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What the f*** is going on ?

Ok. Club has a financial review amid rumours of a takeover. Review finds that the board feel that they are best placed to continue running club. Mr. Varney leaves to spend more time with his family. Mr. Chapple takes the big seat. Everything at the club that is not nailed down or painted red is put up for sale. Spend nothing unless it has a blue cross on it. In 13 months take in money from the sale of Diawarra, Bent x 2, Traore, Reid, Iwelumo, Bougherra, McCarthy, couple of minnows and recieve 2 years parachute money. Mislead our manager about financial situation. Scare the fans sh*tless. The board keeps uncannily quiet....Discuss


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  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Ok. Club has a financial review amid rumours of a takeover. Review finds that the board feel that they are best placed to continue running club. Mr. Varney leaves to spend more time with his family. Mr. Chapple takes the big seat. Everything at the club that is not nailed down or painted red is put up for sale. Spend nothing unless it has a blue cross on it. In 13 months take in money from the sale of Diawarra, Bent x 2, Traore, Reid, Iwelumo, Bougherra, McCarthy, couple of minnows and recieve 2 years parachute money. Mislead our manager about financial situation. Scare the fans sh*tless. The board keeps uncannily quiet....Discuss

    I think that your post is distinctly lacking in facts and has just been cobbled together using an an amalgamation of untruths and assumptions.
  • Wow, this is really getting boring now.
  • Brunello. Was rumour of takeover. Mr Varney did leave for those reasons. Review did find that. We are selling ? Not buying ! What is so off beam with my post exactly ?
  • Rumour of a takeover doesnt make it a fact. Mislead the manager about finacial situation is definitely not true. The board keeping quiet? Well I have been to two meetings recently where board mebers have been more than open and isnt the chairman on the CAFC site just today given his views?
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite] What is so off beam with my post exactly ?

    The fact that you left off all the players that have been brought in during that period.
    The fact that the difference between running a prem squad and running a championship squad is some £20m lower per annum.
    The fact that we stayed a bit top heavy last season in the hope of promotion with the fallback that we had another parachute payment. We don't have that fallback now if it doesn't happen this season, so have to get ourselves alligned for the worst scenario that if we don't go up this season, we won't go into administration.

    Apart from that, spot on !

    All that has happened this week is Bougherra has gone, which we knew would happen weeks ago.
  • Mislead our manager about financial situation. Scare the fans sh*tless. The board keeps uncannily quiet....Discuss


    You know for certain that Pardew has been misled about the financial situation?

    As for the board being "uncannily quiet"...did Steve Waggott and Martin Simons not just turn up at a meeting of City Addicks? I think the board have been realistic and reasonably open - we fans need to remember that are no longer a premiership club, and cannot afford players on high wages. The board it appears have made the decision to cut their cloth according to the current financial (and dire) circumstances and maybe take the pain now rather than have to sell players halfway through the season.

    The economics of running a football club are hopelessly screwed anyway and whether we like it or not that is the environment we have to operate in.
  • Pardew seems to think he was mislead. I said rumour of takeover. Like to see what board would say to our "firesale" attitude. Open.......Not for me.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Brunello. Was rumour of takeover. Mr Varney did leave for those reasons. Review did find that. We are selling ? Not buying ! What is so off beam with my post exactly ?

    Varney left for personal reasons and nothing more as he made quite clear.

    Of course you are free to believe anything you like, but he's always come across to me as a man of integrity, therefore I choose to believe him rather than a half-baked, fact-lite conspiracy theory.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Pardew seems to think he was mislead. I said rumour of takeover. Like to see what board would say to our "firesale" attitude. Open.......Not for me.

    So you've gone from Pardew was mislead, to seems to think he was mislead.

    What special insight have you got into this?
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  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Pardew seems to think he was mislead. I said rumour of takeover. Like to see what board would say to our "firesale" attitude. Open.......Not for me.

    So no facts then as I said.

    Why do you and others use the phrase 'fire sale'? That means to me everything being sold normally for less than its value. Can you name one player we have sold that we havent got fair value for?
  • For what its worth I also feel sure Peter Varney left for those reasons. The rest of my post is trying to fathom out what is happening at Charlton. Glad you think I am free to believe whatever I like though. I am just a very concerned supporter that thinks that at the moment we are not sitting pretty. Manager forced to sell players ! No money for like for like replacements. Season 14 days away and we have two centre backs !
  • As for takeover "rumours" the board that you say was "uncannily quiet" made a statement around this time last year that they had appointed a merchant bank to advise them of all available options, all strictly legal of course but also in keeping with the board over the last decade or more - they were open and straight with the fans and didn't unnecessarily hype the situation.
  • I said ARE uncannily quiet not WAS. I was referring to the fact that I and others are fairly shocked at what is going on at the moment.
  • Manager forced to sell players ! No money for like for like replacements. Season 14 days away and we have two centre backs !


    Find an investor with deepish pockets and introduce him to the board, then we'll be able to solve the conundrum of how to buy and pay Prem wages while on much lower championship budget.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]For what its worth I also feel sure Peter Varney left for those reasons. The rest of my post is trying to fathom out what is happening at Charlton. Glad you think I am free to believe whatever I like though. I am just a very concerned supporter that thinks that at the moment we are not sitting pretty. Manager forced to sell players ! No money for like for like replacements. Season 14 days away and we have two centre backs !

    If you read what Pardew says he actually realises we need a centre-back another defender and a centre midfielder and they're working to get one!!
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]For what its worth I also feel sure Peter Varney left for those reasons. The rest of my post is trying to fathom out what is happening at Charlton. Glad you think I am free to believe whatever I like though. I am just a very concerned supporter that thinks that at the moment we are not sitting pretty. Manager forced to sell players ! No money for like for like replacements. Season 14 days away and we have two centre backs !

    Another fact for you. The manager hasnt been forced to sell anyone other than within the budgetary requirements he knew months ago he had to fulfil.
  • [cite]Posted By: StanmoreAddick[/cite][url=,19528,11686_3865417,00.html]recognise the story???[/url]

    I haven't seen anything from Boothroyd saying that he wasn't fully aware of the situation though.

    My concern is where is this going to end?

    It seems that we are working on the basis that everyone is for sale, with the manager having little say in the matter.
  • Correct. The only time that a "takeover" was ever remotely mentioned was an exagerrated story in the press when the club appointed an outside consultancy to investigate ways of making money to bolster the business, something it was duty bound to do under Stock market regulations, hardly the most dubious of business practices. That it came to nothing and the board concluded that the solvency and future of the club was paramount speaks volumes and if you want any more tangible evidence the fact that some of them have once again dug deep, on a structured basis and not just splashing the cash to play fantasy football this year, securing the stadium, borrowing and the long term future of Charlton Athletic whilst they were at it further reinforces that. It's been very easy to dig at the way Charlton has been run because over the years the club has been so open (and having been on the receiving end, though not even a tenth of what Peter Varney got), but if precedents are there not to be followed and steps are to be taken now to avoid them, then I'd rather have a Charlton than no Charlton at all.
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  • Have you read what Mr. Pardew has just said to the media ?
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Have you read what Mr. Pardew has just said to the media ?

    More to the point, have you?
  • I think people should stop jumping to conclusions and blowing things out of proportion all the time.
    everything the club are doing is for the good of the club. Its a shame players have to leave, but in order to strive on, this has to happen. we're not in the Premier league, we were punching above our weight (and spending) when we were there but you had to to survive. we now have to go the other way to survive.

    this 24 news feed that we expect is unrealistic and message boards and websites only lead to making everything neurotic. i went to see my charlton supporting g'dad last night who wouldn't know how to use the internet, and he's quite calm and relaxed, keen to sign players, but not altogether writing the team, the manager, and the club off.

    Everyone is so hungry for information all the time, and if 30 minutes passes without a bit of charlton news you shout from the rooftops that we're doomed!
    it hasn't always been like this, how the hell did you cope when you read the programme weekly and that was it?
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Have you read what Mr. Pardew has just said to the media ?

    Yes. And he doesnt say he was forced to sell boogy and he says he is looking for like for like replacements which is what you have just said isnt happening!
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]I think people should stop jumping to conclusions and blowing things out of proportion all the time.
    everything the club are doing is for the good of the club. Its a shame players have to leave, but in order to strive on, this has to happen. we're not in the Premier league, we were punching above our weight (and spending) when we were there but you had to to survive. we now have to go the other way to survive.

    this 24 news feed that we expect is unrealistic and message boards and websites only lead to making everything neurotic. i went to see my charlton supporting g'dad last night who wouldn't know how to use the internet, and he's quite calm and relaxed, keen to sign players, but not altogether writing the team, the manager, and the club off.

    Everyone is so hungry for information all the time, and if 30 minutes passes without a bit of charlton news you shout from the rooftops that we're doomed!
    it hasn't always been like this, how the hell did you cope when you read the programme weekly and that was it?

    Trust a woman to butt in on an argument
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Have you read what Mr. Pardew has just said to the media ?

    More to the point, have you?

    does everything he say have to be the truth? or could he just be voicing HIS opinon with his spin and his words? its not gospel what he says, surely just his opinion. he didn't know about the money constraints, maybe he wasn't told? maybe he thought it'd be ok? maybe he didn't listen? maybe he thought he could get by? maybe he didn't realise how serious it was? there are a million reasons why he didn't know he had to make cutbacks, one line from him could be read a thousand ways. same as anyone.
  • If the club ever gets to find a backer etc they have to anounce this in the City somewhere. They dont have a choice as a PLC theyhave to do it.

    If they are looking to get someone intrested then there may be a logic in clearing debt but when you sell off some of your most valuable assets the value of the club as a whole falls. I mean the players. If the board was intrested in making a few bob wouldnt it be more logical for them to bring in players, increase value of the asset and therefore get more money for their own shares ?

    I dont think there is an investor waiting in the wings. If there was im sure they would like tha assets sold pre them geting on the board.

    my own opinion (therefore it isnt wrong or pesimistic but opinion !!!!!!!!) is they are clearing debt , maybe the banks have told them the rate of overdarft is going up sky high. They see the yoof players as our way forward and are taking a gamble that we can be up there with no real cash spent on the playing staff. I think its a huge risk .
  • [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]I think people should stop jumping to conclusions and blowing things out of proportion all the time.
    everything the club are doing is for the good of the club. Its a shame players have to leave, but in order to strive on, this has to happen. we're not in the Premier league, we were punching above our weight (and spending) when we were there but you had to to survive. we now have to go the other way to survive.

    this 24 news feed that we expect is unrealistic and message boards and websites only lead to making everything neurotic. i went to see my charlton supporting g'dad last night who wouldn't know how to use the internet, and he's quite calm and relaxed, keen to sign players, but not altogether writing the team, the manager, and the club off.

    Everyone is so hungry for information all the time, and if 30 minutes passes without a bit of charlton news you shout from the rooftops that we're doomed!
    it hasn't always been like this, how the hell did you cope when you read the programme weekly and that was it?

    Trust a woman to butt in on an argument

    Poke it Jake. :-)
  • edited August 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]
    Trust a woman to butt in on an argument
    But you have to admit she has a very good point.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Have you read what Mr. Pardew has just said to the media ?[/quote]

    Yes - he had been given a budget to adhere to which he duly has and can now work to bring in new players before the August 31st transfer window, whilst being hugely positive about players that he has brought in and those that are now settled. Scares me sh#tless that does.
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