I need a bit of kit that allows me to play my ipod in the car via either the CD player (preferred option) or the ciggie lighter. Don't have an input for a jack plug.
What reasonably priced and easy to use gadget, hopefully without loads of wires, would you recommend, fellow lifers?
Ta and LLL&BH (Dazzler, do you know that one?)
that or you can get a radio transmitter for your Ipod and then play it through the radio, all very easy no wires
if it's a fancy stereo one you can pick up a USB to ipod adaptor. A bit more expensive.
I've got one of these - it's pants
I wouldn't have thought so either but I'm told you can.
What's a head unit? Most technology and gadgets are a blur to me.
What's a good radio transmitter to get? No wires sounds good.
Head unit is the playing unit in your car, be it CD/DVD/Tape or Radio
Radio transmitter you plug onto your Ipod its only a small little thing and it shoudl be picked up by your car stereo automatically, although as is mentioned not sure its the greatest sound quality, but I'm gettin the fellin you won't be playin music very load with and expensive speaker set up in your car?! In which case the quality will be fine
Take a look on www.iworld.co.uk and look for the Cygnett kit in the Car accessories section, I have a unit that plugs in the ciggy lighter and takes my nano, it is the Griffin model you simply tune an FM station on the front of the Cygnett unit to one matching your radio and bingo your tunes come out the sound system, also charges your ipod as well.
The only downside is you do need to find an FM channel that is blank with no music but if you hunt around the 80.1 area you should find something.
Good luck
I did (well newer- 08 numberplate) that's why the old tape cassette thing I had is no good any more.
Thanks Scruffle, Wasn't trying to humour you, I really know next to nothing about cars or stereos.
Cheers Mike, I will check that one out.
Me too, only ever worked if i drove along whilst holding my Ipod OUT of the sunroof
Laugh, Love, Live and Be Happy?
I've got an iTrip and it works fine, paid tenner for mine from eBay, better than shelling out a ton for a brand new head unit
if it does £6.99 from halfords or if it has a tape deck £9.99 - the i-trip seems to always need re-tuning (the GF had one!)