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starters next season

edited February 2009 in General Charlton
realistically we're down, so how many of last nights 16 do you think will start the first league one game?


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    Elliott, Bailey, Spring, Sam, Kandol, Dickson.
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    Elliott Racon Semedo Sam Dickson Moo2

    Like to see Fortune and ZZ but I fear wages won't permit

    Some of the above didn't perform this time round, but we've never had a) an organised defence to build from b) a game plan c) a settled & together squad/eleven d) a consistent threat up front e) a manager that knows what he's doing
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    Would think Sam, Fortune and ZZ will go cause of wages, Racon may be snapped up by another CCC team
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    should imagine all of last nights 16 will still be here come next season - Its not like any other club would want them so unless we pay them off they ain't going anywhere

    Everyone whose contract is up in summer will not be offered new deals, but from the 16 last night thats only mouts/holland/ambrose/racon that are out of contract I think

    Poss off Holland player/coach role, but really don't Know
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    really need to tie up Racon's contract if we can, think he'd be an important player next season
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    Elliott, Holland, Basey, Spring, Sam, Bailey, Racon, Dickson, Randolph, Moo2 (if Parky goes), Burton.
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    I think the only certainty is that Parky will still be the manager...
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    [cite]Posted By: SE7[/cite]Would think Sam, Fortune and ZZ will go cause of wages, Racon may be snapped up by another CCC team

    I'm sure Sam will end up staying with a substantial wage cut. After all, it's not as if he's got so many goals and assists that he'd be wanted that much by a Championship Club. Which begs the question - do we want him anyway?

    Anyway, assuming he stays, a Team with....


    Fortune (assuming we can keep him)



    ......really shouldn't struggle at that level. With the right Manager that is.
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    Be surprised if Hudson stays.

    The whole centre back issue remains a priority,IMO - for rest of this season and next. We have hardly ever had a centre back in reserve on the bench all season because there has never been one available - couple of games early on when Primus was on the bench before Fortune got injured, and then one game Forts was on the bench when coming back from the injury. And that's it...
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    You're not saying that when we have 5 subs, one of them should be able to play centre half (or be a centre half), surely not?!

    I mean - Pardew and Parkinson have felt differently all season .....
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    edited February 2009
    Not starters but a team from:


    Fortune (assuming we can keep him)
    Hudson (as above)


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    Really cannot see either Fortune or Hudson being here next season. Both will be amongst our highest earners.
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    edited February 2009
    [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]should imagine all of last nights 16 will still be here come next season - Its not like any other club would want them so unless we pay them off they ain't going anywhere

    No chance, we'll have a completely different team just like we did this time last year to what we have now. We'll keep a few players, and then some of them will leave next January.

    Other clubs will want them, maybe not at this level but they'll leave and find new clubs.
    [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]Everyone whose contract is up in summer will not be offered new deals, but from the 16 last night thats only mouts/holland/ambrose/racon that are out of contract I think

    Racon and Moutaouakil aren't out of contract, they both signed long term contracts when they came here, 4 years I think each.

    I think Elliot might also be out of contract at the end of the season.

    Our team next season will be something like


    New right back
    New centre back
    New centre back

    Sam/New right winger
    New CM
    Racon/Bailey (at least one will probably leave)
    New left winger

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    Fortune is out for the season -- and possibly longer -- with a ruptured achilles tendon. It seems unlikely that there will be a queue of clubs waving fat contracts at him, but he won't be ready for us at the start of the season. Moo2 hasn't coped with the physical demands of this league ffs, so Christ knows what he'd make of the 3rd division. So the defence needs a major overhaul. We could be all right in midfield with, at 3rd division level, a good combination of strength, guile and pace with the likes of Racon, Bailey, Spring, Sam, Wright and (please) Jonjo. Up front I think Dickson will score again at that level and Burton will probably do a job, but otherwise? There are goals in our midfield though. Saving on the inflated wages of outgoing players could give us a few quid to shore up the defence (Ward, Demerit, players already in the division?) but otherwise I reckon we're going to be heavily dependent on youngsters coming through. Has anyone seen much of Godfrey, Solly, Clark, Long and Mambo?
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    I'd like us to get Demontagnac in. He'd be good for us next season. Put him on the wings with Sam, Wagstaff and one other. Bailey, Racon, Spring, Shelvey, Wright, Holland and Semedo in the middle. Keep Dickson, Fleetwood and Burton, get Kandol in permanently and possibly one other. As for the defence, bar Basey and Semedo (and Youga and Yassin if they stay) we need 4 new centre backs as I doubt we'll keep Hudson and Fortune, plus new full backs to support Semedo and Basey. Elliot and Randolph are given as our 2 keepers.
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    [cite]Posted By: Graham R.[/cite]Has anyone seen much of Godfrey, Solly, Clark, Long and Mambo?

    Only seen a couple of games but Solly is the best out of them, can see him becoming a very reliable full back in the Prem, like Powell/Young for us, if he keeps improving. Really like what I've seen, just as much a good prospect as Wright is.

    Mambo is big and solid, poor on the ball, but so is Primus, Sodje and Rufus wasn't great either. Depending how he develops he could end up having a good career or end up in the lower leagues. It'll be interesting to see if he gets a pro deal at 17 like Wright, Solly, Arter and (hopefully) Jonjo.

    Long, Godfrey and Clark are nothing out of the ordinary from what I've seen. Maybe they'll be lucky enough to get a pro contract and get the odd game next season, but they could just as easily end up at somewhere like Ebbsfleet.

    Next season I'd like to see Semedo at right back if he stays. Don't think he quite offers enough in midfield, but generally he's solid defensive and not the worst going forward.
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    edited February 2009
    The players with first team experience I would LIKE to keep are:

    Burton ( will do a job at league 1 level and puts in the effort)
    Basey ( at something like his proper level in league 1 and puts in the effort. He is a big boy and still young perhaps centre back could be his position given his lack of pace.)
    Semedo (Mr Versatility)

    I would also like to keep ZZ but inflated wages will definitely rule him out. We need to acquire a new centre half or two. Hudson is ok but again the wages are likely to be prohibitive. Hence why he is not listed above. We also need a couple more strikers. McLeod could perhaps do a job in league 1. The thought of his and Dickson's pace may give some of those oil tanker centre halves sleepless nights.

    What a shame it has come to this though. Thank you Alan Curbishley you did a truly remarkable job and that is ever more evident with each game we lose.
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    Players who will be here next season.
    Shelvey ?
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    Moo2 Mambo Yussif Basey

    Sam Spring Wright Bailey

    Dickson Burton

    As I think Shelvey, Hudson and Fortune may all leave we will probably look to sign some new blood in defence however there is always the possibility of intrducing the new boys, maybe even Waggy on the left but I suspect we will delve into the transfer market
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    I think its impossible to guess, as if the worst happens it will be a complete summer overhaul with 6/7 new players in the squad. Reality will probably see us left with very few players of the current regime but i'm not 100% sure if that would be a good or bad thing.
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