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Ian Tomlinson



  • masicat said:

    Hope I don't shove someone in the queue for a burger at the valley and then they die of a heart attack. This was a member of the public being a bloody nuisance when the police were under stress from the fact this is a free country and anyone can cause mayhem and rioting in the name of freedom. Watch the police programmes on TV now, too much bloody freedom in this country. Those of us who are law abiding have no problem with the poliuce. I respect them and at times need their help and assistance. They have a lot to put up with and I cannot believe the stick some people on here have given them. Mugs !

  • edited July 2012

    masicat said:

    Hope I don't shove someone in the queue for a burger at the valley and then they die of a heart attack. This was a member of the public being a bloody nuisance when the police were under stress from the fact this is a free country and anyone can cause mayhem and rioting in the name of freedom. Watch the police programmes on TV now, too much bloody freedom in this country. Those of us who are law abiding have no problem with the poliuce. I respect them and at times need their help and assistance. They have a lot to put up with and I cannot believe the stick some people on here have given them. Mugs !


    Oh prepare yee for the on coming onslaught of the CL hand wringing formation team !

  • "too much bloody freedom" is probably the strangest thing I've ever read.

    We're you drink when you wrote that ?

    The thought that a police officer should be allowed to kill a member of the public because they were "being a bloody nuisance" is apalling.
  • Why should that man be allowed to walk around in public. WHY
  • You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You ? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.
    We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!
  • Paragraphs would be nice.
  • Is that Jacks court room speech to Tom Cruise in that film I've forgotten the name of?
  • masicat said:

    Hope I don't shove someone in the queue for a burger at the valley and then they die of a heart attack. This was a member of the public being a bloody nuisance when the police were under stress from the fact this is a free country and anyone can cause mayhem and rioting in the name of freedom. Watch the police programmes on TV now, too much bloody freedom in this country. Those of us who are law abiding have no problem with the poliuce. I respect them and at times need their help and assistance. They have a lot to put up with and I cannot believe the stick some people on here have given them. Mugs !

    But going by your comment it seems you have never been on the receiving end of Police men/women abusing their power. I have and I also know a couple of people who are in the police and going on some of the stories they have told me along with what I have witnessed first hand I can tell you I have no respect for them. I'm sure you will probably come back at me with something like "few bad apples" but for me that is one job where every person has to be at the very least a decent human being, it simply isn't the case.
  • Are you being serious?! A 'true hero'?! Ridiculous!

    I wish the bloke had made a better job of the noisy neighbour though, having been forced out of my home by one!
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  • A copper killed trying to protect a member fo the public and you disagree with him being called a hero ?
  • people seem to want to hang draw and quarter this copper - yes Tomlinson shouldnt have died, but surely that was an unforseen circumstance of the whole situation. Not like he hunted him down, pinned him to the ground and rained 20 blows upon his head. Sometimes, just sometimes things happen accidentally.

    Perhaps if his family had not turned their back on him, and left the alcoholic to live in a bedsit/hostel he may have been in better health and not suffered that awful reaction to the fall.
  • You wont be lining up to thank them when you need them, but you will be right up the front abusing them every time one of them steps over the line. I dont condone violence of any sort, but Jacks words should be read carefully because there is a lot of truth in them. Had this copper attacked this man I would have no sympathy. This was not an attack. We cannot guarantee every copper wil be perfect, but the majority are. Thank God for that.
  • masicat said:

    You wont be lining up to thank them when you need them, but you will be right up the front abusing them every time one of them steps over the line. I dont condone violence of any sort, but Jacks words should be read carefully because there is a lot of truth in them. Had this copper attacked this man I would have no sympathy. This was not an attack. We cannot guarantee every copper wil be perfect, but the majority are. Thank God for that.

    I think them by paying their huge salaries. Your living in a dream world (or another country) if you think the "majority" of the met are "perfect".
  • MrOneLung said:

    people seem to want to hang draw and quarter this copper - yes Tomlinson shouldnt have died, but surely that was an unforseen circumstance of the whole situation. Not like he hunted him down, pinned him to the ground and rained 20 blows upon his head. Sometimes, just sometimes things happen accidentally.

    Perhaps if his family had not turned their back on him, and left the alcoholic to live in a bedsit/hostel he may have been in better health and not suffered that awful reaction to the fall.

    Is that last paragraph true? His family had washed their hands of him?

  • masicat said:

    You wont be lining up to thank them when you need them, but you will be right up the front abusing them every time one of them steps over the line. I dont condone violence of any sort, but Jacks words should be read carefully because there is a lot of truth in them. Had this copper attacked this man I would have no sympathy. This was not an attack. We cannot guarantee every copper wil be perfect, but the majority are. Thank God for that.

    Looked like he attacked him from the video footage
  • masicat said:

    You wont be lining up to thank them when you need them, but you will be right up the front abusing them every time one of them steps over the line. I dont condone violence of any sort, but Jacks words should be read carefully because there is a lot of truth in them. Had this copper attacked this man I would have no sympathy. This was not an attack. We cannot guarantee every copper wil be perfect, but the majority are. Thank God for that.

    Greater things have to be expected from those in a position of power and responsibility, above that of an ordinary citizen. You cant judge their effectiveness or efficiency by normal standards. They need to be monitored and controlled far more than any other job role.
  • This. Gave his life to protect a member of the public.
  • Some police do good things but the bad stuff will be remembered more as that's how society is. The criticism against them isn't unjustified either, just look at the riots last summer.
  • Explain" just look at the riots last summer". As someone who was caught up in Peckham and escaped luckily to tell the tale I am intrigued by your meaning.
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  • Tough job the plod have got, shame so many of them abuse their powers & look for short cuts.
    Some try & do do a good job. Others are scum.
    Just a reflection of our society as you'd expect.
  • Yes come on Fod I'm intrigued by that comment?
  • I assume he's referring to the shambolic response to the riots ?
  • Shambolic? The police were completely overwhelmed on the night - who could have even expected that. Did a pretty good job afterwards anyway.

  • Curb_It said:

    Yes come on Fod I'm intrigued by that comment?

    I think he means that when the shit was hitting the fan on the first couple of nights that the Old Bill were an utter shambles.

    On many occasions people were watching the police stand by and do nothing whilst looting and robbing was taking place, it was only about on day three when they finally got a grip.

    I think the Police inaction absolutely infuriated a lot of law abiding folks who have been fined by the OB for speeding, parking illegally or whatever but then saw serious criminality go seemingly unpunished.

    A friend of mine - a CAFC fan - had his shop smashed up and got no help from he Police whatsoever.

    A week after the riots he got done by a copper for a minor traffic offence, he was less than pleased as I am sure you can imagine.
  • Yes the police from Wales and Manchester did a good job, but the Met response on the first night was terrible (actually it was almost non existent).

    Wasn't it also found by an independent enquiry that poor Policing was one of the primary catalysts for the riots as well.
  • But they followed instructions didnt they? I would imagine that just the sheer amount of numbers carrying out the disorder they were overwhelmed as I just said.

    I witnessed some good police action the following few days putting the doors on some flats opposite through and bringing out thieves left right and centre in broad daylight.

    So the police didnt come to you're friend's shop at all? I would guess they didnt on the night no, had bigger fish to fry but after? Not at all?

    I imagine he was very disgusted to be done by the police for breaking the law. so would i.

  • edited July 2012
    By the way, I witnessed thieves and looters outside my flat but I dont blame the police as the situation was pretty fecking hopeless and upsetting. I moaned at the time as to why didnt they steam in as I wanted them to but i dont really blame them.

    People dont like the police getting too heavy handed.
  • Please note my response to the comment about poor policing being the cause of the riots has been censored by me. You can only imagine.
  • I would suggest that feeling "overwhelmed" is a completely unacceptable response from the police in the face of civil disorder. I think that first night of the riots showed the police to be fairly incompetent from the top down.
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