Gurkha veterans who were refused visas to settle in the United Kingdom because they retired from the regiment before 1997 were treated unlawfully and the policy used to reject them was misleading, a high court judge said today.
In a damning ruling for the Ministry of Defence, Mr Justice Blake said its advice to the Home Office on whether to grant settlement to the Gurkhas was confusing, resulting in "irrational and unlawful" restrictions being applied.
Justice at last.
No-one doesn't love and respect the Ghurkas - this government need their collective heads testing.
Excellent !
At least thats cheered me up abit.
Its not all doom and gloom...............(oh,right, CAFC,Superkent,Creditcrunch,lack of work.......)
I might be wrong but I don't think they are yet entitled to stay in the country.