Saw the first advert on TV about preventing Flu germs spreading with a Swine Flu hotline number to ring.
Experts on radio yesterday felt confident that a vaccine could be found and that the UK is prepared.
Are they being over-optimistic or is this being overblown in the same way as CJD, SARS and Bird Flu?
A. Not worried at all. It's all a fuss over nothing. Flu happens all the time
B. Slightly concerned but it's not going to be as bad as some say
C. I'm worried and I'm going to take reasonable precautions such as taking a vaccine and buying a mask
D. I'm Sh******* myself more than a Palace fan in the Con Club on matchday.
250,000 - 500,000 people die from flu every year so I don't consider this to be the new plague unless it mutates into something that cannot be treated.
The media hype is amazing and quite frankly doing my head in.
Generally though, I think it's being hugely overblown
Something like this happening is pretty inevitable until we change the way we tackle disease (i.e. hammer them with drugs till they mutate); and also globalisation which allows these things to spread rapidly.
Does make one worried however with a kiddie on the way etc.
I thought it was 12,000 people a year die from Flu but I may be wrong.
IMO it's massively overhyped (unless there issomething we are not being told)
For me it's an A but I am worried about my 9month old daughter being prone
As was the bird flu etc
better not stop my honeymoon to barbado at end of June.
Lady Irving works in an operating theatre. I'll see if I can get a job lot to sell on Sunday.
Drove in last night and couldn't believe the number of people wearing masks..
A/B for me but totally agree with pilchard..
Really, was in Soho yesterday and then walked back to Victoria. Didn't see one person wearing one.
Pretty much that to a tee. Both my kids are either the same age or younger than the boy who died in Texas so it does make me a little concerned for them!
Maybe there were more worried about catching other stuff there?? :-)
Phase 6 would indicate a full-scale global pandemic.
The Pigs are going to rule the world
Just take precaustions and have a box of tissues to hand and make sure your hands are clean. We've been handed telephone and multi purpose wipes at work to keep our keyboards and handsets clean.
Went to Mexico in January, Wife and I felt ill when we got back but put it down to jetlag. Now we're wondering if we may have had a version of this 'flu. Does anyone know if they can check to see if, A) we've had it and