Today I OFFICIALLY came off the list for Redundancy (in fact my boss just phoned me) , since we were first informed on March 3rd.

Apology's to Oli and others that had this horrible thing to deal with, but myself and Mrs TCE are chuffed to bits.
Thanks for all the advice given by "lifers" on here and via whispers especially to Derek's " good Lady" I did what she suggested and emailed HR, unfortunately as anyone who knows me will verify I have been know to let the odd bit of industrial language slip out, and I give HR an absolute "Dogs abuse" is that what she meant Derek?
Thanks to everyone for the comments.
Tonight I'm on the sauce
Tip: Don't phone HR tonight.
I hate those HR people.
HR are rubbish.
But you can never spend too much on Consultants.
that is so so true.
all Consultants I've ever met are people who can talk about a job but sit 'em down and get them to do it and that is another matter.
Bar stewards the lot of them, they use peoples life stories for training purposes and dont even pay commission. :-)
Genuine feedback received from a client today
"Very clear and helpful advice given. Tailored to our organisation. Delivered in an interesting way and involved everyone in the group. Came up with stimulating ideas. Everyone felt that it was a very productive session. Ben was really interested in our organisation and came across as knowledgeable and keen to help."
And I'm not a consultant, I'm a business coach but Addickted doesn't really understand the difference : - )
Referring to other client dialouges, in confidence, shows transferable skills and ability to contextualise issues for the relevant stakeholders.
Yeah, but thats easy for you to say.