As I write I am listening for 3/4 night in the last fortnight to a thumping bassline banging through my living room wall.
I have twice approached the prick who is doing this and each time he has grunted an apology and turned the sound down.
My daughter is currently ill and he has now woken her up. Just got her settled again.
My wife will be back from shopping in 10mins. Should I:
a) pop round and ask politely for him to turn the volume down as it has woken up my sick daughter and is disturbing the baby next door.
b) ignore it and then report him to the landlord and our callout environmental health
c) let myself in through the rear communal door to his block, put on a balaclava, knock on his door (remaining out of sight of the spyhole, wait for him to open the door, once the door opens cave his face in with the claw hammer in the hallway cupboard, insert the offending stereo into his rectum and then smash every item he owns in the flat.
Advice please.
I've been there and it's feckin awful. I sympathise.
Try A then call your local Environmental Health office tomorrow. Speak to other neighbours and see if it's pissing them off too. The more the merrier.
Don't do C though, even though the so and so probably deserves it.
God it made me feel better thinking about though.
Might pop to my local and see if I can pay a couple of chavs £20.00 to do it for me! ;-)
C for me
If you dont deal with it, it can cause anxiety, stress and sleep deprivation, it is a serious issue, with respect to BDL, I went down the Environmental officer route, it doesn't work (or it didn't for me) it's too prolonged a process to be really affective.
but i was gonna flood them if it continued !!
it's an impossible situation cos all people are c**ts until proven otherwise .... good luck
Right on brother LOL
The head plank of the household works funny shifts,and last week decided to do some DIY at 11 o clock PM.My little boy sleeps in the room directly next to them.I was round there in a shot.Managed to keep my cool and calmly tell them that it was not on.Noise stopped and havn't heard a peep since.
How i resisted to barrage them with an array of insults that i have been carefully constucting over the past year or two i'll never know.There was some corkers in there too! Another time perhaps.
So if you've exhausted A) Probably wasting your time with
Have had problems over the last few months with neighbours next door and ignorent twats upstairs ...
You need to keep it together and just be nice about it ... but with a look in your eye
I am also limited in the amount of action the Housing Association would take as officially we are lease holders (shared ownership).
It stopped around 10.30pm last night. I think he is on nights. Actually I know he is on nights.
When I went out to work this am 6am (2 hours earlier than usual). I buzzed him, no answer, so I buzzed again and again. Eventually the poor wee sleepy fellow answered. "Is John in"? "No wrong flat" "Are you sure?, he definitely said number 4" "This is number 3" "Oh, sorry mate" I walked off I could here him saying "thanks I'm on nights and you have just woken me ".
Skipped to work this am.
C is very tempting, believe me I've been there, but in the climate we live, you are asking for trouble.
We went through the same process with a verminous, stinky Chinese restaurant that opened next door to us, without planning permission or any form of ventilation/extraction/waste management/basic hygeine. (where Franks Cafe used to be on Woolwich Road)...
Long, long process but we got them closed down & the owner deported (as he was here illegally).
You are supposed to yes mate but as I understand it if it's unlikely to effect the decision making process of the prospective buyer then you don't. For instance, if they've moved on to make someone else's life hell - no need...
BTW Not saying it don't happen but I've never heard of anyone being sued for non-declaration either.