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Anyone else feeling like this ?

edited January 2009 in General Charlton
Normally at this point ahead of this fixture i am bouncing around like the preverbial Duracel Battery, having sung football songs in my head for the past 4 hours. I'm normally counting the clock down till i can get out early and straight in the pub.

Today, i am lifeless. I've a splitting headache, and completely tired. I haven't felt so non-descript about any match i'm going to for years, so the fact i feel this way ahead of a Palace one shocks and saddens me.


  • I have been singing songs in the office and can't wait till I leave work.
  • I'm normally a mix of nerves and excitment... but due to a rotten cold I'm more bunged up and lifeless!

    All the same I'll be there tonight and cheer the boys on with what ever voice I have left.

  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Normally at this point ahead of this fixture i am bouncing around like the preverbial Duracel Battery, having sung football songs in my head for the past 4 hours. I'm normally counting the clock down till i can get out early and straight in the pub.

    Today, i am lifeless. I've a splitting headache, and completely tired. I haven't felt so non-descript about any match i'm going to for years, so the fact i feel this way ahead of a Palace one shocks and saddens me.

    I've been feeling a bit like that the last few days but in the last couple of hours I've started to get butterflies in my stomach and I'm itching for my first pint.
  • I feel awful at the moment, had a bug for the last 24 hours, midweek matches are a pain as I have to leave London early, get my car and drive back up, if it wasnt for the fact that we are playing Palace there is no way I would be within 40 miles of The Valley tonight.

    But its Palace, one of the few games when the fans are really up for it, and even though I think its gonna be horrible, we will lose, and the nigels will outsing us and generally take the piss, I cant miss it.
  • Feel very similar AFKA- and what is worse, the way i am feeling doesn't even suprise me, let alone shock me.....

    Mind you, if we win.............
  • i'm exactly what you said AFKA , just feeling no buzz about tonights fixture and even if we win it'll ease the pain for a few minutes b4 the general fear of where we are heading hits home again
    i know too many palace goons who if we win i can't really give it too but if we lose and if and when we go down i'm just gonna be receiving shit loads of abuse, i know it's part and parcel of following a team but doesn't make it any easier to take.
    might not be able to make it due to work committments and there's a small part of me (sadly) that wont mind if i miss the humiliation ...
  • Haven't felt this down about us ever before however tonight rather than sit watching us lose via teletext or on here I will be attending the absolute rock bottom clash that is Bournemouth v Luton. Be a relief to actually be watching a worse standard of football than we've been serving up & all around better for my nerves.
  • I keep forgetting that it's Palace tonight. Usually I would be in the pub by now, singing songs about Perry Suckling.
  • Maybe I've not been to enough games lately AFKA. Day off today and I'm jumping around the house like a loon and really looking forward to meeting Ketters in the Bourne for a couple of pints before heading up to the Lib...

    Having said that, I bet we'll spend the second half on the concourse though ;-)
  • I feel fucking brilliant. Sorry!
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  • Pains me to admit it, but have felt like that for weeks.

    Won't attend aways anymore and when the goals against are registered by SSN I barely raise an eyebrow.

    I guess the worst part of this was my reaction the the win at Norwich...."Whoopee shit, we'll get stuffed on Saturday" and of course we did.

    I can't wait for this season to end.
  • [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]Maybe I've not been to enough games lately AFKA. Day off today and I'm jumping around the house like a loon and really looking forward to meeting Ketters in the Bourne for a couple of pints before heading up to the Lib...

    Having said that, I bet we'll spend the second half on the concourse though ;-)

    Watching the rugby?
  • Was offered a free ticket earlier but still can't whip up enough enthusiasm to go.

    I was just saying to the guys in the office that I never thought I'd see the day that I'd miss this fixture and not be bothered.

    Don't think I could stomach losing to the mugs and have to put up with the p*ss taking.
  • Very much so.

    My post from the Kinsella fans thread:

    You are right Tel but I am feeling that malaise.

    Night games are difficult at the best of times for me but I have other stuff going on and although I've brought my ticket with me I really wonder whether it is worth giving myself a lot of extra aggravation to watch a spineless performance from our lot and listen to the Nigels giving it large.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU16[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]Maybe I've not been to enough games lately AFKA. Day off today and I'm jumping around the house like a loon and really looking forward to meeting Ketters in the Bourne for a couple of pints before heading up to the Lib...

    Having said that, I bet we'll spend the second half on the concourse though ;-)

    Watching the rugby?

    You missing another home game tonight Dave?!
  • I'm so hyper i feel like an 8 year old after too much coke!
  • I am 100% with you there. I dont really feel up for it at all, too many times this season we have been playing well and had a great atmosphere to all of a sudden concede a goal and then its all back to as we were! Too many false hopes for me this season and way too many let downs!

    This game feels like how I felt before that Tuesday night game against the yids when we went down. I keep saying to people why are we down there on paper we do have a good team!

    I want to go to bed tonight with a massive smile on my face! Us fans deserve this win tonight after what we have seen over the last season!
  • A lot of Palace fans are nervous aswell, they reckon we are going to win!
  • well, i dont feel the normal buzz i normally get for these games, but i think that's more to do with the fact that i've been sat on a bog for the last week losing half a stone!

    Winning this game is the only thing that will take the edge of us being relagated.
  • Remaining on the bog will probably be a more pleasant experience than tonight.
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  • I'm rather hungover so at the moment i haven't got much enthusiam for anything.
  • Been arguing with everyone in sight. Have told 3 blokes to get their tools together and FCUK off and not sure how im going to get through the day!! pint o'clock me thinks.
  • yes excited about going to the pub at 5!! ive banned myself from drinking during the week but breaking out for palace so am v excited... the football well not sure about that.
  • Looking forward to us winning tonight as the catalyst for winning the next 12 on the bounce ensuring our survival.
  • I feel like I always feel. Very optimistic and probably gonna be let down again.

    Then I will go away feeling p**ssed off and say thats it for the season and decide to wait till next season before going agan(even though have a season ticket)

    Will feel the same tomorrow morning and as the week goes on my resolve weakens and I'm back watching the reds again
  • Have got a stomach bug and so feel dreadful anyway. Am not looking fwd to the game but will be there...not sure how vocal I'll be but I'll give it a go I'm sure... Am just dreading what will happen if (when) we go a goal down - don't want the Palarse mugs to see us booing our own team....
  • Haven't been to the last few home games so i've got the buzz but not counting on it lasting much past 8pm.
  • Nope i feel fecking pumped for it happiest i have felt before a game in an age
  • Sorry to hear this AFKA.

    Just shows how depressing things are right now!

    Just off to put my head in the oven.

    If we lose tonight, i'll actually turn it on.
  • Think i'm just tired. Got the train with Sco this morning and he looked at me like i've been hiding in a cave for two months !
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