[cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]If anything it gives people a kick up the arse as they might think i better get them quick as there's no restrictions, whereas now they know they can wait and wait and buy whenever.
what is the hurry tho? it doesn't matter surely if it sells out on the first day or the day before does it?
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]why put them on general sale? who would want a ticket for this game that wouldnt be a st holder or a red card holder that can't get them a ticket?
how many people exactly have been on this site begging for the use of someone's season ticket or red card membership? i think there was 1 on the first day the tickets went on sale, and thats it.
you can kid yourselves into thinking that if it was general sale it would be sold out, but i really don't think it would. people can get a red card for free, so why not sign up and buy a ticket? its embarrassing making excuses and blaming the club for not selling the tickets when its the fans that aren't turning up.
What Suzi says.
And we do have a points system in place. If you gave the club your membership no. when you bought your tickets then that will be logged on the system.
But when I was trying to introduce this I was constantly told - on here and elsewhere - that we didn't need a points system similar to other clubs as as we never sold out. That was until someone couldn't get a ticket for Colchester and suddenly it was a live issue and was implemented.
The club already runs at cost coaches but personally I feel that is not an attraction to a number of people. The small group of people I travel away with prefer to go by car or train.
The trouble with offering incentives is what's in it for the club. At Boro and Blackburn and back to Port Vale and Forest that was partly about getting a large support out for a key fixture. But you can't do that for every game especially when away games generate no income for the club.
I did propose that the fans who make the most away game (recorded on the system) should get some form of reward. Free tickets for a league game for the top 250 perhaps. That is yet to happen. Something for the new Fans Forum Reps perhaps.
I have been to more away games in the last few years than for quite some while. You do generally see the same faces. Even the "Totty" I saw at Donny. I think for a club that averages over 20,000 per home game, the level of away support isn't that good, although it's by no means the worst around.
I don't think that we would have sold out our full allocation to Palarse even if they had gone on open sale immediately. If the demand was there we would have sold out within days of them finally going on open sale to red card holders but they haven't.
The question is what can we do about growing away support and I seem to remember that this has come up on here before? My personal view is that people need to
a) get into the habit of going,
b) to have an enjoyable experience and that is largely tied up in whether or not the team performs well.
If we were winning lots of away games, the numbers would come up. In the initial Prem years it didn't matter too much because it was just a blast visiting all those stadia most had only seen on MOTD or Sky. After that, with results never great, it becomes a drag for many to go on far flung and largely fruitless journeys. Sure some go for the crack, no problem with that, but most just want to go, get behind their team with a reasonable hope of a decent display and hopefully some points at the end of the day.
Ultimately the relative lack of success does adversely affect the numbers.
I've made a decision to go to more away games this season and so far I've been to Watford and Nottingham. It was impossible for me to have gone to any other game so far.
A big problem for me are all the Tuesday evening fixtures we have. This is fine for the local games (Palace/QPR) but for Doncaster? Ipswich? I just can't take the time off of work, even for Saturday games I usually have to plan a month in advance.
Also I think the number of Palace tickets sold (if 1900 is correct) to be a pretty decent turn out. I'm not actually that bothered if more turn up, we'll out sing the Palace fans 3-1 anyway.
[cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite] Sure some go for the crack, no problem with that, but most just want to go, get behind their team with a reasonable hope of a decent display and hopefully some points at the end of the day.
Ultimately the relative lack of success does adversely affect the numbers.
I think this is a very fair point, I'm a relatively new comer to Charlton and this combined with lack of disposable income means that i've only ever been to about 15 away games in the last 6-7 years but in that time i've only ever seen us win...
Palace away last season.
Pretty much every other game I've come away feeling massively disappointed.
I understand that some for some people the result is just a small blip on a cracking day out but unfortunately I'm the type of person who gets quite affected by a bad result and it ruins my mood for a good few hours.
I remember coming out of Selhurst last season and thinking "christ, if we occasionally won more games like that I'd be tempted to go more often"
but at the moment when a mate suggests going to an away game my first thought is can I really justify spending £50-£150 on a day out that is probably going to end in disappointment?
The answer being no.
So I restrict myself to a few away games (Palace, Watford maybe QPR), that won't cost too much and just hope the team turns up too.
But having said that, if this season we really start to put a run together and shows a bit of consistency then I will be tempted to go to a few more games.
I don't let the results get to me, sometimes they do, especially some of the games we should of won last season but ended up losing. What annoys me and others similar is the whole sit darn blanket birgade and lack of singing, I wouldn't be surprised if a few stopped going for this reason.
[quote][cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]I don't let the results get to me, sometimes they do, especially some of the games we should of won last season but ended up losing. What annoys me and others similar is the whole sit darn blanket birgade and lack of singing, I wouldn't be surprised if a few stopped going for this reason.[/quote]
More than a few FOD - people lose the enthusiasm to go when you can't behave how you want to behave because of our "Sit down brigade" - Most of the time I'd rather not go than either 1. Sit there bored out my skull or 2. End up unitentionally (sp) upsetting other supporters though my actions! Luckily I know that I can be myself at Palace and feel comfortable doing so!!
[cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]I don't let the results get to me, sometimes they do, especially some of the games we should of won last season but ended up losing. What annoys me and others similar is the whole sit darn blanket birgade and lack of singing, I wouldn't be surprised if a few stopped going for this reason.
As usual, the old "sit darn blanket brigade" argument bubbles up again. I'm sorry but this attitude really hacks me off as well as it being offensive to fellow fans, some of whom have been coming to watch for donkeys years. What a shame we seem to live in a "me first and f*ck the lot of you" society where for alcohol induced idiocy, people think the right way to behave is to act in a loutish, aggressive inconsiderate fashion: then to blame those who want to support their team by actually sitting in the seats that they have paid for as being responsible for the lack of numbers attending, really does take the biscuit - incredible!!!!!!!
I have to say that against Forest, those who continued to stand really hacked me off because apart from anything else it was completely distracting for every five minutes or so to have to watch the stewards trying to do something about it. Plus it was orchestrated by attention seeking "look at me I'm Billy Bigb*llocks" stuff.
I continue to be in favour of safe standing areas, I am not in favour of moronic behaviour at the expense of most who've bought a ticket.
To be fair, if it wasn't for both the vocal "sit down" and "stand up" brigades then our away support would be even worse than it already is!
There's a lesson there.
[cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]To be fair, if it wasn't for both the vocal "sit down" and "stand up" brigades then our away support would be even worse than it already is!
There's a lesson there.;o)
yep, we need to get the "kneeling" brigade along as well
[cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]To be fair, if it wasn't for both the vocal "sit down" and "stand up" brigades then our away support would be even worse than it already is!
There's a lesson there.;o)
yep, we need to get the "kneeling" brigade along as well
Lets not forget the "I'm happy to sit down if it's cold cos then i can sit on my hands for warmth but then if it gets a bit exciting i wouldn't mind the option of standing up for a bit too" brigade.
we went to a game once, and we scored and there was a member of the "don't even stand up to celebrate when we've scored" brigade telling me to sit down!
I'm a member of the "happy to stand or sit whatever depending on where my seats is but if the latter, would like to stand and jump and cheer and maybe make a little noise if we do indeed score a goal"
Bing> agree about at Forest, there were people who couldn't see half the game because the steward had to constantly stand at the top of the stairwell in front of them to check the people were still sitting down - which they weren't. then he had to go back up the stairs, tell them to sit down again and then they sing the old "unfunny" get a proper job song.
Just rang the ticket office who tell me that we've now sold out our allocation. Apparently Oohahh came in earlier this afternoon and bought the remaining lot for cash as he was getting fed up moaning about poor away ticket sales.
Re AFKA's posting earlier in this thread, the Palace ticket office have confirmed this morning that it will be 'allocated seating' on Tuesday, as per the seat number on your ticket, and NOT general admission....
[cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]Re AFKA's posting earlier in this thread, the Palace ticket office have confirmed this morning that it will be 'allocated seating' on Tuesday, as per the seat number on your ticket, and NOT general admission....
So as i suspected, the staff in the Bexleyheath shop lied when selling us tickets that weren't adjacent.....
what is the hurry tho? it doesn't matter surely if it sells out on the first day or the day before does it?
What Suzi says.
And we do have a points system in place. If you gave the club your membership no. when you bought your tickets then that will be logged on the system.
But when I was trying to introduce this I was constantly told - on here and elsewhere - that we didn't need a points system similar to other clubs as as we never sold out. That was until someone couldn't get a ticket for Colchester and suddenly it was a live issue and was implemented.
The club already runs at cost coaches but personally I feel that is not an attraction to a number of people. The small group of people I travel away with prefer to go by car or train.
The trouble with offering incentives is what's in it for the club. At Boro and Blackburn and back to Port Vale and Forest that was partly about getting a large support out for a key fixture. But you can't do that for every game especially when away games generate no income for the club.
I did propose that the fans who make the most away game (recorded on the system) should get some form of reward. Free tickets for a league game for the top 250 perhaps. That is yet to happen. Something for the new Fans Forum Reps perhaps.
Me too
If its anything like last season it could be a couple of hundred plus?
By "lie" do you mean just tell everyone else that we' sold out our 3k in a day and there will likely be the same again in their end?
I don't think that we would have sold out our full allocation to Palarse even if they had gone on open sale immediately. If the demand was there we would have sold out within days of them finally going on open sale to red card holders but they haven't.
The question is what can we do about growing away support and I seem to remember that this has come up on here before? My personal view is that people need to
a) get into the habit of going,
b) to have an enjoyable experience and that is largely tied up in whether or not the team performs well.
If we were winning lots of away games, the numbers would come up. In the initial Prem years it didn't matter too much because it was just a blast visiting all those stadia most had only seen on MOTD or Sky. After that, with results never great, it becomes a drag for many to go on far flung and largely fruitless journeys. Sure some go for the crack, no problem with that, but most just want to go, get behind their team with a reasonable hope of a decent display and hopefully some points at the end of the day.
Ultimately the relative lack of success does adversely affect the numbers.
I can't believe that some so called fans have booked holiday for next week! imagine that!
What sort of person would do that, can't be a proper supporter. Ridiculous.
A big problem for me are all the Tuesday evening fixtures we have. This is fine for the local games (Palace/QPR) but for Doncaster? Ipswich? I just can't take the time off of work, even for Saturday games I usually have to plan a month in advance.
Also I think the number of Palace tickets sold (if 1900 is correct) to be a pretty decent turn out. I'm not actually that bothered if more turn up, we'll out sing the Palace fans 3-1 anyway.
I think this is a very fair point, I'm a relatively new comer to Charlton and this combined with lack of disposable income means that i've only ever been to about 15 away games in the last 6-7 years but in that time i've only ever seen us win...
Palace away last season.
Pretty much every other game I've come away feeling massively disappointed.
I understand that some for some people the result is just a small blip on a cracking day out but unfortunately I'm the type of person who gets quite affected by a bad result and it ruins my mood for a good few hours.
I remember coming out of Selhurst last season and thinking "christ, if we occasionally won more games like that I'd be tempted to go more often"
but at the moment when a mate suggests going to an away game my first thought is can I really justify spending £50-£150 on a day out that is probably going to end in disappointment?
The answer being no.
So I restrict myself to a few away games (Palace, Watford maybe QPR), that won't cost too much and just hope the team turns up too.
But having said that, if this season we really start to put a run together and shows a bit of consistency then I will be tempted to go to a few more games.
More than a few FOD - people lose the enthusiasm to go when you can't behave how you want to behave because of our "Sit down brigade" - Most of the time I'd rather not go than either 1. Sit there bored out my skull or 2. End up unitentionally (sp) upsetting other supporters though my actions! Luckily I know that I can be myself at Palace and feel comfortable doing so!!
As usual, the old "sit darn blanket brigade" argument bubbles up again. I'm sorry but this attitude really hacks me off as well as it being offensive to fellow fans, some of whom have been coming to watch for donkeys years. What a shame we seem to live in a "me first and f*ck the lot of you" society where for alcohol induced idiocy, people think the right way to behave is to act in a loutish, aggressive inconsiderate fashion: then to blame those who want to support their team by actually sitting in the seats that they have paid for as being responsible for the lack of numbers attending, really does take the biscuit - incredible!!!!!!!
I have to say that against Forest, those who continued to stand really hacked me off because apart from anything else it was completely distracting for every five minutes or so to have to watch the stewards trying to do something about it. Plus it was orchestrated by attention seeking "look at me I'm Billy Bigb*llocks" stuff.
I continue to be in favour of safe standing areas, I am not in favour of moronic behaviour at the expense of most who've bought a ticket.
There's a lesson there.
Lets not forget the "I'm happy to sit down if it's cold cos then i can sit on my hands for warmth but then if it gets a bit exciting i wouldn't mind the option of standing up for a bit too" brigade.
I'm a member of the "happy to stand or sit whatever depending on where my seats is but if the latter, would like to stand and jump and cheer and maybe make a little noise if we do indeed score a goal"
Bing> agree about at Forest, there were people who couldn't see half the game because the steward had to constantly stand at the top of the stairwell in front of them to check the people were still sitting down - which they weren't. then he had to go back up the stairs, tell them to sit down again and then they sing the old "unfunny" get a proper job song.
I think they can usually be found in the East Stand.
Well done that man!
So as i suspected, the staff in the Bexleyheath shop lied when selling us tickets that weren't adjacent.....