
  • BB Claus wrote :
    ''I've never seen so many assumptions in one thread. we're guessing what's going on and then criticising people based on our own guesswork.''

    Which takes us back to where we were 15 hours ago when I objected to the sentence ''maybe Andy Gray is just a money grabbing b'stard holding the club to ransom'' !!!
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: BBClaus[/cite]I've never seen so many assumptions in one thread. we're guessing what's going on and then criticising people based on our own guesswork. It's unfair on everyone involved because we simply don't know what's happening. Just let them get on with it and it'll get sorted.

    Well said, BB.

    Some people try to hang the player, everybody else tries to hang the club.

    Based on what?
    Nobody knows ........ just basing their own opinions on assumptions.

    Leave it alone - it'll be resolved soon enough, I'm sure.
  • Hope I didn't come across as hanging a player, just responded to Bings post with the opposite scenario. I have absolute sympathy for what Andy Gray has gone through and of course we all have the right to do what is best for our family, be that money or being close to your extended loved ones.
  • Agreed, Oggy, except with your ''leave it alone'' order.

    That's the nature of a democratic forum full of dfferent opinions - within the boundaries of obvious legality, I'm afraid there are no subjects that people can be instructed to ''leave alone''.

    So although I objected to Tel's comment, I totally defend his right to have said it and for others to have debated it!
  • From the expression on Andy Gray's face, the last time I saw him play, I've concluded that he is indeed an angel sent by Our Lord Jeebuz, to do good works on earth and perform occasional feats of goalscoring. His next mission is in the Yorkshire area, so he needs to get a transfer, but obviously can't reveal his true celestial identity and so is having to look for a move. I believe that agents of darkness - probably the devil or somesuch c**t, is delaying the move so that they can get on with whatever it is that they're doing in Yorkshire that they don't want Archangel Gray to stop. So, it may well be that Satan himself is behind our takeover.

    All this is just a hunch on my part, but when I was thinking about Andy Gray yesterday I saw a big white feather on the ground. The type you only ever see on Angels. Or maybe the odd big gull. Anyway, I think it was the angel thing. Maybe Jeebuz, who is kind of Andy's relative (if I'm right, and he is an angel), could come on here and scold everyone for jumping to conclusions about Andy Gray.
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