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edited December 2008 in General Charlton
Says Billy Davies is Manager...

Cafc Wikipedia


  • it also says some bloke called Ben Hayes is a Director
  • Must be true then.

    Couldn't even get Davies' nationality right.
  • Done deal.

    Official announcement at 4pm today.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]it also says some bloke called Ben Hayes is a Director

    The programme still does.

    Anyone noticed how since he left things have REALLY gone downhill. I reckon without him holding it all together over the past 3 years we'd be non-league now. Now he's gone we soon will be.
  • charlton7121pages2.jpg

    Another DiCano salute Ben..
  • No, just curling my fingers into a fist before making my acceptance speech

    COME hither, lads, and harken, for a tale there is to tell,
    Of the wonderful days a-coming, when all shall be better than well.

    And the tale shall be told of a country, a land in the midst of the sea,
    And folk shall call it England in the days that are going to be.

    There more than one in a thousand in the days that are yet to come, 5
    Shall have some hope of the morrow, some joy of the ancient home.

    For then, laugh not, but listen to this strange tale of mine,
    All folk that are in England shall be better lodged than swine.

    Then a man shall work and bethink him, and rejoice in the deed of his hand,
    Nor yet come home in the even too faint and weary to stand. 10

    Men in that time a-coming shall work and have no fear
    For to-morrow’s lack of earning and the hunger-wolf anear.

    I tell you this for a wonder, that no man then shall be glad
    Of his fellow’s fall and mishap to snatch at the work he had.

    For that which the worker winneth shall then be his indeed, 15
    Nor shall half be reaped for nothing by him that sowed no seed.

    O strange new wonderful justice! But for whom shall we gather the gain?
    For ourselves and for each of our fellows, and no hand shall labor in vain.

    Then all Mine and all Thine shall be Ours, and no more shall any man crave
    For riches that serve for nothing but to fetter a friend for a slave. 20

    And what wealth then shall be left us when none shall gather gold
    To buy his friend in the market, and pinch and pine the sold?

    Nay, what save the lovely city, and the little house on the hill,
    And the wastes and the woodland beauty, and the happy fields we till;

    And the homes of ancient stories, the tombs of the mighty dead; 25
    And the wise men seeking out marvels, and the poet’s teeming head;

    And the painter’s hand of wonder; and the marvelous fiddle-bow,
    And the banded choirs of music: all those that do and know.

    For all these shall be ours and all men’s; nor shall any lack a share
    Of the toil and the gain of living in the days when the world grows fair. 30

    Ah! such are the days that shall be! But what are the deeds of to-day,
    In the days of the years we dwell in, that wear our lives away?

    Why, then, and for what are we waiting? There are three words to speak;
    WE WILL IT, and what is the foeman but the dream-strong wakened and weak?

    O why and for what are we waiting? while our brothers droop and die, 35
    And on every wind of the heavens a wasted life goes by.

    How long shall they reproach us where crowd on crowd they dwell,
    Poor ghosts of the wicked city, the gold-crushed, hungry hell?

    Through squalid life they labored, in sordid grief they died,
    Those sons of a mighty mother, those props of England’s pride. 40

    They are gone; there is none can undo it, nor save our souls from the curse;
    But many a million cometh, and shall they be better or worse?

    It is we must answer and hasten, and open wide the door
    For the rich man’s hurrying terror, and the slow-foot hope of the poor.

    Yea, the voiceless wrath of the wretched, and their unlearned discontent, 45
    We must give it voice and wisdom till the waiting-tide be spent.

    Come, then, since all things call us, the living and the dead,
    And o’er the weltering tangle a glimmering light is shed.

    Come, then, let us cast off fooling, and put by ease and rest,
    For the Cause alone is worthy till the good days bring the best. 50

    Come, join in the only battle wherein no man can fail,
    Where whoso fadeth and dieth, yet his deed shall still prevail.

    Ah! come, cast off all fooling, for this, at least, we know:
    That the Dawn the Day is coming, and forth the Banners go.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]morris.jpg

    Bexleyheath boy as well.

    And a true red as his house name tells you.
  • Oh thats his gaff.... right by were my future in laws live!!!! the red house.... well my my H, you have taught me somthing new...


    sorry for this sounding thick, were never taught about him in school. Did he do furniture and stuff aswell? remember seeing William Morris stuff in an auction book once.
  • He was a designer and furniture maker as well as a poet and writer.

    He was a big part of the Arts and Crafts movement at the end of the 19th Century who believed in hand crafted products (as opposed to machine made) and basing designs on nature.

    It's a beautiful house. You have to book a visit but it is stunning if you like architecture.
  • Sponsored links:

  • That CAFC wikipedia entry sounds like News From Nowhere, as far as I can see

  • [cite]Posted By: Hovi's Biscuit[/cite]That CAFC wikipedia entry sounds like News From Nowhere, as far as I can see


    Oh, clever

    All wallpaper to me
  • Cheers H, see can you learn thru Football. will have a look for open days as really into that design style, eltham palace too is good but on a different tangent.

    H, you truly are a scholar and a gentleman..
  • Founder of arts and crafts movement who believed that ordinary working people should be surrounded by beautiful things around even if they were poor. Could do with some art, craft and beauty back at the Valley so I quite like the choice!
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Cheers H, see can you learn thru Football. will have a look for open days as really into that design style, eltham palace too is good but on a different tangent.

    H, you truly are a scholar and a gentleman..

    It's national trust so if you can find a member who will lend you their cards it's free as well.
  • edited December 2008
    . Sorry off thread/political/Old firm.
  • Apologies, a bit smug maybe but I couldn't resist!

    On the whole my sense of humour is generally weaker than the display against Coventry...
  • [cite]Posted By: Hovi's Biscuit[/cite]Apologies, a bit smug maybe but I couldn't resist!

    On the whole my sense of humour is generally weaker than the display against Coventry...

    Don't worry, I don't think anyone else got it. : - )
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]No, just curling my fingers into a fist before making my acceptance speech

    COME hither, lads, and harken, for a tale there is to tell,
    Of the wonderful days a-coming, when all shall be better than well.

    And the tale shall be told of a country, a land in the midst of the sea,
    And folk shall call it England in the days that are going to be.

    There more than one in a thousand in the days that are yet to come, 5
    Shall have some hope of the morrow, some joy of the ancient home.

    For then, laugh not, but listen to this strange tale of mine,
    All folk that are in England shall be better lodged than swine.

    Then a man shall work and bethink him, and rejoice in the deed of his hand,
    Nor yet come home in the even too faint and weary to stand. 10

    Men in that time a-coming shall work and have no fear
    For to-morrow’s lack of earning and the hunger-wolf anear.

    I tell you this for a wonder, that no man then shall be glad
    Of his fellow’s fall and mishap to snatch at the work he had.

    For that which the worker winneth shall then be his indeed, 15
    Nor shall half be reaped for nothing by him that sowed no seed.

    O strange new wonderful justice! But for whom shall we gather the gain?
    For ourselves and for each of our fellows, and no hand shall labor in vain.

    Then all Mine and all Thine shall be Ours, and no more shall any man crave
    For riches that serve for nothing but to fetter a friend for a slave. 20

    And what wealth then shall be left us when none shall gather gold
    To buy his friend in the market, and pinch and pine the sold?

    Nay, what save the lovely city, and the little house on the hill,
    And the wastes and the woodland beauty, and the happy fields we till;

    And the homes of ancient stories, the tombs of the mighty dead; 25
    And the wise men seeking out marvels, and the poet’s teeming head;

    And the painter’s hand of wonder; and the marvelous fiddle-bow,
    And the banded choirs of music: all those that do and know.

    For all these shall be ours and all men’s; nor shall any lack a share
    Of the toil and the gain of living in the days when the world grows fair. 30

    Ah! such are the days that shall be! But what are the deeds of to-day,
    In the days of the years we dwell in, that wear our lives away?

    Why, then, and for what are we waiting? There are three words to speak;
    WE WILL IT, and what is the foeman but the dream-strong wakened and weak?

    O why and for what are we waiting? while our brothers droop and die, 35
    And on every wind of the heavens a wasted life goes by.

    How long shall they reproach us where crowd on crowd they dwell,
    Poor ghosts of the wicked city, the gold-crushed, hungry hell?

    Through squalid life they labored, in sordid grief they died,
    Those sons of a mighty mother, those props of England’s pride. 40

    They are gone; there is none can undo it, nor save our souls from the curse;
    But many a million cometh, and shall they be better or worse?

    It is we must answer and hasten, and open wide the door
    For the rich man’s hurrying terror, and the slow-foot hope of the poor.

    Yea, the voiceless wrath of the wretched, and their unlearned discontent, 45
    We must give it voice and wisdom till the waiting-tide be spent.

    Come, then, since all things call us, the living and the dead,
    And o’er the weltering tangle a glimmering light is shed.

    Come, then, let us cast off fooling, and put by ease and rest,
    For the Cause alone is worthy till the good days bring the best. 50

    Come, join in the only battle wherein no man can fail,
    Where whoso fadeth and dieth, yet his deed shall still prevail.

    Ah! come, cast off all fooling, for this, at least, we know:
    That the Dawn the Day is coming, and forth the Banners go.

    Go'rd blimey, dont he go on a bit :-)
  • That picture of Curbs further down, is that the 1975 corvette tourer caravan, with portaloo he's standing outside?

    Looks like someone has had a dirty protest in it.

    We need to know
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  • The last three verses were what I actually said.

    Come, then, let us cast off fooling, and put by ease and rest,
    For the Cause alone is worthy till the good days bring the best.

    Come, join in the only battle wherein no man can fail,
    Where whoso fadeth and dieth, yet his deed shall still prevail.

    Ah! come, cast off all fooling, for this, at least, we know:
    That the Dawn the Day is coming, and forth the Banners go.
  • 150px-AlanCurbishley.JPG

    does look like hes taking a leak to be fair
  • DA9 thats the short version.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Hovi's Biscuit[/cite]Apologies, a bit smug maybe but I couldn't resist!

    On the whole my sense of humour is generally weaker than the display against Coventry...[/quote]

    Don't worry, I don't think anyone else got it. : - )[/quote]

    I'd quite like to wake up in a utopian future age. Having said that, if I wake up tomorrow and time has moved forward to 4th May 2009 with Charlton in 20th place, that'll do for starters!

    (and that's not even an attempt at humour!)
  • Ermm...Apparently we have another LOAN player called Leam Therri???...Utter Nonsense i bet...
  • I'll bump this in case anyone didn't see my post above....
  • edited February 2010
    looks like a very weird (and pointless) hoax

    not a single thing on a google search that he even exists apart from this thread and our wiki page, let alone any reports of him signing

    it also says Yassin has gone to Nice on loan?!
  • I think people make up these players and see how long the story runs.
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]looks like a very weird (and pointless) hoax

    not a single thing on a google search that he even exists apart from this thread and our wiki page, let alone any reports of him signing

    Exactly what did which made me believe that this was BS...
  • And Yassin is also our 2010 player of the Year.

    I thought that was quite funny.
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