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The Charlton Life home page

Dear people in charge

On the home page it says

"There's been lots going on at Charlton Life since our launch in August"

I must say, it feels like a lot longer than that... :-)

Love Weegie


  • No comment Weegs, its the issue me and Lookout argue about the most !!

    A new homepage will be coming soon, otherwise i am to fly to Bermuda and conduct a 'hompage vigil' outside his house with me constantly shouting 'homepage' at 8-second intervals.

  • Can I go with you ?
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]No comment Weegs, its the issue me and Lookout argue about the most !!

    A new homepage will be coming soon, otherwise i am to fly to Bermuda and conduct a 'hompage vigil' outside his house with me constantly shouting 'homepage' at 8-second intervals.


    I don't mind coming to Bermuda too, if a bit of reinforcement would help... :-)
  • He's using the Amazon money to fly over...
  • Heres an idea:
    Lets get someone to organize a coach to take us all there !!
  • Operation Bermuda - let's all get as far away from CAFC as possible - what a fantastic protest idea!

    How much exactly is there in that Amazon pot? ;-)
  • I think sales are going to have to hit the million pound mark before we get our commission of a king size mars bar.....

    but every 0.001p helps, as they say !
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]I think sales are going to have to hit the million pound mark before we get our commission of a king size mars bar.....

    but every 0.001p helps, as they say !

    Is it true CL lost £11.50p last financial year? Why are you keep the accounts a secret? Are you planning to sell off the best hamsters? We need answers!
  • can i interest you in our fortcoming convertible bond issue ??
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]can i interest you in our fortcoming convertible bond issue ??

    Certainly. Here are my bank account details and password. Just take what you need and leave the rest.
  • Sponsored links:

  • "I am a Nigerian businessman..........................
    Sod It !! Just send me your money."
  • What about the pot-holes??
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]No comment Weegs, its the issue me and Lookout argue about the most !!

    A new homepage will be coming soon, otherwise i am to fly to Bermuda and conduct a 'hompage vigil' outside his house with me constantly shouting 'homepage' at 8-second intervals.


    Guys, if Lookout won't let you in, you can stay at mine :-)
  • Love the idea of a CL trip to Bermuda, but shouldn't we have a stategic review ? ;)
  • can we put the C/L badges on the strategic review's agenda then.. ?

  • I think the whole site would work a lot better if we had a matrix of how things needed to be. Makes sense surely.
  • Is my Com-pu-ter screwed or is CL on a go-slow today ?
  • I think your computer may not be very happy, or someone's piggybacking onto your broadband if you haven't got your wifi locked down properly.
  • thread hijack?
  • Does anyone ever go to the home page? I always go straight to the discussions.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Didn't know there was one!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]Does anyone ever go to the home page? I always go straight to the discussions.
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Didn't know there was one!!!!
    that's probably why it's hardly changed since the site went live
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]thread hijack?

    Re-cycling !
  • [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]Does anyone ever go to the home page? I always go straight to the discussions.

    briefly to get the forum, why dont we scrap the homepage and 'hello forum' just a thought :-)
  • Maybe some different people should write some articles for the Blog
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Maybe some different people should write some articles for the Blog

    well you only need to ask henry ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: johnnybev1987[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Maybe some different people should write some articles for the Blog

    well you only need to ask henry ;-)

    Not for me to ask, I'm just a member not admin.
  • Every morning, I always read the Blog first.

  • i can't be bothered:
    Whats it say Og ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Heres an idea:
    Lets get someone to organize a coach to take us all there !!
    I think Nathan's your man! ;-p
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