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Mark Robson

edited July 2008 in General Charlton
What's happened to Mark Robson. Has he left the club?


  • no mate his been siting down alot, makes it difficult to see him.
  • According to the Kent Messenger today, they are just waiting for the club to officially confirm his departure! Will this mean a promotion for Mark Kinsella?
  • Do we think he has another job or is it a cost cutting exercise?

    I'll go first - the latter imo.
  • why is no one discussing this?

    Is it not important that he might be leaving?
  • my thoughts exactly-

    any reasons/ inside knowledge/ scurrilous (sp) rumours/ fiction?
  • He wasn't a Pards appointment so was always going to be vulnerable.

    Probably dared to say one of the non-league strikers was sh*te.
  • will Kins be promoted ? Will Pards become more hands-on ? Will another coach be brought in ? Why is he going ?

    Questions, questions but as normal no answers. And what about the friendly ? I take on Board what our Henry says but once a Chief Exec or whatever of a Laeague 1 Club says we are playing Bilbao we begin to look stupid. Surely no harm in a 'subject to contracts being signed we will be playing Bilbao on 2 August' story.
  • I think the number of backroom staff is a bit excessive personally given that we've slashed other areas.
  • Maybe he has a better job offer somewhere else?
  • will Kins be promoted ? Will Pards become more hands-on ? Will another coach be brought in ? Why is he going ?

    Questions, questions but as normal no answers. And what about the friendly ? I take on Board what our Henry says but once a Chief Exec or whatever of a Laeague 1 Club says we are playing Bilbao we begin to look stupid. Surely no harm in a 'subject to contracts being signed we will be playing Bilbao on 2 August' story.
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  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]I think the number of backroom staff is a bit excessive personally given that we've slashed other areas.

    thats what i was thinking

    Shame though good bloke
  • I think he was good at the lower level of management but we have to remember he was a part of the "Reed & Robbo" combination that doomed us. He may be a nice guy but maybe not cut out for coaching the first team?

    Maybe he was offered to drop back down a couple of tiers but rejected it, which is fair enough after experiencing the dugout of the first team for 18 months.
  • He's now an official pot plant in the main reception, if you look carefully you can see him in the corner with a yuka plant on his head.
  • Not a Pards Man I'm afraid so was always going to be eased out at some stage, thing is if Pards had taken a pay cut (Not unreasonable after last seasons showing) Robbo would not be part of any cost cutting exercise. I would imagine Kinsella will be the next out when his contrcat expires unless of course Sooper Al is not shown the door first !
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]if Pards had taken a pay cut

    Now I understand why we have a £5M deficit to cover...

    Give me proper Charlton men like Peacock, Chrissie Powell, Kins, Brownie anyday over that arrogant so and so. If we have to sink into oblivion again, I'd much rather do so with them!
  • was he at West Ham same time as Ince ? Maybe moving on.
  • anyone know the real reason, or doesn't that matter?
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]anyone know the real reason, or doesn't that matter?

    I guess no-one knows, Rothers, or if they do, they're not telling!
  • Don't know the ins and outs, and not really bothered to be honest.

    What i do know though is that Robbo is an absolutely cracking guy, has always been both as a player and a coach, an absolute credit to the club both on and off the pitch, and is someone who has time for everyone.

    I really hope he has been treated fairly by the powers that be.

    Will be missed by quite a few people i'm sure.
  • I bumped into him on the mini shuttle train back to the Terminal at Stansted, one late Sunday night on the way back from Majorca about 3 years ago.
    Noticed loads of kids in CAFC trackies, spotted Mark there and asked him where he'd been, some tourno for kids in Amsterdam, seemed a nice chap at the time.
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  • Very bad news indeed if Mark Robson is leaving.
  • edited July 2008
    shda asked at CA, I do recall no mention of Robson when Kins as next Manager was discussed, so probably a shoe in..
  • Pards=tosser
  • [cite]Posted By: PeanutsMolloy[/cite]Very bad news indeed if Mark Robson is leaving.

    playing devils advocate, why ? He was first team coach last season and we were not good enough. Maybe he isn't up to the job. Nice man he may be but we need to start winning football matches.
  • Surely if this is yrue, it's a case of cutting costs and the axe falling somewhere. If he wasn't Pards pick in the first place it's hardly surprising. Also as LA has just suggested, he may be getting it because of the failings of last season. It's the classic case of things were f*cked up, somebody has to carry the can, it won't be Pards as he is clearly staying, it's unlikely to be Parky or Kins as they have been Pards picks, therefore it has to be Robbo. It may be a tad unfair but c'est la guerre.
  • edited July 2008
    [quote][cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Pards=tosser[/quote]

    northstand that really is a low blow pal.
    You have absolutely 'no idea' why this has/is happening and to dig Pardew out like that without knowing the full SP is way OTT.
    You wont find anyone with a bad word re Mark Robson that's true but LargeAddick may well have hit the nail smack on the head, as unpalatable as that may seem to some of us.
  • edited July 2008
    Sorry northstand you're normally a good and respected poster and I can't speak for anyone else but I for one am not prepaired to listen to that kind of stuff without proof.And anyway plenty of good bosses 'are' arrogant by nature, it's what makes them tick or haven't you noticed?
    Not that I'm compairing Pardew with these guys but do any of these names ring a bell with you?
    Clough.(The Crowned Prince of Arrogance some would say).
    Mohurinio.(Or however you spell it?).
    The list goes on and on and no doubt there are other posters out there who could come up with an even more comprehensive and appropriate selection of arrogant sods of the first order.
    Sometimes as the boss you have to make some petty nasty moves and you cop the shyte no matter which way you turn; didn't Curbs have to do it and many times and I have to say Curb's could be as arrogant and stubborn as hell when the occassion struck him,it's part of the territory northstand.
  • edited July 2008
    confirmed by the club
  • Have just read that piece & I have Steam coming out my ears listening to that drivel from the king of Spin. Northstand Steves short comment above is 100% correct.
  • the way its worded he wanted out, I think its probably best for all concerned. Hope Kins stays and becomes next Manager myself. Anyway Robbo always seemed a top bloke and a model player so all the very best to him.
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