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Simon Jordan...

...has just been the answer to a question on Eggheads. I bet he wishes he'd taped it.

Then Jeremy Vine asks one of the contestants "Do you think he's controversial...?"

"No Jeremy, I think he's a c##t..." replies the bloke.

Actually I made that answer up but would literally have wet myself laughing if that had happened. High risk question Mr Vine...


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    what was the real answer.
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    He said he was "outspoken sometimes" or something Curb It. What an opportunity for someone from Charlton Life to have had their five minutes of fame though eh?
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    Mrs. Algarve, generally not given to such behaviour, answered Mr. Vine's question in exactly the manner you suggested Les, except it was more like "No, I think he's a caaaaaaaaaaaarnt" in best SE Londonese.

    That's my girl....
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    Bit like the old show going for gold with Henry Kelly, when he asked the Question.. "What am I?" i bet nearly everyone was tempted to say T%%T !!! he he

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    "Jordan on Newcastle" on You Tube.
    Can't do linkys....
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    [cite]Posted By: eraserhead78[/cite]
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    Grandstanding again. One of the biggest rules in football is that chairman should not blather on about other clubs. Thank God for Murray.
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    Jordan is being lined up to do Im A Celebrity for 20k... times are tough it seems. Not as tough as its goign to get simon if you do do this.. i might have to watch it for once and rack up a high phone bill!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Jordan is being lined up to do Im Z Celebrity for 20k... times are tough it seems. Not as tough as its goign to get simon if you do do this.. i might have to watch it for once and rack up a high phone bill!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Jordan is being lined up to do Im A Celebrity for 20k... times are tough it seems. Not as tough as its goign to get simon if you do do this.. i might have to watch it for once and rack up a high phone bill!!

    Oh please, let it be, there would need to be a campaign on here if so.
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Jordan is being lined up to do Im A Celebrity for 20k... times are tough it seems. Not as tough as its goign to get simon if you do do this.. i might have to watch it for once and rack up a high phone bill!!

    Oh please, let it be, there would need to be a campaign on here if so.

    Don't know what would be more slimey - him or the grubs he'd have to swallow.

    He's already King of the Bungles.
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    Since when was he a celebrity? Blimey........ the £50 phone bill would be well worth watching him eat kangaroos testies every day for a few weeks...
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