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Which person, with a team/club connection would you most like to.....

edited February 2009 in General Charlton
throw a snowball at? You know one of those really good ones made from icey snow flakes that you've crushed together into a perfect sphere and will do some damage in an accidental sort of way? I'd start with Christensen as a goodbye present: if it missed him it might dent his Merc.


  • Pardew right in the knackers whilst he's banging on about he used to be at West Ham on Sky or whatever media outlet he weasals his way into these days.
  • Marcus Bent. Although I'm torn as to whether go for the face, or the part of his anatomy that apparently works the hardest.
  • Steve Waggott. Don't know why, never met the bloke or even ever heard him speak but I reckon he'd be first in line....followed by the fella who looks like Richard Attenborough who sits in the same row as me....always pushing past 10 mins before half/full time and getting in the way when we are about to have our one interesting moment of the game! Can I have two goes? Or maybe I could just have the pair of 'em with one big extra icy one?
  • The fish.
  • edited February 2009
    Danny Murphy.

    I still wonder how my television survived seeing the smug scouse git sitting in his 4x4 wittering on about how Spurs were a "big" club at midnight on 31 January 2006.

    At least Parker, whilst undeniably soul destroying for us when he left, was improving himself in theory so one could understand it even if one didn't like it but that scouse bastard just dropped us in the sh** and was probably a contributory factor in Curbs deciding not to renew which set off the chain of events to where we are now.
  • Rick Everitt. As long as I could fill the snowball with dogturds.
  • Eltham, you do know he posts here, don't you?
  • Marcus Bent - now he DOES deserve a snowball filled with dog turds far more than Mr. Everitt ever will.

    Others on the hit list: Dowie, Pardew and Hasselbaink.
  • Without question or doubt it would have to be Alan Big nosed big mouthed big ego Pardew

    and it would be a fecking whopper frozen in my freezer for 3 weeks so it was like a rock right on his Conk you double crossing down right dirty rat i believed in you, you shit
  • Snow ball filled with dog turd is probably too good for "Super Al." I'd make him run a gauntlet of all the season ticket holders/Junior Reds....up hill from Charlton station to the village.
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  • I did think about throwing something at the tv screen when Pardew was on Sky last night pontificating on how to get promotion from the championship.
  • Dowie, for me, along with all the crap signings .
  • [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Eltham, you do know he posts here, don't you?

    And? Doesn't change a thing about what I think of him and his hijacking of our club for his political agendas.
  • edited February 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Eltham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Eltham, you do know he posts here, don't you?

    And? Doesn't change a thing about what I think of him and his hijacking of our club for his political agendas.

    Don't agree.

    Whether you like his politics or not I can't remember one instance where he has "hi-jacked the club" to further them.

    Most of the community work that draws an unfair amount of stick is carried out by the Trust and the community scheme which Rick doesn't work for.

    He does do and say a few things I don't agree with but he also does a lot more that I do such as the Valley Express and the offers to bring school kids, kids teams, youth groups etc and generally raising the profile of the club and increasing crowds. As far as I know Labour party leaflets aren't handed out on the Valley Express and never have been.
  • well said, H.
  • drogba,lampard,bellamy, not with a snowball tho but with a sock full of snooker balls
  • curbishley.... if he hadn't been so good the shit we are in wouldn't hurt as much
  • Are we talking about the "Mill-Wall" snow balls;
    The ones they threw after the "Mortimore" game at the Rusty Toolbox, with bloody great stones inside ?

    In which case , er, Millwall.
  • Pardew or Dowie for the rock based snowball.........

    Decisions, decisions...

    If they were both standing next to each other and my snowball was big enough (we're talking metres in diameter here) I could ping them both with it. I'd be aiming to bounce them both into the Blackwall Tunnel. During rush hour.
  • Darren Ambrose.

    I'd like to throw one of those bricks disguised as a snowball at M Bent's knackers and Pardew's face.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Shrew[/cite]Dowie, for me, along with all the crap signings .

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