What a pigs ear they've made of that! It was a complete shambles. Got there just before 1400 and it was about 50% full compared to normal. Only six free range bar-staff swanning around asking who's next, "do you mind your Guinness in a Carling glass?" still took ages to get served, no Sky Sports game on the box etc. So few people out the front, old matey didn't have anyone to usher back on the pavement!
I bet they took less than half what the old gaffer used to scoop on a matchday.
Hopefully its just a bedding in period
even though i only use it on match days barstaff are proper people who acknowledge you even when they are busy.
Part of the Oak clique is looking for a new venue with prem plus - maybe Liberal Club or Con Club?
i've got down to Charlton an hour before KO last two games and really couldn't be bothered squeezing myself in the Oak...
Though don't expect much village life !
What's it like after the match?
The White Swan took a big dive and I've found out they do a decent pint and you can actually get served in there again.
Is that the biggest gap of a 're visited charlton life thread?