1. Rumours persist that Charlton will be taken over and an announcement to that effect will be made on 23rd or 24th June.
2. Charlton have announced a "tour" to Ireland.
3. Ryanair has announced that it will shut its website down for ten hours on 24 June. (Apparantly for "maintenance", but would a holiday flight company really choose to do maintenance on their website - and thus prevent customers from checking in - in the middle of June?)
Is it possible that Mr O'Leary is behind PV's bid? And that an announcement is due on two websites (ryanair.com and cafc.co.uk) simultaneously?
You guys are mental!
LOL :-)
FANFARE "Congratulations, your team has just thrown away another three points, Suprised, you shouldnt be, last year over 70% of matches featuring your team ended in this way, beating every other championship side to the worst record", "Charlton for the lowest league position and the worst points record"
The mere thought sends shivers!!!
I'd heard Steve Staunton.
Just like we did in China, when ZZ signed.
i tell the if this is true then chizz you are the man
* + £10 booking fee, £5 ground improvement fee, £3 seat maintainance tax, £4 security screening fee, £6 reservation agency tax, £8 player improvement surcharge, £7 air usage contingency tax, £6 customer proportional handling fee.....
Can I check in online .... ?
I agree with NLA, if you guess this right Chizz then you are a genius and should replace Sir Alan Shoutypants as 'business guru' or whatever the f. its called....
I never knew Henry could speak Arabic so well though.
As-Salāmu `Alaykum!
the third party was me me and henners were talking in reverse
srenneh ew tnsaw
Gotta say that those are all as far as i can tell facts!
If true it is a sad day... unless he is willing to add a surcharge onto airline tickets to help support Charlton
Linky thing
He put his 'phone on divert when you rang - "God, not NLA again. He's a right stalker"
What happened to "what happens in France, stays in France"?
If you are going to leak stuff like this then I have to think again about your shoe fetish.
Sod the Takeover, this is the story. LOl
Beautiful. Thanks very much.