I bought the replica top from Toffs....its absolutley blinding...why we cant do a kit like that these days is anybodies guess, but I have to say this top is really smart......
Is that the white one with the red portion at the top?
If it is I also got one of those when they were selling them at JD Sports and you're right it's great, but be careful. first wash sent the red part orange. I got it changed okay, but they warned me that it sometimes happens and advised caution.
Is that the white one with the red portion at the top?
If it is I also got one of those when they were selling them at JD Sports and you're right it's great, but be careful. first wash sent the red part orange. I got it changed okay, but they warned me that it sometimes happens and advised caution.
Is that the white one with the red portion at the top?
If it is I also got one of those when they were selling them at JD Sports and you're right it's great, but be careful. first wash sent the red part orange. I got it changed okay, but they warned me that it sometimes happens and advised caution.
Haven't worn it since!!!!!