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Why is music so evoking at shaking our memories

edited September 2008 in Not Sports Related
What is it about music that is so important that it always strikes a chord, and touches a nerve?


  • I know mate. You've obviously been in love and heard something that reminds you of happier times.....
    I could list a few songs that always take me back to young love and carefree days.
  • Music anchors feelings in the mind happy and sad. I can't listen to certain pieces without feeling emotional.
  • And sometimes is not even music you like.Certain tunes from certain eras, whether your own taste or not, can evoke the strongest memories.
  • Definitely.

    I should be so lucky (hideous) reminds me of being at Secondary school.

    Is great when a piece of music you love reminds you of a great time though.
  • edited September 2008
    "One good thing about music, when it hits you fell no pain,
    One good thing about music, when it hits you fell no pain
    So hit me with music, hit me with music
    Hit me with music, hit me with music now"

    Because it takes me somewhere else. To the past, to some other part of me like nothing else can.

    "Music was my first love
    And it will be my last
    Music of the future
    And music of the past

    To live without my music
    Would be impossible to do
    In this world of troubles
    My music pulls me through"
  • Funny this subject should be raised after something that happened on Saturaday evening.....can't and won't go into it here but the emotions can be stirred by just thinking of ones past and happier times....the older one gets the more poigniant and repeated they'll all find that out someday, if you haven't already.
  • I find that music AND smells can cast the mind back ( tho not always together).
  • [cite]Posted By: miserableold-ish git[/cite]I find that music AND smells can cast the mind back ( tho not always together).

    Remember a few years back I was sitting on a bus when I guy sat down 7 or 8 row in front of me carrying a red and white duffle bag just like the one my dad used for work many, many years before.

    As soon as I saw it I "smelt" the tobacco and paint (my dad was a painter and decorator) smell of my dad's bag.
  • Maybe he stole it from him!

    Whenever I smell marzipan it throws me back to school dinners... I hated MArzipan :o(
  • [cite]Posted By: miserableold-ish git[/cite]I find that music AND smells can cast the mind back ( tho not always together).

    Yeah... Whenever I'm in a duty free and I walk past a certain kind of perfume, my heart leaps back about 13 years :-s

    *Sensitive male on football forum alert!*
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    This gets me every time.

    Does it strike a nerve with anyone else?
  • .... and why can I remember every song and lyrics from the 70s but forget what I did last week!
  • I find that music AND smells can cast the mind back ( tho not always together).
    I read once that the part of the brain that processes smells is next to the part that looks after memories and that may explain the relationship. I should probably check this before talking about it again in case it’s nonsense. 
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