Erm well whilst we're about it, this post is to all of you that write 'the' Valley. It should be 'The' Valley with a capital T. That includes you Ben. I know, I'm a sad old git!
[cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Erm well whilst we're about it, this post is to all of you that write 'the' Valley.
It should be 'The' Valley with a capital T.
That includes you Ben.
I know, I'm a sad old git!
[cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Surely one " takes" english ?
Its l[strike]itercay[/strike]sorry[strike]litercy[/strike]no I mean literacy in junior school and then English in Secondary
Only in ponsey nonsey pc state schools. My 9 year old son now goes to an independent school, courtesy of the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and they call it English.
[cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Surely one " takes" english ?
Its l[strike]itercay[/strike]sorry[strike]litercy[/strike]no I mean literacy in junior school and then English in Secondary
Only in ponsey nonsey pc state schools. My 9 year old son now goes to an independent school, courtesy of the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and they call it English.
Have you changed his name to Tarquin so he fits in? ; - )
Isn't it sometimes spelt Ralph but pronounced Raef?
He's doing OK thanks Henry. His Tutor (they have a tutor as well as a class teacher) is absolutely excellent. She has a real grasp of the challenges posed by children with attachment disorders and associated educational difficulties which flow from them. My son at aged 9 cannot read and can only "copy" write and they have had to go back to the absolute beginning and teach him from scratch. She knows that he can only learn when he feels safe (attachment disordered children have acute personal safety fears which result in "fight or flight" behaviours). The Indivdual Education Plan which we have just been given for next term is the most comprehensive and professional one I have ever seen. His Tutor has asked if she can come and visit him during the holiday as part of her ongoing work in providing him with a secure attachment figure at school. This is a great idea and points up again the level of support for him which she/the school is providing.
Most importantly he likes it there, he has taken to it as well as anybody could have hoped and he is learning, really for the first time, about making decisions for himself, (and having to deal with the consequences of bad decisions), rather than having them made for him or having a teaching support worker standing on his shoulder. We as parents have, for the first time, been able to step away and let things happen with some growing confidence that he is being supported in the right way. We have had some challenging behaviour at home as he has often run out of reserves of patience and concentration when he gets home but we have been able to find ways, better to support him. He's a fantastic kid with great spirit and above average intelligence despite his learning difficulties. The school believe (as do we) that he has many positive attributes and they take every opportunity to give him praise and this is really paying dividends. I am extremely pleased with the progress he has made in a very short time.
Good news. I was worried that a change of School might be another "loss" that he'd have to cope with but it sounds like he's getting what he needs at school and at home.
Well done to you and Mrs Bing. Certainly puts my moans and groans as a parent of a boy the same age into perspective. We'll have to get the two of then to meet up some time. At least they will be able to talk Charlton non-stop.
Good stuff Bing, it's pleasing to know amongst all the doom & gloom headlines that there are some stories out there and examples of where State education is doing it's best.
Good to know that they do try. With my word blindness probs (how the f**k can someone with dyslexia ever spell it ?) i remember geting the cane numerous times re not trying etc etc etc . Was always in the top class , they just thought i wasnt trying ! so pain and lots of it was the answer.
The two young chaps you mention above would have been put in the bottom class and basically forgotten about !
There used to be a bloke on the 'CAFC Babes' forum who wrote like he spoke. It was really funny, some absolute gem 'cockney w*nker-isms!
The funny thing was, all his words were longer than 'text speak' & more often than not, the actual spellings of the words, such as: 'Abhart' = about, 'Hughes' = you (as in, don't hughes dare say that) & many more.
The times are a-changing, thats for sure, & society(or some parts) is changing with it, & not always for the better ! There is a great film by Mike Judge(Beavis & Butthead/Office Space/King of the Hill) called 'Idiocracy' & its all about the dumbing down of culture & society throughout the years & into the future. Definitely worth a look!
[cite]Posted By: Stefco[/cite]There used to be a bloke on the 'CAFC Babes' forum who wrote like he spoke. It was really funny, some absolute gem 'cockney w*nker-isms!
The funny thing was, all his words were longer than 'text speak' & more often than not, the actual spellings of the words, such as: 'Abhart' = about, 'Hughes' = you (as in, don't hughes dare say that) & many more.
Was that you Stefco ........were you the genuine 'Addickted2Charlton'?
Then your hero was, no doubt still is, the legendary Bryan Hughes.
And you don't want any 'stahndin dahn ah grahnd' ........
I am a refugee from CAFC babes. There are a lot of really sound folk on there, but this A2C character used to do my swede in. He sounded like a perfectly OK guy (even if he acted like the PC police on occasion) but his post had to be seen to be believed.
Thing is, it didn't abridge what he typed at all - if anything, it must have taken him longer to type messages...
Who are you and I demand you write down your CAFC supporting credentials right now.
At least they are not annoying like Rugby is for Gays or whatever his name was.
All the same person I'd wager.....
As a reformed multi usernamer, I should know. I am the John McVicker of Message Boards.
Tisk tisk tisk Fishnets you must know The "E" word has been banned ?
Its litercay sorry litercy no I mean literacy in junior school and then English in Secondary
It should be 'The' Valley with a capital T.
That includes you Ben.
I know, I'm a sad old git!
You are quite right.
Only in ponsey nonsey pc state schools. My 9 year old son now goes to an independent school, courtesy of the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and they call it English.
Have you changed his name to Tarquin so he fits in? ; - )
You'd need a degree in English to know how to spell and/or pronounce that ; - )
Seriously, how is he getting on Bing? Any change in his behaviour?
He's doing OK thanks Henry. His Tutor (they have a tutor as well as a class teacher) is absolutely excellent. She has a real grasp of the challenges posed by children with attachment disorders and associated educational difficulties which flow from them. My son at aged 9 cannot read and can only "copy" write and they have had to go back to the absolute beginning and teach him from scratch. She knows that he can only learn when he feels safe (attachment disordered children have acute personal safety fears which result in "fight or flight" behaviours). The Indivdual Education Plan which we have just been given for next term is the most comprehensive and professional one I have ever seen. His Tutor has asked if she can come and visit him during the holiday as part of her ongoing work in providing him with a secure attachment figure at school. This is a great idea and points up again the level of support for him which she/the school is providing.
Most importantly he likes it there, he has taken to it as well as anybody could have hoped and he is learning, really for the first time, about making decisions for himself, (and having to deal with the consequences of bad decisions), rather than having them made for him or having a teaching support worker standing on his shoulder. We as parents have, for the first time, been able to step away and let things happen with some growing confidence that he is being supported in the right way. We have had some challenging behaviour at home as he has often run out of reserves of patience and concentration when he gets home but we have been able to find ways, better to support him. He's a fantastic kid with great spirit and above average intelligence despite his learning difficulties. The school believe (as do we) that he has many positive attributes and they take every opportunity to give him praise and this is really paying dividends. I am extremely pleased with the progress he has made in a very short time.
Well done to you and Mrs Bing. Certainly puts my moans and groans as a parent of a boy the same age into perspective. We'll have to get the two of then to meet up some time. At least they will be able to talk Charlton non-stop.
With my word blindness probs (how the f**k can someone with dyslexia ever spell it ?) i remember geting the cane numerous times re not trying etc etc etc . Was always in the top class , they just thought i wasnt trying ! so pain and lots of it was the answer.
The two young chaps you mention above would have been put in the bottom class and basically forgotten about !
The funny thing was, all his words were longer than 'text speak' & more often than not, the actual spellings of the words, such as: 'Abhart' = about, 'Hughes' = you (as in, don't hughes dare say that) & many more.
The times are a-changing, thats for sure, & society(or some parts) is changing with it, & not always for the better ! There is a great film by Mike Judge(Beavis & Butthead/Office Space/King of the Hill) called 'Idiocracy' & its all about the dumbing down of culture & society throughout the years & into the future. Definitely worth a look!
Was that you Stefco ........were you the genuine 'Addickted2Charlton'?
Then your hero was, no doubt still is, the legendary Bryan Hughes.
And you don't want any 'stahndin dahn ah grahnd' ........
Thing is, it didn't abridge what he typed at all - if anything, it must have taken him longer to type messages...
Man alive.